Your first movie

Toby Tyler, one of the live action Disney films. I had to have been very young, so it was in 1960 or 1961. Not sure if that was a first run for the movie or not, but it was on the big screen in a theater.

What he said.

The Lady and the Tramp

What they said. Funny, I was also about three and it was a re-release at a drive-in. Couldn’t have been the original 1967 run because I wasn’t born 'til '68.

I only remember it because the film melted at one point and I thought it was part of the movie!

I always thought it was Dr. Zhivago or Help! but the IMDB tells me those were released in 1965 so I guess it was Mary Poppins in 1964. I was 4 years old. I remember going to it with one or more of my brother and sisters but I’m not sure which were there, or if my parents were there. That’s about it. After those I don’t remember seeing a movie in a theater until Love Story in 1970. We didn’t go to movies a lot then and I still don’t.

The first movie I remember seeing was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, in 1970. Willy Wonka was my first love, and thus, at the tender age of 4 or 5, began my lifelong attraction to smart, sarcastic men in purple velvet coats (okay, that last part is optional).

I didn’t get to see the end for years afterward, though, because the neighbor kid we went with had a meltdown and my mother had to drag him out of the theatre. Of course I had to go along. I don’t think I forgave that kid for that tantrum for a very long time. :slight_smile:

Star Wars for me too. Probably about 3. Hilo got movies about 6 months behind Honolulu at the time.

I was about 5, so this would have been 1962. My father took us to see a double feature of The Premature Burial and either The Absent Minded Professor or The Son of Flubber. My older brother got scared by T.P.B. so we had to leave. Chicken.

I saw ‘Planet of the Apes’ when it came out, so I was about 3 or 4, perhaps? My brother (12 years older) took me…mum was always making him take me to Disney films, so instead he took me to see ‘Dirty Harry’, ‘The Posiden Adventure,’ ‘The Sting’…I loved my brother!

I have a sister who did pretty much the same thing. I remember watching Silver Streak and The Cannonball Run but not quite understanding what was happening on the screen.

I had a pretty good idea (my brother was very patient, and would explain things), but always focused on daft things…I remember being VERY concerned about the kids in the bus in ‘Dirty Harry’ – not cos they were being menaced by Andrew Robinson, but cos they might be late getting home from school…and I usually saw the films more than once as Mum would blow a gasket and make my dad take me to see the Disney, and HE would then wish to see the same films my brother had taken me to…

I had a pretty good idea (my brother was very patient, and would explain things), but always focused on daft things…I remember being VERY concerned about the kids in the bus in ‘Dirty Harry’ – not cos they were being menaced by Andrew Robinson, but cos they might be late getting home from school…and I usually saw the films more than once as Mum would blow a gasket and make my dad take me to see the Disney, and HE would then wish to see the same films my brother had taken me to …

I was five when The Sound Of Music came out. It was a summer (late summer) movie. An aunt of mine, who loved kids but had none of her own, asked my four sisters and I whether we’d rather go shopping for new school shoes or go to the movies. Of course, we picked the movies. So, she took us to see The Sound Of Music. Then she took us to get new school shoes. :slight_smile:
What a great thing to remember!

I remember being taken out of Watership Down, crying my eyes out. I don’t remember anything about the film except which cinema it was, and being carried out in hysterics. Which is fair enough considering I was 2. I do however remember looking forward to, watching and loving The Empire Strikes Back two years later.

Although Mom probably took me took me to some Disney movie first, my earliest memory of going to the theater was with ny aunt and cousins to see the Peter Fonda flick Outlaw Blues, so I would be three or nearly four depending on when it made it to our town. I also remember my mom taking me to see Orca when it first came out.

The first movie I remember and recognize from TV was the Henry Fonda vs. the Wild Buch scene in My Name Is Nobody, at the same aunt’s house. I remember saying, “Oh no! That old man is going to get run over by those cowboys!” Silly me. Still a favorite film of mine to this day. I also remember some black and white epic about the Roman empire because of scenes of Roman centurions marching through city streets, but I have never identified the film.

I think it was either E.T. or the He-Man movie (the animated one where he first meets She-Ra not the crappy live-action one) I must of been about 4 years old at the time (1984).

Gosh, you guys are young. For me it was “Seventh Voyage of Sinbad” in 1958.

The Blob starring Steve McQueen which was released in 1958, so I must have been 7. I think it cost $.10 to get in for the matinee show. I spent most of the movie in the lobby peeking around the door to see if anybody else had been slurped up. I had nightmares for weeks.

Either ET during the 1985 re-release or D.A.R.Y.L the same year. I was 2. I haven’t seen either since.

An American Tail when I was two. How very lame.