Your longest bout of celibacy...

Since I became an adult I haven’t had to wait much more than a month. If I count after I became sexually active (I was young) then my longest was a little over 2 years.

18 years and some.

5-6 if we’re only talking puberty+.

cadolphin I can top that!!! It’s been twenty three years, since February of 1980.

If you don’t count the first 18 years of my life, 3 weeks. It was hell.

One year, eight months.

9 months. 4 times in my adult life.

I’m currently in the longest period of celibacy in my life, and it’s been waaaaaaaay too long and I’m perfectly willing to have the streak broken.
Not that I’m looking for volunteers. Okay, maybe I am, but I’m trying not to be obvious.

Maybe 2 months (since I started, of course).

Oddly enough, the longest bouts have been within relationships, rather than between them. Damn those long-distance romances, anyway.

Coming up on four years.

sigh I miss sex. :frowning:

When did Independence Day come out?

My condolences Baker!!!


Sorry, Baker; thirty-seven years, here.

Am I the only one who scanned the “Location” fields in this thread looking for candidates?

My patheticism knows no bounds.

Wow. For some strange reason, I feel better now.

It’s only been 7 1/2 years for me.

Actually, seven years, five months, 14 days, six hours and 20 minutes, but who’s keeping track…

July 4.


Lessee, 18 years, then seven years, then three months, and I currently have it down to about two weeks tops.

There is hope.

The longest: near a year and a half.
The latest: since Dec 23 last year.

Not desperate yet… really, REALLY. I mean REALLY, Really!. :wink:

Y’know, if we combined this with a “Where are you, really” kind of thing, I’m thinking we could shorten some of these times.

Given that no method of contraception is foolproof (Mary was a virgin and man, if you don’t think same-sex relations can produce children you are way behind in your fanfic) we could even claim to be aiding Cecil in fighting ignorance by giving smart people the chance to spread their genes.

Yes, it has been about two weeks, why are you asking?

August 10th 1999 to January 12th 2002. After reading some of the responses here, I feel like the luckiest man alive.

'Bout three years. It was not an intentional celibacy, more that there was just no likely candidates nor opportunity. I didn’t really think much about it at the time, but now I look back…sheesh, how the HELL did I survive? :smiley: