Your Vote Needed! for your favourite poems in the SDMB Poetry Sweatshop Anthology of April 2010

I believe we have reached a happy and stable place.

And thanks again Ministre!

I know a few of the poets have already noticed, but I wanted to add a link here in case any more poets write short fiction as well. Next weekend (May 14 - 16 of 2010), we will be trying the Straight Dope Message Board Flash Fiction Contest. Details and ongoing discussion to be found in this thread. I hope some (or indeed, all of you) will be interested in participating.

I seemed to like the same ones that most others did and all of them are worthwhile.

“Sunset at Sea” is the one that has the most personal meaning for me. I love the sea and I think in another life I was an old salt. At my age, it’s getting a little late in the day and I’ve been thinking about sunset lately. And the imagery of the scarlet sea and the darkness followed by the light is a lot in a few words. Thank you for writing this poem.

AppallingGael, you are hilarious! I wish I were teaching again just so that I could share your outrageous rhyming with my students!

“Among Winter Trees” I keep thinking of Garrison Keillor reading this aloud on his spot on NPR and at the end saying, “That was from a book of poems by The Hamster King…”

This one appeals to that part of me which loves some things left unanswered. Your images are oh so cold.

And I haven’t scratched the surface of all the poems that I like!! Hurray for all of you!!