Of COURSE I’m joking! Hence the
That has to be one of my favorite Misunderstood Lyrics, though.
Ellen Cherry
Does that mean you find some creedece in my Frank Sinatra theory?
So basically, we’re looking for a transvestite with a gimpy eye and sea legs.
Shouldn’t be that hard to find.
You were so naïve back then. (Notice Vaïn is a misspelled anagram of Naïve without the funky umlaut.)
Are you sure he didn’t say you had such a pretty pair?
Cite? I’m intrigued by this… what do you mean somebody “bought the secret”?
Well, you gave away the things you loved. One of them was me. Or maybe two. Ha!
I hear that tastes funny.
This is all I know about that…
Skip down to “Possible Dreams Auction - 2003” if you just want the part I “remembered”
From Carly’s web site:
That’s what I thought… “and that they had better cleave!”
Someone told me it was John Denver, so it must be.
Jose Canseco was nine years old when the sone came out. I think he is out of the running.
Well, hell, that leaves *me *out.
You caught me. I made that up. Maybe it was Macaulay Culkin? Or that kid they use for Quizno’s ads? Surely Carly could see the future, right?
No, no, jr, t’was me!
:::over in the corner, learning the Gavotte:::
Well, that would seem to shoot down wolf_meister’s theory, although Carly could have been thinking of Frank’s full name – Francis Albert Sinatra. And the further revelations of a and r being in the mix keep the speculation alive.
Sorry to join this thread so late, I was spending some time with the wife of a close friend…
… and I was with some underworld spy…