You've made a student cry? (warning: long)

And bring past teachers, or get statements from them, to help demonstrate how far off Ms. Cunt is with her assessment of your sister. From your story it sounds like she’s been doing very well in school (in both mainstream and LD classes) for a number of years. It’s ridiculous that this woman could come on the scene and be so radically destructive.

Are you being whooshed or am I?

Sorry for the bump, but I’m rolling in my triumph.

My mother went round after round with the caseworker and the administrators to no avail, despite being backed by no less than five different teachers at this point. On Wednesday, my father-- prominent local businessman and all around not someone to be fucked with-- had a meeting with the the superintendant of schools. Yesterday morning, my sister walked into her English class to find another special ed. teacher replacing Ms. Cunt (This teacher my sister has worked successfully with in the past). We’ve been told it was due to a ‘scheduling conflict’. Right. A sudden, unexpected scheduling conflict.



That’s wonderful, ZillahsGin! Congrats!

That’s great to hear, Zillah!!

Just so you know, the c word is about equivalent to the n word or the f word for some of us around here. I’m not telling you this to dump on your thread or try to make you change how you post; just telling you how I react to that particular word.

HUZZAH for your sis, hope that evil evil woman got what she deserved. The fruit train of thought is deserved. Fruit the woman, dammit!

I always get so frustrated when I read threads like this
because I am dysgraphic and can never adequately express my frustration. That someone like your sister can still be exposed to a person like Ms. Crap (the vaginal reference is too good for the likes of her) makes me want to scream and hit something real hard.
But enough about me, congratulations for a new, good teacher!Woo-Hoo!!

Hooray for baby sis! It’s good she has such a dedicated family to cover her back. She’ll go far in life.

Incidentally, when you discovered your sister had a new good teacher, did your parents inquire as to why the system was determined to totally blow your mother off, but jumped to attention as soon as your father got involved? Because that sounds incredibly discriminatory to me. I’m not trying to ruffle feathers or anything, but I’d be curious to know how the school would try to explain that.

Hopefully, she has a regular appointment with that avacado! :stuck_out_tongue:

My dad is dyslexic. My brother is also, but to a lesser extent. They are both highly intelligent men. My dad flunked Sophmore English twice because of it. Of course, that was 40 years ago. Today he is a fine, upstanding member of society that makes good money as an engineer. Your sister sounds like good stuff. Good luck to her!

PS - Welcome to the SDMB!:slight_smile:

That is WONDERFUL news! I do hope your sister didn’t take to heart anything that Miss C*** said to her. What is your sister’s take on all of this?

I’m so glad to hear that something was done. It pisses me off to no end when teachers are allowed to destroy students’ self confidence like that.

In my HS, we had an AWFUL algebra teacher. I’d study, get extra help, etc, but would still score 40% on his exams. He told me I’d better get my shit together and pass his class if I wanted to go to college. I said I wanted to drop it and take algebra at the community college. He said if I couldn’t pass his class, there’s no way I’d pass at the community college. I took the class at the CC, put in less effor than in his class and earned a B.

He later had the gall to tell a girl I worked with that she was “dumb as a rock” for not understanding what he was teaching. Umm, no, you’re a horrible teacher. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the support system I had, and probably less self-esteem than I had. I can’t help but think he was a contributor in her decision to drop out. Gahh, that was 7 years ago and I’m still pissed.

Good for your mom and sister for not putting up with Ms. C’s shit. Beyotch.

I’m not sure which is more upsetting: that it happened in the first place, or that you had to pull in major forces to get something done. It’s just a crying shame that the only thing to make them change their minds was a form of pulling rank - anybody should’ve been able to get that change to happen, not just a “prominent local businessman.” But I’m very glad it worked!



BTW - love your screenname.

Kudos to you and your family, ZillahsGin

This is the best reason for a thread-bump that I can think of. Victory!

[slight hijack] When I was in 3rd grade, and all the kids were learning multiplication, I just couldn’t. I couldn’t memorize the tables. I really tried. My parents tried to help me. My teacher tried to help me. Nothing worked. I used to cry over those stupid things. No one could figure out why a kid in the “gifted” class couldn’t remember what 6 X 8 was.
In 4th grade I had a teacher who decided that I was “lazy” and “not motivated enough.” She made me stay in at recess and stare at that unintelligable (for me) chart. One day, while I was trying hard not to cry- while the other kids were outside playing- the school’s LD teacher was walking by my classroom and asked me what was wrong. Two days later, they gave me a bunch of tests. Turns out I have a Number-Processing-Related learning disability.
They got me into special “study hall” classes, for half of my math classes, where the LD teacher would teach me NEW ways of doing multiplication thru addition. Worked great.
Unfortunately, in Jr. High and High School, I had a few LD teachers who really believed that an otherwise “smart” kid could not possibly have an LD. And I had one who called me “lazy, unmotivated”, and pronounced me “perfectly capable of doing the work like everyone else, if [they] would just stop babying [me.]” Those words, at a parent-teacher conference, have stuck in my head to this day.
My parents, having some sense, asked that I be transferred to another LD teacher. But to do this required a whole battery of other tests to re-determine the status of the disability. Which came out the same, but with the additional realization that I was further behind, due to the LD teacher’s refusal to help me.
All they did was transfer me. My parents got me an after school tutor, who was a retired LD teacher.
I graduated with honors and eventually caught up, but no thanks to the school system.

HURRAY for your sis and your parents! It’s like a personal victory to me! Good luck to her- and tell her to forget everyone who says she can’t do something or that she isn’t trying hard enough. She’ll shine. :smiley:

Guy I knew at Newcastle was dyslexic. Had terrible trouble reading stuff.

Last time I saw him, he was on his way down to London. To start work on his doctorate. Amazing what these “lazy and unmotivated” people can achieve, isn’t it?

Tom Cruise credits $cientology for supposedly curing him of dyslexia. But it’s entirely possible that he was never dyslexic to begin with. His family also moved around a lot when he was a kid, so maybe there was a gap what a new school and an old school were teaching, and when he didn’t cross it immediately, he was branded as learning disabled. It’s absurdly easy to fall through the cracks.

I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts you can use.

I think that is why the word was used.