What besides butter can I put on my corn-on-the-cob?

Sweet Corn season!

I go with the old butter and salt thing, but I’m getting kinda sick of it (plus I just went on a diet). I was wondering if anyone has other suggestions besides good ole butter?

If you can get those popcorn flavoured salts (i.e. Salt & Vinegar, Barbeque), give 'em a shot.

Are you being ironic?
Try cheese!

I was going to suggest you make it Mexican-style, with butter, grated cheese, chile powder, and lime. But if butter is too much for you, you’re not left with many options, are you?

Didn’t you hear that cutting fat out of your diet isn’t the way to lose weight?

Here in the big D, at the local fairs and stuff I see mayonnaise as an option…certainly not low fat, and the hispnaic folks are the people who generally get it that way…

Do they know something that I don’t? We’ll never know…


have you tried grilling it over charcoal? - hardly needs anything added that way (you can brush it with a little butter or light olive oil as it cooks, but most of that drips off)

I use “I Can’t Belive It’s Not Butter” spray, which is good. I don’t know of any other flavorings that go good with corn, though.

Salt and a little pepper are always nice…over the butter, that is. :slight_smile:

If it’s good corn, you don’t need anything else. You could put some sugar in the water, but I eat mine straight.

My father-in-law will only eat corn on the cob if it’s covered in parmesan cheese. He swears its great but I’ve never tasted it.

There are just some things that shouldn’t have parmesan cheese as a topping, but to each his own I guess. :slight_smile:

Sour cream and grated cheese or lemon and salt
or any combination of the above


Any kind of seasoned salt or interesting pepper blend would work for me. (Don’t knock lemon pepper and garlic salt until you’ve tried it.) For moisty-greasiness, maybe brush with olive oil, if you’re dead set against butter.

I’m gonna try it with the parmesan cheese - that sounds good to me.

Old Bay Seasoning. You should be able to find it at your local grocery store. It’s made in Baltimore by McCormick and Co., and it’s a combination of salt, cayenne pepper (I think), and other tasty yet low-fat spices. In Maryland, we put it on almost everything, most notably seafood. I’ve never had it on corn, but I have put it on other steamed/boiled vegetables, and it’s good.

there’s spray olive oil that my parents really like on corn…I think Pam makes one kind.

Seasoned salt and pepper was our tradition…

We like Mrs. Dash Original seasoning on corn-on-the-cob. Hubby still eats it with butter buy I’m an au natural gal myself. If the corn is good, bareback’s the only way!

My wife, who reacts to fat like it was a dead rat, swears by lime juice and a little salt. Especially if the rest of the meal is Mexican.

Lawry’s All Season…so yummy on corn on the cob.

Butter and salt, why mess with perfection.

Just a little bit. I nuke my corn and add a bit of honey to the water. Makes it extra sweet.