Who's the Worst SDMB Poster Ever?

uncleviney claimed that title here

But I didn’t see it put to vote or anything. I thought this was a more democratic group, so let’s find out. I want to know who’s the Worst SDMB Poster Ever, but I think we should lay down some Ground Rules first. Here they are…

  1. Self-Nomination only! This is not a Doper Bashing Thread! You can’t nominate someone else!

  2. You must provide a link to the Thread in question, and to be eligible the post must be time-stamped prior to this one.

  3. Atrocious spelling, grammar or judgement helpful, but not necessary, for qualification.

  4. Extra points for awarded for style.

Fire When Ready

Spell Check! :smack:
Preview Post! :smack:

I second the motion that unclviny is the worst (and he owes me money).


I’m betting this thread will get closed before it gets to the 10th response.

I’ll just declare unclviny the winner by default, and we’ll be done with it.

Anyone second the motion?

5 responses to go…

The rules are too restrictive. Most posters won’t say (or admit) that they are the worst ever, and few of us have been around long enough to be able to say “ever.” I certainly haven’t. Anyway, if we can’t bash other posters – especially banned ones who aren’t likely to feel the bash – what fun is it? Personally I think there are very few really bad posters, and I can’t think of any offhand that haven’t already been banned for jerkitude above and beyond the tolerance of civilized people. This is a great board. We should choose the best poster instead.

I nominate an old guy who lives in the desert. :smiley:

I meant this in the Spirit unclviny posted his comment - humor. I thought it might be a fun way to say “Heh-heh. Look what I did. Oops”

Oh well. I wasn’t trying to trash unclviny, and I think he recognized that. I thought it might be a light-hearted Thread.

3 responses to go.

Why do I sense my first trip to the Pit coming up?

Sadaam’s a member?
I’ve never read his stuff.

There once was a Doper, I can’t remember who, who started a thread about a traffic meltdown, road rage or something or other.
It received zero comments, that guy surely must be one of the worst posters.

heh-heh. Yeah, that guy was a real stinker. Hey! :wink:

Are you trying to trash posters whose threads have recieved zero comments? :wink:

I think that at least three threads I started received no comments at all… and I can also think of a few threads I’ve started where I wish there were no comments to it… :smack:



I guess I shoulda added a :wink:

I think that SPOOFE guy is the worst poster ever. He’s a total jackass, and all his posts are utterly devoid of usefulness.

BEST poster ever:
The poster of Spiro Agnew that my folks had back in the day, airbrushed with long hair and a peace sign necklace and a fringed indian vest. Wish I knew where THAT was now.

WORST poster:
Hell, toss my hat in unclviny’s corner. Why not? :wink:

Now, if Flamey would be so kind as to provide the requisite links, we can elect her by acclamation and be done with this.

Then start a bash-fest :smiley:

I’ve been praised and cursed.

Just like Eleanor Roosevelt.

Art Bell?

Badum psssht.

No no no. I was the one who started the Thread imthjckaz was referring to.

[Gene Wilder]
I was JOKING!!! Can’t you people take a joke?!?
[/Gene Wilder]

BTW, I still think the original idea/intent of the Thread was viable :rolleyes:

I nominate myself. Everything I post is either ignored or nitpicked to death. I don’t know which is worse.

I think people that say that their posts are ignored might have the upperhand in a ‘Worst Poster’ thread.

But no one comes to mind.

Whoda thunk it?