Who's the Worst SDMB Poster Ever?

How about most forgettable poster? I nominate myself for that. I think it’s the username. No one can remember my username, because it’s not hip or funny or snappy or disgusting or anything like that.

Dude, I suck!

Lovable Rogue

Make sure you work that into your resumé.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am very obviously the correct answer to the OP. And here’s the proof, in this thread’s OP:

My infamous thread

I’m completely invisible to people online, wether it’s this board or any other!

RickJay, that is gonna be real hard to beat.

I once started a thread that got no responses, and I just want to say I feel better knowing that I’m not the only one. Now then, the reason I am the worst poster ever is…

I dunno, maybe because I start so few threads? I usually lurk in other people’s, then post something pointless. Like now, for instance.

RickJay I couldn’t finish the first 10 posts of that thread; ergo, I whole-heartedly and half-stomachly second the nomination…

I think it is safe to say that RickJay has blown away the competition.

There was a post once of mine in the Pit (which I was unable to find in a search … it’s from the first six months or so of my existence here) wherein I quoted someone a LOT and … well, I was still fairly new, and I hadn’t gotten that whole “[/****quote]” thing down yet.

I just tried to duplicate it and was unsuccessful. Looks like a quote doesn’t become a quote unless you have lots of [/****quote] tags.

It was, shall we say, massive. And not in the happy fun way.

Bah. You only need one per [q****uote] tag… I must be losing my mind.

I wouldn’t say I’m the WORST, but I do know that despite my low post count I’ve killed more threads than a high school home ec class.


Personally, I think the criteria should be some combination of high number of spelling/grammar mistakes and low response count for threads started by the nominated poster.

In the meantime, since unclviny is the only admitted SDMB poster that I actually know, I’ll vote for him.

Now, if there was a “most mediocre poster”, I’d surely be in the running for that…

I concede the title to RICKJAY (lest he unleash the “cotton molecule destroying vapors”).

The second worst poster ever

Don’t give up ** unclviny**. There could be a prize involved here. You could just win a two week all-expenses paid vacation to one of Louisiana’s finest beachfront properties. Wouldn’t that be a big treat?

I am already on a five week all expense paid trip to southern louisiana, I would (almost) pay to go home.
I’m curious, do people ever comment on your socks? (is it you?).




And especially here:

Me. The guy who thought up my user name was a largely unacclaimed journalist who died nearly seventy years ago, with a really tragic life. And the cat whose name I bear was largely a loser too, despite her motto of toujours gai archy, toujours gai.

Read it and weep.

“Broke, disabled and blind, Marquis died December 29, 1937”.


I also have been known to end arguments with brilliant observations like, “Oh yeah? Well…you’re a CHICKEN!!” instead of getting the cites.

Actually, that’s how Al Bundy ends arguments, but you get the idea.

I nominate myself for constant misuse of “Your”.
I dont think I have to provide a link because I’m pretty sure that I do it in like every thread I post in.

Yer,Your,You’r,You’re… Which one is it?