I hate this-I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT!!!

Life sucks.

I hate not having a job. I HATE not having any friends in real life, I hate being alone, I HATE sitting at home, day after day, week after week, pushing my post count into the five figure ranges.


I’m bored, and I’m bored and I’m BORED!!!

This house is so fucking small, I can’t go anywhere to be by myself-and I can’t move out as that would cost me money I don’t have and won’t have for a long time. I hate having to take a deferment on my student loans.

I hate dealing with my sister’s snotty attitudes, I hate having to shoo the cats away from the Christmas tree. I hate drying dishes.

I hate that there are no potato chips in the house. I hate not having ANY nice clothes. I hate needing a haircut. I hate that I need and cannot get two root canals and a cap. I hate not having ANY medical coverage, and I hate people pushing their religions on me. I don’t even know what I believe anymore (Oh, I believe in A GOD, but I don’t think I really believe in any one religion).

I hate having nothing new to read. I hate that Leppi Publications STILL has not sent my book.

I hate everything.

Merry Christmas.


Guin, if you want to e-mail me a snail mail address, I will send you a small gift this week, if it will help you feel any better. :slight_smile:

Christmas blues. I know. I just moved to Kansas City, and with the exception of my co-workers (I’ve been at my new job for just two days … so far, so good!), and my landlord, I know few people here. No friends yet, and I’ll likely be spending Christmas alone.

I’m happy to be in Kansas City … I love the place. However, people that are near and dear to me are in New York and New Mexico. Shit, people in other places will be thinking of me.

Guinastasia … I know. Saying it won’t make you feel better, but … I know.

If only it were something major-I could deal with. But not boredom.

It’s the boredom that gets to me. Same old thing, day in, day out. And loneliness.

Tell me about it!!! I’m tired of worrying, tired of never hearing back from employers, and tired of not having a job!!! We’re in the same city. Shoot me an e-mail if you want together and trade stories about how rotten our lives are. Also, if worst comes to worst, I might even be able to offer you a spare place to bunk at my place. My best friend did the same thing for me when I moved back in with my parents, and it was nice to know the offer was there.


I’d also like to request something-please, no sympathy e-mails, no cyber hugs, or anything like that. Right now, I just feel like having a good old fashioned tantrum. I want to be angry and pissy-and I don’t want hugs.


(Not being nasty, I’m just saying)

All right! All right! I retract my last post!!!

Well for what it’s worth, I’m glad it’s boredom and nothing major. (i.e. eyeball cancer)

[sub]not to brush it off by saying it’s nothing major, you know what I mean.[/sub]

I know, and I guess I am too.

Hehehe…seriously, I just want to throw a tantrum. I’m so tired of this-and then I heard on the news about local retail establishments laying off more people, the economy sucks.

I swear, though, if Leppi doesn’t send me that damn book…I’m calling the company tomorrow. This is fucked up.

What’s your degree in, Guin? Just curious.

History. Yeah, I know I was told it would be hard to find a job without at least a Masters.

Be thankful for what you got, little missy…there’s some kids in China that don’t even have any boredom.

I hear you, Guin. I’m still (STILL!!) waiting for my security clearance. Since June I’ve been waiting! Not a penny have I earned in that time, and the temporary agency hasn’t called once. (If I was at all paranoid, I’d think I was on some kind of fucking blacklist.) My savings account balance heads steadily downwards and I had to cash in my IRA last month.

I have no one to hang out with either, no one to talk to. I have to go everywhere by myself.

What if I’ll never belong anywhere?

:frowning: :frowning:

I have a history degree, as do several of my friends. The common saying was that with a history degree you either end up in accounting/banking or teaching. That’s how I ended up in auditing, until I went back to school.

I don’t know where you are or what type of businesses are around, but you might try banks/credit unions in the area. Teller positions can be decent entry-level positions.
But tonight, have your tantrum. They’re good for clearing out the crap.

So, if I gave you a cyber hug, you could charge me with … umm, cyber assault? :smiley:

If you’re bored and can’t find a job, you might consider volunteering at some non profit organization over the holidays. This is a big time of year for some non profits, and I’m sure they could use the help.

I know probably know this, but the library has tons of free books. They also will have discussions on various topics that are fun and informative. You can also meet people with similar interests at these discussions.

I love the library.

Project Gutenburg. They have lots of books for free online. Many are small enough to fit on a floppy. Kept a friend of mine sane one year when she could not afford a car to go to the library or any new books. I recommend the Oz books by Frank L. Baum.