I hate this-I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT!!!

Damn hippie! :wink: (BTW I’m taking A.B.'s class in January. Will peer around his office for your art)

I have (well, almost have) a doctorate in history from Oxford, and my chances of getting a teaching job are almost nil. Several of my Oxford history colleagues are in the same boat. Some of them even published books. In fact, only one of my old history-degree friends at Oxford actually has a teaching job.

Every day I’m glad my (now ex-) wife talked me into a Plan B, so she could pursue her own Plan A. Frankly, I’m just glad to be doing something. I was in your position for about seven months, so it does get better.

Oh, good! That means we have one more for the next KC Dopefest. :slight_smile:

Now, carry one with the unhappiness.

Oh, I DO go to the library. So many times. But they never have any new books. I have to order books I want, and it takes them forever to get here.

Sometimes I feel like I’m destined to spend my life alone, in my parents’ house, working at Kmart. Never going anywhere, or do anything. It’s a hell of a feeling and not in a good way.

Damn, it sounds like you could use a couple of shots of tequila…:smiley:

t-keela–I’ll take a couple (shots that is if it is Tres Gen) no training wheels and please, please don’t chill it.
Guin, you may want to consider taking a job, any job, that will allow you to save some money and move. If anything will make you feel better it is seeing your money (read freedom) grow. You can decide to change things, and I sincerely hope that you do. You deserve more than to be unhappy.

I was in a job-any job. I had to quit.

Really, it’s not living at home that really BOTHERS me. To put it bluntly-I don’t think I’m ready to be on my own. I tend to flip out at major life changes, so anything at once would be a culture shock. (Besides, I don’t want to leave my kitties.)

I have a lot of freedom at home. Just sometimes the house is a little small.
Mostly, what I want is money in the bank, and the feeling that I’m working towards a goal. Not just putting in time.

Oo. I felt like that, too, until I moved 100 miles away to go back to school, as the associates degree I have wasn’t gonna get me anywhere, especially where I was living.

Having said that. . . mind if I vent for a minute?

Guin: I’ve discussed this before with you… :wink:

Okay, I’m going to vent too. Without permission!

I can dig the lonely thing. I’ve lived here for five months, and I haven’t made a single friend, really. The girls I work with are alright, but a lot of them are younger than me and more into running the clubs and frat parties than I ever was.

I don’t know if I’m a fucking six-headed monster or what, but I didn’t really make any friends at school this quarter, either. So that sucks. I’ve read every book I own twice, watched every movie I own sixty billion times. Hell, I clean out my cabinets and reorganize my sock drawer for fun.

I don’t want to go out clubbing and partying all night long. I like to go to. . . a nice little bar and have some drinks. You’d think it wouldn’t be that fucking hard to find someone in a city of this size that has some of the same interests as me.

I’m tired of being single. I’m also tired of being hit on by men twice my age. I’m 23. I don’t need to date 43 year old men. I don’t want to date 43 year old men. Again, the fucking six-headed monster thing is probably my problem there. I should go check the mirror.

I don’t want to wear these goddamn glasses because I lost my last contact lenses and can’t see past my nose without them. I feel like everybody is staring at my glasses and it freaks me out.

I don’t wanna eat any more ramen noodles for quite a while. Or mac and cheese. Or pizza. I really enjoy my ‘alone time’, but I don’t want to be so bored with myself that I feel like ripping my eyeballs out and stepping on them. I want someone to call on the phone and chat to that is neither a relative or a long-distance call to a friend from ‘home’. Rar.

I think that’s all I got. For now.

I know you said you just wanted to vent and whatever, but I agree with what Glory said.

Volunteering is a great way to meet people, feel good about yourself and combat boredom. :slight_smile:

Sounds like somebody needs to get laid…REAL BAD.:wink:
I didn’t say who, but you know who you are.


Hey, I’m not gonna deny it.

and you say you live downstairs? I’ll be right there and w/a margarita in each hand.:smiley:
Damn, I just realized I’m too old for ya. :frowning: :frowning:
(even though I won’t be 43 for a few years yet)

Well, I was going to offer you my couch rent-free until you got a job, but since you put it that way…

Hmm, see. . . if I were into just fucking (i.e. ‘casual’ sex) I’d be getting laid. But, I’m not. So I suppose that is to my detriment as well.

And as far as the ‘old’ men thing. . . well, there’s this ‘regular’ customer at work, (I’m a waitress,) and he ASKED MY BOSS if she thought I’d date him. As if - I would date someone who asked my boss what she thought I’d say, ESPECIALLY when said person is in his 40’s. Isn’t that ever so slightly immature? And he just fucking creeps me out. Sits and stares and then asks if I’ve eaten, or what I’m doing after work. Ugh.

Well, ya know, now that you’ve left retail hell (and while you’re looking for a real job) you could consider retail purgatory and go work at a Borders or Barnes and Noble.

They pay you and they let you borrow books. So that’s a least two problems solved right there.

J2- (ha-ha) I hear ya’…thought I might get a smile out of ya though.

Say he just stares at you.:eek: kinda got that stalker look about him, does he?

Tell ya what, invite Guina (where is she BTW?) downstairs w/ ya and the stalker…get him all fucked up on tequila…then send his wife the pictures y’all setup and took of him while he was out of it.:smiley:

Hmmm… there’s a lot of this going around; I’m certainly right there with you, except it’s worse 'cause I’m 35 and will never have a meaningful existance, or even financial stability, apparently. I don’t live with Mom, which is good I guess, but actually it kind of sucks, 'cause Mom is cooler than anybody I know right now and I’d enjoy hanging out with her. Now how pathetic is that?

I’m hoping it’s the weather and/or the Hellidays season. It better be, 'cause I’m climbing the walls and seriously thinking about eating worms these days. I want it to get better for all of us.

My teeth are a mess-I find it hard to chew. How depressing is that? I’m only 24 for godsakes. I was getting dental work done-then my insurance was gone when I graduated. I need two root canals, several fillings, a bridge, caps, you name it. It’s not fair.

There was a thread about dental problems in MSPIMS-and I couldn’t read it, because I just got depressed thinking that I’m going to be thirty and have no teeth.

I mean, it’s my TEETH for godsakes, and I can’t even afford to have them fixed. Even when I had a job. And I can’t afford insurance right now, either.