Another lonely Christmas

It’s just me, my Budweiser, and I.

Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone and a Safe New Year.

There’s always another beer.

::joins in on the Christmas alone party and hands you another beer::

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

Good morning and happy holidays.

I’m stuck @ work…

I will be joining the group this afternoon… put more beer on ice!! :wink:

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another

hmmmmm being alone isn’t so bad…I’m the best company for myself that I can think of…

I don’t get to see the children for Christmas this year, so I’ve just opened the first bottle of substitute Christmas cheer and put on Handel’s ‘Messiah’ at ceiling crumbling volume. Hopefully the combination will induce a clever thought before it induces vomiting.

An anecdote: Dorothy Parker once had a small office at the Met, and got depressed and lonely because no one ever came to see her. When the painter came to put her name on the door, she asked him to simply write the word ‘GENTLEMEN’.

Here’s wishing that, like Thoreau, ye find yer solitude companionable; and if not, that ye find a clever solution.

(Lacking that, drink heavily and pass out early. That’s the whole of me own plan thus far . . . )
Dr. Watson
“Wait, this isn’t the ‘Winos are People Too’ thread at all, is it?”

I am just leaving for work.

My son just left to spend Christmas with that woman who bore him.

Merry Christmas, to everyone, and to each, a heartfelt prayer for joy.

<p align=“center”>Tris</p>

I hate quotations.
–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hmmm maybe I should paint the word “gentlemen” on my door … or wait!.. make that men… I am not picky!

:gets out her glow-in-the-dark body paints:

these should do fine :wink:

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

Glow in the dark body paints?

Wanna make candy canes?

What flavor candy cane did you have in mind?

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

omg…you have body paints? Geesh…you better hold on to those…I haven’t heard of those since the '60s when all my rowdy friends were hippies…I didn’t even know they made body paint any more…that could be worth some money…forget the candy canes…call an antique collector…

Kinda late, but just visit the Yahoo Chat room & talk to the people who just got their computers. You can have a lot of fun with them.

Fuzzy get up with the times hon…everything from the '60 is back in again. Blacklights, lava lamps, even glow-in-the-dark body paints… So dust off those platform shoes and pull out the polyester… it’s retro time!

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

wooooo I hear ya about the 60s coming back…but I’ll pass this time…living through it once was enough…I’ll leave that up to the youngsters…or people wanting to relive their childhood…have fun with the body paints…

I never had body paints as a kid :wink:

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another

Relive? Hell I refuse to ever grow up! My inner child has way too much fun to ignore. You should try it sometime :wink:

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

Well CanadianSue…I never had body paints as a child either…never really had the desire to spread that shit all over me…and my inner child definitely cries out for a much more satisfying experience than paint…plus my body at this point in time…just ain’t the painting kind…so why lie about it and deceive myself? I’m much rather sit on a beach with my SO and watch the sun rise or set…with waves crashing around…and exchange simple kisses…if I mentioned body paints…he’d probably have me commited…although now that I think of it he does have a thing for whipped cream…lol

Im partial to drizzled chocolate myself :wink:

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another

Mmmmmm! <font size="+1">C</font>hocolate!

[Eyes roll up in head as he enters a religious fugue.]



I once lost my corkscrew and had to live on food and water for several days
-W.C. Fields

Well if we are talking food…LOL… I do believe whipped cream, chocolate syrup and honey rate over glow-in-the-dark paints anyday. Still there is something a bit ticklish about a paintbrush.

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!