Any movies where people rise from the dead, WITHOUT nightmarish consequences?

…Aside from religious ones, of course.

As few of you know, I’ve been a lifelong opponent of the “He Tampered in God’s Domain” clause that’s attached to the “Morale” of many a movie. So, as the title says, I was wondering if anyone had ever seen any movies that feature a “dead” character being resurrected or otherwise brought back to life, WITHOUT incurring horrible, nightmarish, flesh-eating Karmic payback towards the parties involved? The only ones I can think of right off the bat are…

Possible MAJOR spoilers ahead.

When Good Ghouls Go Bad-A simple but strangely heartwarming TV movie from the Family Channel a couple of years back, where a few generations of dead townsfolk arise as zombies…to save Halloween. They even slow-dance. It’s rather touching, actually.

Hocus Pocus, Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker famed Magnum Opus. There was a friendly zombie.

The Mummy Returns Rachel Weisz is brought back to life after being stabbed, and escapes to live happily ever after.

And…god, I don’t know what else. Apart from Pet Sematary, I and II. (Well, it almost worked.), I think one of the sequels to the original Cat People had Irena’s ghost come back to help a little girl, or something like that.

So, whatsayou, dopers? Are there any other cinematic classics that I’m missing out on?
Well, thanks for your time,


Sixth Day, if that counts. While there were problems, it wasn’t the “resurrecting” in itself that screwed things up.

Several Xena episodes, but you did ask for movies.

There must be others… I’ll be back.

Young Frankenstein He sang, he danced, he got a little out of end but everything worked out ok in the end.

edit a little out of hand

If you want TV movies you could submit Riverworld, although the idea is from the books.

Sorta, kinda you have to take my word for it Truly, Madly, Deeply but I see how you could disagree.

Like **don’t ask ** said, “Truly, Madly, Deeply”.
Do vampire movies count? If so, I’ll nominate “Interview with the Vampire”

Funny you mentioned “I’ve been a lifelong opponent of the “He Tampered in God’s Domain” clause that’s attached to the “Morale” of many a movie.”

The other day I read an essay by paleontologist/philosopher Stephen Jay Gould in the book: Dinosaur in a Haystack. He argues very convincingly that almost everybody mistinterpreted the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. The book is not about “He Tampered in God’s Domain, so he should come to an ugly end”. Instead, the book warns you that if you tamper in Gods domain, you should take full responsability. The monster does not start out as a a monster, it only becomes that after it is abused and neglected by Frankenstein and his fellow men.

Death Becomes Her - it’s debatable whether the two ladies died from the “fatal injuries” they did one another, but I think it should still count.

Idle Hands had some rising-from-the-grave stoner zombies who helped out their buddy. (They were going to go for the light, but, like, it was really far, man.)

Wow, two people mentioned Truely Madly Deeply, which is the first film that sprang to mind when I read the title. Alan Rikman, my love, and Juliet Stephenson cries really well!

I saw the latter half of a movie that seemed to involve a young man and his incredibly dead grandpa working together to fight something off.
So I’d guess the grandpa was a ‘good ressurection’ - or at the least, never laid down when he ought to have.
No idea what movie it was, I was half alseep.

That Clint Eastwood movie where he …

Spoiler - don’t know how to do the spoiler box thingy

Where he turns out at the end to have been the dead marshall come back to save the town.

I’m sure there’s a ton more just evading my brain at the moment.

Truely, Madly, Deeply is a fantastic example, yes. I half want to get that flick and half don’t, since my broken sobbing most of the way through the flick is likely to disturb my flatmate :stuck_out_tongue:

I half-remember this. Was there another dead guy who was a villain, and at one point someone throws a knife at him and he catches it an inch from his face?

About the Clint Eastwood movie, it’s never explicitly said that he was the dead marshal.

The Princess Bride. OK, Westley was only “mostly dead”, but it may still count.

Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band had Billy Preston singing “Get Back” where, among other things, he brought the heroine, Strawberry Fields, back to life so she and Billy Shears could live happily ever after.

I know this sounds like too crazy to be true, and I wish it was. You’d have to see the movie to really believe this, but I have only recommended this thing to people I really hate.

Wow! Sydney Poitier directed Ghost Dad starring Bill Cosby. Very, very interesting. I figured I’d have to mention this one since it’s likely no other doper would.

In honor of a fine actor I’ll spell his name properly.


I’m sorry.

There was a Twilight Zone episiode from the original series where a young hillbilly type wakes up at his own funeral. There’s a big “Is he a DEmon or his he Him?” question. Can’t recall the title right now – my copy of Zicree is at home.

My Boyfriend’s Back had a zombie boyfriend. (Yeah, he was the one who came back.) It mostly turned out alright.

Were you thinking of House II: the Second Story, MetalDog? I seem to remember a dead grampa cowboy/prospector or something in it.

There was also a dead cowboy in The Frighteners. His jaw kept falling out I think. But they were mostly ghosts so I’m not sure if that counts to the OP.

What, no mention of Star Trek III - The Search For Spock? The Trekkie community has grown lax.