[B]Desmostylus[/B], you went too far! I'm exposing your rotten heart!

Desmostylus What the FUCK is your problem? In this thread you first accused me of having only “one trick”, that being:

(I wouldn’t lay a finger on a person I’d just met IRL, unless it were to stop them falling down the stairs or something. I respect other’s space. I’d offer consolation with words, or possibly a pat on the hand or shoulder if it seemed they would not mind. I’d only hug a stranger if they were in extreme greif, with wracking sobs, yet no one to just hold them. Even then it would be only if they permitted it. Just FYI)

I quelled my first response which was something like “What the fuck gives YOU the right to tell me how to express myself here? Mind your own damned business!” and in a more restrained manner told you off. You responded by promptly digging up every single thread that I’d ever hugged somebody in (19 total out of 543 posts to date.) but by also saying this.

You claim that

yet you are so affronted, and terribly wronged you feel it is okay to call me this,

You are a very ugly man, IMO.

Can you not comprehend the typed word? Even as you quoted my post in your most recent crap on me, the meaning of my words did not sink in. Amazing! I said that I had hugged 3 people in TWO WEEKS, not in the entire time I’d been on the boards!

What kind of a sick fuck are you anyway to hang a person out to dry for something like that? I was moderately respectful to you before, even after you bit my head off. I asked you why it bothered you so much, and why you even read threads where people were going to offer support.

Obviously you don’t even take the time to read all of my posts. I don’t doubt that you “stalk” me on the boards just to see if I’ve hugged another Doper! You’re obsessed! Get over it! Crazy asshole! If calling someone a “crazy bitch” over something that you yourself claim is “mildy irritating” than I would hate to be in your physical presence should you get seriously pissed. Abusive control freak!!!

That is how you are presenting yourself to me. How DARE you try to control how I express myself here, when as another poster quickly pointed

I’ll say this succintly. MIND YOUR OWN DAMNED BUSINESS Desmostylus! Get the Hell out of my face, back down and go slaver in the corner! You are in the wrong here, not I!

Even after all you’ve done to me in the linked thread, Desmostylus I sincerely wish you a good day. JUST GO HAVE IT AWAY FROM ME!!!

At the risk of being whooshed, calm the fuck down.

appletreats respectfully, no. I’m standing up to this pompous bully boy. I did nothing wrong, yet he feels it it perfectly acceptable to call me a “crazy bitch”? I don’t have to put up with that shit, and I won’t. We all have our limits, and mine has been reached. He crossed the line.

He even admitted that I was only “mildly irritating” yet he’s making such a big stink about how I choose to express myself I can almost smell it!

Thank you for you concern though.

Desmostylus, I like you. However it’s pretty stupid to try and drag people in the muck for an action that’s pretty damn inoffensive and helps people to feel better. And calling someone a crazy bitch for something so small is equally stupid.

Do you object to people using {}'s? Why does it bother you so much?

Zabali, it’s impossble to post any vB code in thread titles.

Aslan Yeah, I noticed. I’ve made a mental note, and shouldn’t make that mistake again.

I think someone needs a hug!





Zabali, try not to let it get to you too much, some people are just rude by nature and it’s best to just let it roll off your back.

{{{Zabali}}} :smiley:

cuauhtemoc I usually do let stuff “roll off my back”, I’m very used to the idea. I have to do this every day. However, I do have limits, and boundaries. When the limit is reached, and the boundary has been crossed, I take action. This often is just verbally standing up for myself, as demonstrated here.

Since you hugged me, cuauhtemoc, and Lobsang
((cuauhtemoc)) ((Lobsang)) :smiley:

Fuck 'em and feed 'em fish, says I. :smiley:
Post in whatever style feels most expressive to you, babe. Following the board rules, natch, but certainly not the arbitrary aesthetic senses of the parenthetical police.

One positive spin-off from this thread is that it’s given this newbie a clue as to what all those {{{ }}}'s were for.

Nice to know that I’m getting better acquainted with the local ingo.


Second time today for a letter to slip away from me like that… :smack:

Hugs Back Queen Tonya smile


That is pretty much my philosopy too. I have boundaries and when they are crossed I make it a point to speak up.

A suggestion: His calling you a “crazy bitch” doesn’t make you one anymore than if he had called you a giraffe. Don’t rent him space in your head after you have had your say.

I understand why Zabali got so pissed. Things like “crazy bitch” are pretty hurtful, and Zabali didn’t deserve it.

Maybe Desmostylus is going through a tough time at the moment, because I’ve noticed him posted a lot of acerbic comments in pit threads recently. I don’t remember him being like this before.

Zabalie, for what its worth you sound more like a “cool chick” than a “crazy bitch”, so don’t sweat it too much.


God, Zoe is such a giraffe!

Yes but is she a sane giraffe?

Oops - sorry for misspelling your (very cool) username, Zabali!

It’s not the hugs schtick, twee as it is, that gets me. It’s the sheer fucking verbosity of Zabali’s posts which astounds me. I mean just how interesting would you have to find yourself and your Gothness to post so much about it.

And Goth was around in the early '80’s. I wasn’t that far ahead of my time in suburban Brisbane.

Actually, where I was from, we were called Mods.