Why do they call them blow jobs when it is really sucking

A mixed group of friends were vacationing in New Orleans, having a few drinks, when a curious question arose. If a person is sucking, why do they call it a “blow job”?

The end product - blow your load


One person is sucking, the other is blowing. And act of fellatio in which the recipient of the favour does not blow his wad into somebody’s mouth is not a a blow job, merely a head job.


Or could it possibly because of the way it looks…

I’d agree with commasense
It reminds me of a cartoon I saw in Playboy many years ago.
A kid at the beach is looking over a sand dune and saying “Hey Mom, when you are finished inflating Uncle Phil, could you inflate my raft?”

I thought we did this one before. At http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=154887&highlight=blow

Part of my reply in that thread showed that the verb “blow” was used in the 18th century to mean “to smoke tobacco.” Although you were sucking on a pipe, you were “blowing tobacco.” The verb was still in use in the 20th century to mean “to smoke maijuana.” I think this is as good an answer as any. But no one truly knows.

Blow job is a US term-- first cite in print(so far) was 1942.

Referring to fallatio as “to blow someone” is cited from 1930.

(if it’s only sucking and nothing else, then someone’s doing something not 100% right).

samclem - I like your speculation. Furthermore, the smoking/blowing connection exists also in at least the Czech Republic and Slovakia, where the slang word for giving a blow job is “smoking.”

According to a former colleague (who is of Chinese extraction). the
Mandarin idiomatic expression for blowjob translates to something
like “blow the trumpet”

I prefer the term “Lick my Love Pump”



What is the deal with the no edits? mmmph!!

The Playboy cartoon I remember is a bellhop walking a couple down a hallway. The door they’re passing has rays of sound lines coming from it, and the caption, “Suck, Mary Beth, suck! Blow is just a figure of speech!”

I don’t know how much this has to do with it but didn’t an Egyptian god have to blow the breath of life back into someone and thats where she blew from?

I think samclem’s answer is as right as its gonna get though.

Last I heard, the expression “smoking pole” was also in circulation amongst English speakers.

And to quote Dr. Who… “What can suck, can blow.” (or something to that effect).

So if you dont come its not a blow job !

I know that in Spanish you’d be talking about a “mamada,” from “mamar” meaning to suckle (you know, “mama”) or suck.