Mary Had A Little...Alligator?!? Madwoman lets 14 YOs catch, transport gator on bus!

Mary had a little gator,
Little Gator,
Little Gator,
Mary Had a Little Gator,
Who followed her to school!

With a little help!

What kind of madwoman lets 14 year old kids bring a 4 foot long wild alligator on to a school bus? Or stops the bus, to let the kids get off to catch it?

Oh come on,Bosda,we’ve all tried to smuggle alligators onto our school buses as kids,but as far as I know,no one has ever succeeded because the drivers get so uptight about it.

This driver should be given a plaque reading “Coolest Lunatic Bus Driver of the Century” or words to that effect. One can only hope she gets her job back so her charges can continue to collect exotic,dangerous animal life. Nothing like learning the hazards of big-toothed or poisonous life forms at first hand,I say.It will make them cautious in the future,if they have one.

I applaud Florida. It seems to be the only state with more loopy head cases than California.

Oh fer shit’s sake! I little ol’ four foot gator, teenage boys doing what teenage boys do, and one cool bus driver are the makings of a scandal? Probes are to be held, punishments meted out and someone’s job possibly lost because of this?

Florida officials and the parents involved need to lighten up!

PS: For those not familiar with the critters, your average 12 year-old kid can master a four foot alligator with just a little instruction.

In the part of Florida where this took place, alligators are as common as dirt.
According to what I read about it, the kids on the bus saw a calf kicking at the gator and decided the calf needed protection. I think the kids did a good deed and that the parents and school officials do indeed need to lighten up a bit.