Bush Republicans...what does it take to give up on Bush ?

Dear SMDB Bush Republicans,

After a few books, some commissions, monster deficit, Haliburton, the ongoing Iraq quagmire and no post war plans… Bush still enjoys the support of Red America. What would it take for you guys to give up on Bush ? I would imagine anyone would have started to have doubts about Bush as president from so much flak the guy is taking.

So what would it take ? Confirmation of “no post war plans” ? Rummy admiting Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism ? Another 9-11 ? A sex scandal ? Losing your job ?

Not liking Kerry is understandable... he has culture and education... but supporting Bush no matter what isn't. So tell us what it would take to quit on Dubya ? 

(PS I put Bush Republicans in respect to republicans who do not consider Bush republican… )

A six-pack of Carlsberg Elephant Malt and a really nice carne asada burrito. :smiley:

Another common BushBash™ thread, but an uncommon answer.

I gave up on bush after the war, the deficits, and the loss of all of our jobs and technology to asia, esp communist china.

Unfortunately, there is no conservative running this year(Perot, Buchannan, Keyes, etc).

Since I’m not a “Bush Republican” I suppose that I’ve got no business replying, but I will anyway.

What it will take for me to vote against Bush is Kerry convincing me over the next six months that he will be a better choice.

For a point of reference, I’m VERY glad that Bush got elected over Al Gore. Make of that what you will.

By Rashak Mani: “Bush still enjoys the support of Red America.”
The American Communist Party is now backing Bush? Dude, that’s serious news…

Well, maybe if I felt there was an alternative party out there that didn’t treat people with contempt so much of the time, I might find some time to listen to what they have to say.

Wow- voting against Kerry means we dislike educated, cultured people? If only I’d known that 25 years ago! I could have saved my Mom the expense of paying for my Ivy League education.

Come to think of it, G.W. Bush has a bachelor’s degree from Yale and an M.B.A. from Harvard. Where’d YOU go, Rashak? It never ceases to amuse me how people whose educational backgrounds don’t come CLOSE to PResident Bush’s feel qualified to call him a dunce!

But if you want a serious answer? I’ll vote against Bush if and when someone else comes along who articulates my (conservative) positions more forcefully and promises to carry them out more skillfully and successfully than Bush does.

I haven’t always been happy with the way Bush has done things, and if another conservative Republican came along to challenge him, I’d give him some consideration. But John Kerry is not an option under any circumstances.

I suppose if W teabags Denny Hastert during a live press conference, I may have to stay home in November. Other than that, your question is misguided. It isn’t so much, “What would W have to do to lose our vote?”, as it is, “What would Kerry have to do to get our vote?”

GW Bush is not the perfect conservative Republican. That much is obvious. Kerry is not even close to being conservative nor Republican, which is even obvious-er. Logic dictates that off the two, a person interested in voting for a candidate that was at least a bit conservative and/or Republicanwould vote for GW, since the other candidate is a liberal Democrat.

Right … Bush is up in FL by 6% and, for the first time, up in PA by 5%! Looks like Bush will win 47 states! Let’s guess what 3 states he won’t win? … :smiley:

Illinois, for one.

Dude, they’re not even BOTHERING to campaign in New York, even though I know plenty of Republicans, esp. Upstate. But no ads, nada, zip, for which I am very very grateful. Living in a swing state is gonna suck this year for all the ads and debates.

Not to say that they don’t both swing by here regularly to pick up some money. And of course on cable, CNN etc., and the Sunday morning talk shows, a New Yorker can see all the ads they want. But on a day-to-day basis, it’s election? What election?

I give up…Can’t guess 'em…Did you have 3 specific states in mind?

Yea unfortunately rural Illinois still doesn’t have enough ppl to balance the Chicago vote - they get to count the dead and/or the “vote early & vote often” practice :wink:

Does that mean New Yorkers don’t get to see the moveon commercials? What a loss!

Rashak: Try flipping it around. Let’s say John Kerry were President, and the Republican nominee this year was the most conservative person in the Senate - say, Trent Lott or John Ashcroft. What would John Kerry have to do to get you to vote for John Ashcroft?

My guess - nothing short of eating babies.

Well, I’m no Republican, but I’ll try and answer your question. In the US there are fixed percentages of folks who ALWAYS vote along party lines…reguardless. Unless the scandal is SO huge that there is just no avoiding it, a certain percentage of people will always toe the line and vote the party. So, there is almost nothing that Bush can do to alienate those core Republican voters RM. Basically Bush ISN’T a main stream Republican. He’s more like a liberal Democrat (in somethings) pretending to be a Republican. In this he’s sort of like Clinton, who wasn’t really all that good of a Democrat, using a lot of conservative/Republican programs and such. And HE retained HIS core voters…simply because he was a Democrat. I know a lot of liberal types that were down on Clinton for some of his policies and decisions or programs…but they still voted for him because they were toeing the party line.

THe votes really in play are from guys like me…non-aligned, middle of the road (or just left or right of center) independant types, or folks who are in one party or the other on paper but swing either way depending on who the candidate is. Among THOSE people it seems that apathy rules atm. Bush is fairly distasteful. Kerry is boring and lacks charisma that folks like Clinton (and even GW, gods help us) have. He’s also had a fairly boring and relatively meaningless stint in Government, never really doing anything spetacular or attention grabbing. He’s seen in some quarters merely as the lesser of two wievals.

It all hinges on the economy, RM. If the PERCEPTION is that the economy is picking up, looking strong, doing well, etc, they GW gets another 4 years. If it doesn’t look good, takes a serious down turn, or is merely PERCEIVED as being bad, they Kerry gets his shot. Forget about all the rest of the stuff you are banging on about. This is the core issue that will make or break Bush.


MA might be one of the 3, unless Mitt goes on the offense …

Well, I’m registered as a Libertarian, and I hate John Ashcroft more than anybody, but the only way I would ever vote for Kerry is if he foreswore the Democratic Party and everything they stand for. Both sides are loathesome, but the Republicans don’t brag on how they are superior to everybody else because they “care.” Condescention really pisses me off, so my vote will go to the religious fanatics instead.

See My misgivings by Bruce Bartlett.

John Kerry is a moderate Democrat.

Paul Wellstone was a liberal Democrat.

Still trying to erase teabagging scene from my mind…

Otherwise Brutus, you are 100% correct.

Here’s another hint for the dem’s, the “I’m not Bush” campaign is not working. You will not turn the red states blue with that one.