Finish the Science Fiction Story, Part II

Baker, originator of original thread, expressed interest in the continuing story upon finishing up The Return to Anderson’s Gulch. I hope we can get more than just three authors this time. Here we go…

Sevastol, “Paradise”, jewel of the galaxy. Brilliant deep blue skies, turquoise seas, lavender-hued sand. Xavvians were the first to discover the planet, nearly a millennium ago, but permanent structures had only been built relatively recently. It was here that retired Alliance pilot Kal Trontiann and M’Kayla, his mistress, decided to take a well-deserved vacation. They hadn’t been there in quite some time so they didn’t think anything of the landscape changes they had noticed on the trip down from the station. Not until their small shuttle was rocked by an explosion. The shuttle pilot was barely able to get off a mayday call before they crashing down, and then everything went black.

Kal eventually became aware that people were talking about him. “What happened? Where am I?”

A Xavvian figure, presumably a medic, answered, “You’re at an aid station. Some security droids have gone rogue and one of them brought down your shuttle. Now just relax, you’re no good to us in this condition.” The Xavvian noticed Kal’s confused look. “We need every hand we can get right now.”

Kal nodded. “M’Kayla. How is she?”

“The woman? She’s in bad shape but she’ll live.”

Kal smiled and went back to sleep; as he did so, the Xavvians went back to their discussion. “Glad we found him before the droids did.”

“Yes, thank Bast for that. What’s Voniaxav trying to do, anyway? Kill off our tourists? He knows there’s a problem here yet he continues as if nothing’s wrong! And who gave permission for that shuttle launch?”

Just then, a runner arrived at the aid station. “Doc, Chief wants to know when he can see your patient.”

“You go tell Grav that I’m doing the best I can. I’m a doctor, not a magician.”

Not a magician!

Listening in on the open commlink the runner wore, Granthixav was taken aback by this phrase. The revealing of the sect of Wayre, thought centuries dead, and the renegade crystal experimentation that brought them out into open action had been weighing heavy on his mind for months.

tKani’sav had been secretly in his employ since the Vorpal Incident (as it was unofficially known) that they had barely won. And even then, only with the help of an altered human woman, Kathy Swanson.

Scrolling through the latest message from tKani’sav on his Pad, Grav noticed the code phrase they had set up to indicate something was wrong. But, since it was a comminique on open chanels, there were no details.

“First rogue Droids and now tKan getting nervous. All in the same day. Connected?” he thought to himself. “Well,” he said aloud to the empty room, “I won’t find out sitting at a desk!” And he got up to go see Kal himself.

:::Timeline question:::

2 to 3 years after the Vorpal Incident? Sound good? Or does it need to be a different time period?

:::return to story:::

I’d say the lesser amount of time, two years or so. Enough for characters to have developed further, but not out of all recognition.

Also, if, after reading the original story, anyone wants my compilation of the three recaps, as a guide to continuity, send me an email.

On Valis 5 Martel was midway through a lecture he was giving to a class at the Swanson-Kenezr Institute. His own development as a courier had been faster than anyone had expected, so, after special training, he had lately begun giving introductory lectures on crystal communications, and on cryptography.

Suddenly a wave of dizziness came over him, accompanied by sensations of pain and fear. He imagined he heard his name called, and had a sudden mental image of his cousin M’Kayla. Before collapsing himself, he croaked out “Kathy!”

The alarmed students were mostly human, and had no idea how to minister to a disabled Xavvian, but Ian Scott had fast reflexes and got off a comm to SKI’s med tech. Assuming that “Kathy” was Kathy Swanson the EMT also put through a call to her.

Kathy gave a mental growl as her comm buzzed discreetly. She had actually been enjoying a day off from her usual grind of Institute business, and her own especially advanced crystal research and development. She and Victor Channing Jr were having lunch together, at an elegant restaurant, and his attentive company had been most enjoyable.

“Sorry” she said, between gritted teeth “I told them that if they disturbed me it had better be important. I have to take this call.” She turned slightly and pressed for one-way hearing. “What is it?” she grated. Victor saw her eyes go wide in surprise, and then her normally light complexion go paler in alarm. “I’ll be there as quickly as I can”

A rueful Victor was already rising as Kathy turned back to him. “I should be glad I got you alone for this much time” he said, as the pair left the restaurant.

So… are we the only ones posting to this?

If so, I’ll be back tonight with something.

Be aware, though, we are really doing a serious story. This isn’t a wish thread or a joke thread.

When Kathy got back to her office, she immediately opened her HoloMail program. As the program opened, the lights in her office automatically dimmed. It wasn’t a requirement for viewing the mails, she just liked the effect.

This time, the effect deepened her already anxious mood.

The message was from Tobermory, her close friend and comrade. He had literally put his life on the line for her, but he was also partially responsible for the life and death situation she had faced during the Vorpal Incident. He also used to be her house cat.

In the darkened room, the imposing figure of the shapeshifting Xxavian commanded attention. He was outfitted in a uniform of unknown design. It reminded her of certain old Visgraph shows she used to watch as a youngster.

“Kathy,” the image stated, “I’m afraid I have some bad news to tell you.”

"Go on, no more pauses, " Kathy instructed the program.

“There is a situation here on Earth that has required my attention.” (So that’s where he is she mused) "A shipment of Crystals from the Outer Worlds Trading Post was heisted on delivery. I have tracked them to the address of someone we both are very familiar with. I do not know if it a ruse to throw suspician on our mutual friend, or some elaborate ploy by Wayre agents. But, I need you to send the backup scans of the CRYDEF material we investigated two Standard Years ago. Here is the address to an encrypted H-Mail cell. Please delte the message from your folder after sending.

“Thank you, Kathy. Tobemory out.”

At the mention of Wayre, kathy jumped to the wall panel to raise the lights.

Wayre! I wondered when they would show up in my life again she thought to herself.

She quickly located the old file Tobe had requested and was about to load it into the enrypted address when she had a sudden insight.

Checking the back link of Tobe’s message, she found what had made her pause. While he had said he was on Earth, the backlink showed his office right here in the same school complex.

“What the hell?” she said outloud. And then she felt the pangs of a crystal message coming through. She did not recognise the face that appeared in her mind.

And she didn’t trust it.

The Xavvian doctor shook his head. The woman in the shuttle was very badly hurt. He bit his lip, then made his decision.

“Prep her for surgery. We don’t have much time.”

M’Kayla opened her eyes groggily. She saw a shadowy figure behind the doctor, and before she could protest, the hypno-anasthesia took effect. The woman, clad in a red jumpsuit, smiled in satisfaction. The famous M’Kayla was finally at her mercy. She hastily rearranged her features as the doctor turned and helped move M’Kayla into the surgery room.

Baker, please e-mail me a recap.

Grav stopped at Pussyquanthiaxav’s station to let her know he’d be out, then headed for the aid station by way of the tech center.

Upon entering the tech center, he found things weren’t quite right. Some staff were cleaning up a bit of debris and Dr. Skoopaskantin was nowhere to be seen. “What happened here, and where’s Skoop?”

An aide replied, “Skoop went to the aid station to speed up regeneration. Seems the droid she was studying had an active anti-tampering device.”

“Went to see Doc Kanthisav, eh? Good, I can kill two drells with one stone.”

Grav greeted the two doctors when he arrived at the aid station a few minutes later. “Looks like Skoop will be fine. What about our shuttle survivors?”

“Welll, this one is resting comfortably. You’ll have to speak with Dr. Vanthiasav about the female.” replied Doc. “I can say that it will be a while until either one can answer questions.”

“I can wait. In the meantime…,” he turned to Skoop, “I’d like a report on those droids. Is the problem still confined to this sector?”

“As far as we can tell, yes.”

“Any idea what started this?”

“Not quite yet. I think that droid I was working on has some vital information. Judging by whatever it was that I triggered…” Skoop was stopped short by the sound of Klaxons. A voice yelled, “Incoming!”

ivylass came in while I was writing this. Had to make some quick changes.

Nice to see we have a fourth, BTW. :slight_smile:

As the emergency warning sent the compound into a frenzy of activity, the Wayre agent slipped off into an unused office. The time had come to contact Kathy Swanson, Earthwoman, crystal courrier, experimental symbionic lifeform.

*Kathy Swanson, I have need to speak with you.

>Who are you? I don’t know you.

My name is not important. What is important is your friendship with the creature known as Tobermory. Any communication you may recieve from him is not a genuine communication. He is currently outside the Known Worlds region and is unavailable by any means other than courrier.

>Why are you telling me this? And do you really expect me to believe you?

Our reasons are our own and are not open for your perusal. As for trust… Do you trust your parents?*

The link was broken and the Wayre agent exited the office and made its way to the shelter.

“You almost didn’t make it! What were you waiting for?” yelled the gaurd as he ushered this last person in.

“Sorry, I thought it was just a drill. I had live programs that needed close out commands.”

“Well, this ain’t no drill!”

As soon as the blast doors cycled closed, a thud was heard just outside the doors. Mere moments later, the shelter was rocked with the quakings of subharmonic energy charges. Various voices raised themselves in pain and fear.

'Everyone calm down!" yelled a uniformed Xavvian. “You are safe from all known types of energy weapons here.”

Back on Valis, Kathy fell to the floor, stunned by the unwanted, unblockable crystal communication with the Wayre agent.

Quickly she bolted up. “Martel!” she remembered. She had intended to see Martel when both the Tobermory message and now this had waylaid her.

Is Martel’s problem somehow connected to all this? she wondered.

Uneasy, and sweaty with anxiety, she leaves her office.

Though too small to use as a general shelter, the aid station had its own set of blast doors to protect its occupants.

“Thakka!” swore Skoop. She keyed her commlink and spoke very fast, something about Overseer Voniaxav and needing power to maintain an energy shield.

Doc nudged Grav and nodded toward Kal, who had opened his eyes.

His vision still a bit cloudy, Kal picked out an object and forced himself to focus on it. Then he looked around the chamber. Off to his left was the doctor he had spoken with earlier; to the right, a female reptilian humanoid. Then Kal concentrated on the face in the middle and thought he was still dreaming. “Grav?”

After leaving Kathy Swanson at her office Victor Channing Jr. was at loose ends. He had a busy schedule of his own, working in R&D in VMC Corp., founded by his father, Victor Sr. He’d carved out an afternoon to be with Kathy, and now that had fallen through. He could go back to work, seeing as how planning on the next generation of VMC ships, the Echo III, was just getting underway. But although he enjoyed his work, somehow he didn’t feel like it. Instead he decided to visit his twin sister, Vicki.

She was Vicki Peterson now, having married Adrian Peterson not quite a year since. Adrian was the son(and heir) of Matthew Peterson, owner of Peterson Works, a company independent of VMC but one of it’s major suppliers of computer software. There had been snide comments that Vicki, with a shrewd head for business herself, had been married just to keep the Peterson company in VMC’s fold, but, knowing his sister, Vic knew that nobody forced her into anything. The match, whatever it’s advantages for VMC, was based on affection.

“Victor! What brings you here? It’s been ages!” exclaimed his pleasantly surprised sister as she trundled across the floor to greet him. Vicki’s awkwardness stemmed from her advanced pregnancy. Victor suspected another set of twins was about to be added to the family tree, but his sister stubbornly refused to let the rest of the family in on her secret. “What are you doing out at this time of the day? I thought the Echo III plans would still have you entranced. Here, sit down with me and tell me what’s going on with you.”

“It’s not the ship that has me so concerned now, it’s Kathy. I think she’s working too hard…”

At that comment Vicki gave an amused little snort. “My brother, saying someone else is working too hard? The guy who the janitors used to kind of “dust around” late at night?”

“Vicki, get serious! I’d finally got her to go out to lunch again with me, but she had to break it off, something about an “important call” It’s just that I’m worried about her.”

The tone in her brother’s voice stopped the next quip Vicki had been about to make. She’d suspected her brother’ feelings were more than “comradely” for Kathy, and this seemed to confirm it.

“Well, now that you mention it, she has looked a little washed out lately. I saw her last week, she came along with Dad and the Professor, to talk shop with Adrian. I think she’s lost some weight.” This last was spoken in slightly envious tones. “It’s too bad Tobermory had to leave like that, I’ll bet he could tell us what’s the matter.”

The mention of Kathy’s close associate irritated Victor a little. Damn, he liked Tobe, whose research and intuitive abilities had helped VMC no end. But, well, say it, he was jealous of the time he and Kathy had together on their crystal communication development. Victor shook his head to clear it. Vicki was still talking.

“…sure she’s tough, we’ve seen what she can do, but everyone had to take a break once in a while. I don’t think…”

At this point Adrian Peterson came striding quickly into the room. “Kathy! Hey Vic! Have you seen the news flash about Sevastol yet?”

“Sevastol? The “vacation” planet? It’s usually a calm and boring as Kathy said Ceres was.”

:smack: Of course Adrian Peterson was supposed to have said "Vicki! Hey Vic!, and not have mentioned Kathy. Preview is my friend!

Jeff, I had pictured the aid station/office complex as a Trek Star Base kind of structure. Did you have a different idea? Just wondering.

You know, I hadn’t really hadn’t put much thought into the design of Grav’s support base. Given that he’s essentially on the perimeter of a war zone, I’d say a high-tech version of a South Vietnam firebase would be appropriate. The “Star Trek” stuff should be reserved for government offices.

Or we could make Grav’s office in the “Star Trek” part and have the aid station/science lab/shelter as a seperate unit.

That would explain why Grav would use a comm link on the runner. Sounds good to me!

The doctor nodded. “We can close now.” He turned to the woman in red. “Shaista, would you do the honors? You can remove the sterile field when you’re done.” He stepped out of the field, pleased that the operation had stopped the bleeding.

Shaista looked at the attending nurse. She was busy punching notes into the computer padd. Shaista unobtrusively uncapped a small vial attached to her finger. She sifted a fine powder into M’Kayla’s open wound, then using the binding laser, skillfully closed the incision.

“You’ve done very well, Shaista,” the nurse said. “You’ve come a long way in your studies.”

“Thank you,” Shaista replied. She turned off the sterile field, and helped wheel M’Kayla into the recovery chamber.

Although the Institute had medical facilities it was not intended for serious emergency care. When the EMT had stabilized Martel’s vital signs Martel had been transported to Valis Port Hospital. It had special facilities for the treatment of the many non-human life forms that came through the space port.

Kathy had to make use of the Institute driver and ground car since, surprisingly enough, she didn’t drive well. She’d rarely had cause to drive anywhere in a vehicle by herself. She told the driver he could go, figuring she could call public transport for the drive home.

She still felt edgy as she asked where Martel was. Arriving at his room she was pleasantly surprised to see him awake and alert in the bed. Dramatic as his collapse had been it seemed that it had been much more than a fainting spell.

“Martel, how are you? I’m so sorry I didn’t get here sooner but things have been a little strange. Can I get you anything?”

Martel looked at Kathy “Great Mother Kathy, you look about the way I felt before. Maybe we should switch places.”

That brought a small smile “I think I’ll live” she said. “Can you tell me what happened?” A nurse came into the room to give Martel one of those periodic checkups that seem to be a hospital staple, be they human, Xavvian, or whatever. He said “Dr. Hilmer said you can probably leave in another hour or so, as long as your circulation measure remains even.” "Thank you! said Martel. After the nurse left he began “Now where were we? Oh well, all I know is I got an instant’s flash from M’Kayla. We’ve kept practising our long distance communication, since we’re on of the few who can do it without amplification. It only lasted an instant, but I felt sharp pain. I’ve tried contacting her on my own, but she’s not responding. I don’t feel anything at all there, and it has me worried.”

“Can you tell where she was?” asked Kathy?

“I didn’t feel anything beyond that one fleeting glimpse” he answered “but I do know she and Kal were supposed to be taking a vacation on Sevastol.”

At that point Martel had another visitor, the same Ian Scott who had called for help from the classroom. He and the rest of the class were anxious to hear how Martel was faring. He caught Martel’s last words and, after inquirig after his teacher, told them about the news flash he’d seen concernig Sevastol "Details seem to be sketchy so far. “I’d just say it doesn’t sound like MY idea of a vacation!”

Ian could feel the edge of their alarm. "Did I say somethign wrong?"he ventured

Martel spoke up “My cousin may be there. She’s a courier too and I can’t “reach” her.”

“Oh damn” Ian responded. “What are you going to do?”

“I wish I knew.”

“Where’s M’Kayka?” Kal demanded.

The doctor nodded. “She’s in recovery. Your friend here,” he said, motioning toward Grav, “said you’d want to see her when she was through with surgery.”

Grav smiled at Kal, making a seemingly random gesture with his right hand. Though still groggy, Kal understood, and made small talk with the doctor and the nurse until they left. Grav quickly locked the door behind them and helped his friend up.

“Quick. I’ll help you get dressed, then we’ll find M’Kayla.”

Meanwhile, M’Kayla awoke alone in her recovery chamber. She had a memory of their shuttle being shot at, then nothing until now.

Suddenly, M’Kayla sat up, panicked. Gasping in pain, she felt frantically for her belly. She frowned in confusion.

She could feel the crystal physically in her body, but she could no longer sense the harmonics. Either she had lost her abilities (extremely unlikely) or someone or something was blocking the resonance.

M’Kayla lay back, concentrating on her relaxation exercises. First things first, she thought. Find out where you are. Then find Kal. The thought of her lover panicked her, but she firmly told herself that panicking would not help either her or Kal.

She was deep into the second set of exercises when the door opened, and Shaista entered.