They named Tattoo Guy, but I don’t remember the name and haven’t had time to check the DVR again. Cameo appearance by former Agent Cameron Klein (I googled him, minor player in the comics, appeared in a few issues of Captain America, involved in the capture of someone named Cache).
The writing is a map, of sorts, but not a two dimensional one. It’s a city, apparently, but probably not a known one on Earth.
Ward is low key awesome. Excellent spy-craft, cool as a cucumber, and master of mindfuckery. Apparently he’s going to do his own thing, which may be useful to SHIELD from time to time, but loose cannons are dangerous.
Fitz says the brain never “deletes files”, just loses connections–but there is always a backup. Still working on fixing himself.
A good solid episode. We learned a lot about the Tahiti project and the meaning of the wall carvings. And we sort of know what Ward’s planning on.
We even got a little information on the internal workings of Hydra since their unplanned reorganization last year. Baron Strucker is apparently the CEO back at international headquarters and Whitehall is the VP in charge of American operations.
There was also another ad for the Agent Carter mini-series. I’m guessing there will be new episodes of Agents of Shield through December and then that show will go on hiatus for six weeks while they run the Agent Carter series.
There’s also the blue area on the moon, but I don’t think they’ll go that route. How about Kazar’s hidden land? Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are associated with Mount Wundagore.
I’m guessing it’s in the Himalayas. Skye’s parents were in China.
Highlight: Playing “Who is He and What is He to You” by **Bill Withers ** during the scene where Ward cleaned up. Love that song.
Lowlight - a commercial: I watched real time so couldn’t FF through the commercials. One of the last ones was for women’s protective undergarments. Last line? “Because pee happens.” Just didn’t need that.
Pretty good episode, not a home run but a stand up double.
I thought they did the train layout setup well, my wife figured it out before the reveal but I was in the dark until just before. That was pretty good writing. I suspected that Cameron Klein was used in the comic, that’s a nice little touch. Interesting that Coulson and the level 6 agent both could recognize people in the program even though their memories of it had been erased.
It doesn’t feel right that Coulson would trick Skye like that and lock her in the cell that used to house Ward. (They only have one cell?)
The bartender seemed to be a friend of Ward’s, one who treated him well. And Ward killed him (presumably) without a second thought. He’s pretty cold. I like that his motivations aren’t clear and he’s got his own agenda. Clearly, not a nice person but a useful one. He’s a better character this season than I could have imagined.
If you didn’t know the backstory you wouldn’t have thought there was anything wrong with Fitz this episode. He didn’t have much screen time but it almost felt like they’re moving on from that story line. I doubt they are, but he seemed almost “normal”.
So the one thing they didn’t explain is why Skye is the only person to receive the serum who didn’t go insane with the pattern. Is it because she’s part Inhuman? Or is it because she’s already been to that city, so has no compulsion to find it again?
Presumably that’s their most secure cell. I thought it was a nice touch though - it showed that Coulson truly wasn’t in control of himself - he’d do anything, including locking up Skye in a cell with bad connections for her, to find out the last piece of the pattern.
My wife noticed that right away. Then he did it again and ultimately had the dead man’s switch released 4 or so times. The SHIELD team was pretty stupid for trying to tail one of the best agents in the biz that way anyway. This isn’t the French Connection, May can tail him from the Quinnjet or something else high tech. You don’t have to be 20 feet away from him.
That second theory is an interesting one. I just assumed that they were leaning on “she has alien DNA so she’s not affected.”
Pretty good episode though it seemed a little too clean to have the team turn over tattoo guy to the authorities because he had other crimes to atone for. What crimes? They didn’t establish anything about him other than he’s crazy and he’s killing because of what Project TAHITI is doing to his head.
Coulson said he had been a black ops agent for Shield back before his resurrection. I don’t know if that’s supposed to imply he was one of the Hydra sleeper agents or if it’s just a reminder that Shield did some questionable parts under Fury’s rule.
The entire “Ward escapes!” plotline requires passing the idiot ball around so much that I’m surprised Manchester United isn’t trying to recruit from SHIELD.
They should have seen all of this coming. It beggars belief that May knows all of Ward’s dropbox sites, but is too stupid to have foreseen this outcome. They have an injectable tracer which they just used on Raina, yet didn’t use on Ward because… reasons.
He said he was “an assassin for the dark side of SHIELD”. One can assume he did unsavory things that Coulson didn’t agree with. Not Hydra, probably, but likely influenced by them, at the least.
This really stuck out for me as well. Of course, Ward might know how to disarm or remove it, but if you go that route he’s just superman. I still like the plotline of him being a 3rd party, just not how he got out there.
Yep. Either is wasn’t or he turned it off from time to time, since his hand would cramp, or he does have to go to the bathroom, sleep etc. In which case shoot him then with a sniper rifle with sleepy bullets.
Really, for such smart agents, they sure are dumb where he is concerned.:dubious: