The Passion of the Sea Monkeys

My best friend gave me a Sea Monkey kit for my birthday a few weeks back. I’d had Sea Monkeys years ago in college and did a pretty good job keeping them alive until winter break when (to my not-all-that-great shame) I sent them down the sink.

So I prepare the water and dump in the eggs and wait a couple days and sure enough, there be Monkeys here! First a couple dozen, then about a dozen, then down to five. They were dropping and I couldn’t figure out why. Then they were all dead. Less than a week.

I looked through the instrction book to see if there was some sort of money back guarantee. No such luck, but the book said that if they all died to let all the water evaporate out of the tank, then refill it with fresh water and a new crop of baby Sea Monkeys would magically appear! Yeah right, I thought, but what the hell.

I set the tank aside and the water started to evaporate. I pretty much ignored it. Then after about three days, before even a half-inch of water had evaporated I caught movement in the tank out of the corner of my eye. Behold, just like the Good Book said, a new crop of a couple dozen newly-hatched Sea Monkeys! Very exciting. I dropped some fresh food in the tank and they’re eating and swimming and getting bigger every day. Truly one of nature’s miracles.

I just want you to know:

I did not kill your sea monkeys.


Yeah, well, hermit crabs are way more awesome that any ol’ Sea Monkeys, even if they can’t come back from the dead like that.

The perfect gift for any occasion. Now that you are a proud sea monkey daddy, you must bookmark The Sea Monkey Worship Page.

Do they look like these sea monkeys? I always wanted sea monkeys like them but never got em. I just got the plain ol’ kind. :frowning:

The girl Sea Monkey on that page looks like an angry prostitute.

I want zombie sea monkeys! :frowning:
Only thing I ever tried to grow are those stupid magic crystals.
They’re stupid cause they never grow for me or get themselves killed before they reach full crystalasisity. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh! How bout the butch sea monkeys on this page? :smiley:

You probably had a monkey back guarantee…

Sea Monkeys are also known as brine shrimp. I used to hatch them to feed to my tropical fish. IIRC I bought a vial full of eggs (lots and LOTS of eggs) at the aquarium store for much less than the cost of one of those “Sea Monkey” kits.

I still think it would be cooler to have a bunch of triops.

Like little mini-horseshoe crabs.

Is that not false advertising???

Man, that has always pissed me off! You don’t get the cute, toothy, smiling, waving monkeys!!

How are they allowed to lie like that?

Anyone here remember the skit about Sea Monkeys on the old MTV comedy show, The State? Friggin’ hilarious! I miss that show… sigh

Can a Sea Monkey really get the size of a small fish, btw?

We had a tank of triops going at work for a bit. Now I just started one at home for my GF. These little guys get pretty big considering that come from those tiny, tiny eggs.

How about Neo-Nazi Sea Monkeys?

I never had Sea Monkeys[TM] when I was a kid. I always wanted to try them, sometimes desperately, even though I understood from a young age that they were basically a heavily-marketed brine shrimp rip-off. Childhood passed, as did adolescence and young adulthood – all Sea Monkey-free. However, a nagging suspicion that I was nonetheless missing something in my life, a mysterious elusive something, persisted…

A couple of years ago, purely as a lark, I impulsively sprang for a “Sea Monkeys Ocean of Fun” kit that was on sale at a certain “educational toy” store for the bargain-basement price of 75 cents. Then I relegated it to the top of my fridge where it joined my growing Top O’ the Fridge Collection of Retro Kitsch Cheapo Collectibles (comprising several miniature gumball dispensers, an Incredible Hulk 3-ring binder that I used in the first grade, a Marvin Martian plastic figurine, a bendable Pink Panther figurine, a semi-working miniature Pac Man arcade-style game, and more! :wink:

I had always intended to hatch my Sea Monkeys, but was waiting for the proverbial rainy day to do it. That day has arrived. My life really couldn’t be any more ignominious than it is at present, and hay fever, persistent sinus problems, and, now, the hatching of Brood X cicadas promise to make my misery complete. May the playful and morally uninhibited antics of Sea Monkeys loft my spirits! …much as a particle of algae-and-crud on the bottom of a fishtank – or Sea Monkey tank, in this case – may be buoyed to the surface by a tiny bubble of oxygen that eerily clings to it via some mechanism of surface tension, or somesuch.

Besides which, according to one of those Sea Monkey fan-sites, May 16 is International Sea Monkey Day! Hubba hubba!

So here is the first posting of The Scrivener’s Sea Monkey Diary(R):

Day One (May 13, 10 P.M.), getting started. [sigh] Time to rip open the packaging and tender a gimcrack collectible into a living toy… What is in this “Ocean of Fun” kit, anyway? A 12-oz.-capacity neon yellow-green plastic one-piece tank/base, a Water Purifier pack, a pack of Sea Monkey eggs, a packet of food, a tiny ladling spoon, a pack of enticingly-dubbed “Sea Diamonds” that the Sea Monkeys will be “playing” with when fully grown, and, most grandiloquently, a “Life Insurance Policy/Growth Guarantee” – meaning that my as-yet unhatched Sea Monkeys[TM] are already better-insured than I am.

Following the enclosed instructions, I added 12 oz. distilled water to the tank, added the contents of the Water Purifier (plus micronutrients*) pack, stirred with the spoon, and set the tank aside to sit for 24-30 hours.

My excitement is stoked at a high level due to spending over two hours poring over the Sea Monkey-related websites. Was the seeking of this heretofore mysterious knowledge unwise? Had I already undermined the delights to come of Sea Monkey stewardship by following the Sea Monkey links in this thread and downloading short videos of Sea Monkeys in swimming, eating, and making more little Sea Monkeys?

It is a trenchant question. I decided that, given all the testimonials of others who have managed to kill off their Sea Monkeys, that I probably need all the good advice I can get. I now know – Sea Monkey care and life-cycle SPOILER ALERT:[SPOILER]that the laissez-faire approach to Sea Monkey husbandry (implied in certain comic-book advertisements still clearly remembered from childhood) may not represent a sufficient degree of involvement – i.e., it’s not just a question of uncapping the tank, feeding them, re-capping said tank, and ignoring for another four or five days. For one thing, the Sea Monkeys need bright light, but too much exposure to the sun will overheat the tank and leave them languishing for oxygen. Specifically, the water should be kept around 72 degrees, to be exact, and frequent (daily) aeration is a virtual necessity if one wants to see a sizable population of Sea Monkeys reach maturity. Also, some careful cleaning of the detritus from the bottom/sides of the tank may be necessary, although ideally you would want to retain as much of the bottom scum as possible, because that’s where the unhatched eggs lay, and I hope to keep this tank going beyond the first generation, as others have reported doing with some success.

If I do everything right, I should witness the emergence of a second generation even as the first is dying off in about six weeks or so. OTOH, I might see a successful hatching of Gen I, only for the whole batch to die en masse after only two or three days, as has happened to so many other Sea Monkey enthusiasts. I hope to avoid the oft-reported errors of my Sea Monkey-raising predecessors.[/SPOILER]

The next diary entry is slated for Saturday morning, when I’ll add the contents of “Instant Life” pack to the tank, after which some Sea Monkeys[TM] are supposed to hatch on the spot. In fact, that’s supposed to be their size upon hatching: little tiny specks, the size of a typed period. Small type… 8-point font, perhaps as large as 10-point.

I can’t wait!

Damn. That neo-Nazi background info on the inventor of the Sea Monkey craze is depressing. Makes me all the more glad that I got my kit for a measly 75 cents.

Neo Nazi sea monkeys might be fun. Imagine them wearing little bitty swastikas and burning teeny tiny crosses in their tank. They may even have little bitty white robes with matching hoods to wear. Of course the big drawback could be, if you get to close to the tank, neo nazi sea monk :eek: ys may try to shoot you. :eek:

Agreed, but as Cecil knows, the quest for knowledge is sometimes a thankless task.