This effing thread title mightpop up on the SDMB title page

I was showing my boss the SDMB the other day, because occasionally I make use of the vast knowledge base it represents when I’m trying to research something or other of a work-related nature. When the title page popped up, the one that shows (among other things) the titles of the most recently posted-to threads in each forum, the thread title that came up for the Pit was an ubroken string of obscenities. My boss’s eye, of course, immediately snagged on that, and I had some splainin and defendin to do; I had to show him the rest of the threads and justify the Pit as, well, its own little world.

People can choose not to read Pit threads, but they cannot choose to avoid the obscenities that have become de, practically, *rigeur * for many Pit enthusiasts, when those obscenities pop up in the thread title on the main page.

I’d like to suggest that, when we initiate a new Pit thread, each of us keeps in mind that there’s a possibility that the title we compose might appear, uncensored, on the page that welcomes people–hardcore Dopers and casual browsers alike–into our odd little world.

Can we consider making it a matter of SDMB etiquette not to include “offensive” language in thread titles?

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.


Also, can I suggest that people avoid including typos in their thread titles?
must perview*

Sure we can, just as soon as you get a unanimous vote on an exhuatively inclusive list of what is considered “offensive”.

and also in their replies…

That also just may work.

Way to go lissener, you are full of great ideas today!


Oh, the whooshes we whoosh . . .

There’s a reason why I browse the SDMB in a short, wide window… the only thing I see when the page comes up is the header, then I scroll down to click on New Posts…

I have to concur with this sentiment – the language in the Pit doesn’t bother me, but the thread titles can be disconcerting when they pop up on the lead page. Click on ‘New Posts’ and you’ll also get an eyeful.

I have the same concerns about the subject lines of spam. I don’t need that in my day-to-day business life.

I really don’t want to overly hinder the creative outlet that is the Pit, but perhaps appropriate symbols could be used? e.g. “Wherein I Pit my $*&#ing idiot of a Boss” or "&^@# you, stupid *#&hole! It’s my Road too!

The seven words you can’t say in a SDMB Thread title…


Perhaps vB has an option to censor things on certain pages? Or is it global only?

“It’s not safe out here. It’s WONDROUS.” -Q

I’d recommend skipping the SDMB at work over reforming it to be work-safe. I’m not interested in a nanny and the value of the SDMB is in free expression. I’d oppose restrictions on the titles of threads. As the great Larry Wall once said about Unix “It was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things. For that would also prevent me from doing clever things.”


I hope this suggestion (request?) doesn’t become a rule or anything.

I’m with Mtgman - I don’t want to see thread title’s balls cut off, so to speak. Somethings it’s important to drop a big fat F-bomb to get your point (read: rage) across. Of course, posters should use common sense and not spew profanity for no other reasan than just because they can.

Oh spare me. A rule of etiquette regarding thread titles in no way restricts your ability to express yourself in the thread itself. A public forum like the SDMB has the right to choose what goes up on its front page; it’s perfectly reasonable to request that “offensive” language be limited to a specific place and time.

Think of “bad” language like cigarette smoke. The front page is a public space, and the individual forums are more private spaces. It’s perfectly reasonable to suggest that, in the more public central meeting place, through which every Doper must pass on his/her way to the private forum of their choice, they’re not forced to be subjected to the cigarette smoke of the Smoker’s Club. Or whatever. Bad analogy, but perhaps it makes my point. Just wait until you get into the Cigar Bar to light up; it’s only polite.

I want to make something very clear, in the face of the string of strawmen being thrown up in the wake of my OP:

I in no fucking way mean to cunting suggest that the motherfucking freedom of the Pit cocksuckers be curtailed in any fucking way whatsofuckingever.

I think it’s great that, public as this board is, it has such a forum as the Pit in which people can express themselves in whatever color they choose.

I’m just suggesting we keep it in the Pit. And since thread titles appear elsewhere, perhaps we could agree to keep that in mind when composing them:

[li]None of this fucking matters [/li][li]Fuck you, Stephen Harper, you homophobic piece of shit… [/li][li]These goddamn…motherfucking…spyware sonsabitches…FUCK! [/li][li]Fucking God Damn Bullshit Depression [/li][li]Jump in the Fucking Pool Assholes! The kids dieing! [/li][/ul]

I have to go in the fucking bathroom and lock the fucking door just to pull up the SDMB front page because of thread titles like these, even if I just want to skim Cafe Society for Eve’s silent film threads.

Shouldn’t that be a choice?

Bookmark Cafe Society (and all the other forums for that matter), then you can avoid the Pit while you’re at work.

Perhaps, but don’t pretend this is not a restriction or that it is a trivial one. There are hundreds of active threads per day on the SDMB. The most any one person ever sees of the majority of them is their title. I support maximum freedom in choosing that title. Inconvenience to you is less important, IMHO, than freedom of expression for the OPs.

You want to be able to hop straight to CS? Bookmark this link and be done with it. Newbies and Casual readers may occasionally stumble across unpleasant titles on the main page. This is as it should be. They see nothing more than the truth of what the SDMB is. Sometimes it ain’t pretty.


Yes, it should be. It would be terrific if someone could figure out something so that you were not forced to browse the SDMB while at work.

This is specifically a board with age restriction, so that appropriate swearing is reasonable. I don’t see any reason to require polite language in thread titles, as the title is an important part of setting up a thread’s purpose and tone.
Fucking God Damn Bullshit Depression is quite a reasonable thread title in that it tells you just what to expect in the thread. Also I don’t think their is any restriction in thread title language in the other fora. a “Fuck me I’m old” thread would be MPSIM, "What does the color of your shit tell you about your health?"would be fine GQ.