Woo, Woo, I'm gettin' a 'Vette

I have a 1992 black, Celica convertible. Her name is Black Beauty, I love my car, but like an old pet, she’s suffering, and its time to put her to sleep. After all, she’s like 100 in car years. :frowning:
Since we’re already getting a home equity loan, the time is right.
Our bank has their repo cars in their parking lot and on their website. One day, when Fireman was at the bank he saw this (the top one)
He turned 40 this year, so will be my car, but its his mid-life crisis.

Damn electronic mouse. It passed over the “Submit” button and ate it.

Anyway, I test drove it today.
O H M Y G O D !
Yes, now I understand. Its like having a sweet, little, kitten and exchanging it for a tiger!
Since its been on their lot for 3 weeks, and we’re paying cash, we got a $4000 discount, so, its a bargain too.

Good thing I have a “Get out of Jail Free” sticker for it.

Now really! Where the hell in Seattle are you gonna drive a 'Vette the way you’re *supposed * to drive a 'Vette. What’s the maximum possible speed on I-5 at 3:am–45 mph, right?

No. You need to bring that car to Denver and I’ll give up my 83 Corolla. No! NO, don’t try & thank me. Just consider it a public service. :smiley:

Good Luck! I’ve always had a fear of buying any repo car, as I always guessed if the previous owner couldn’t afford the car, he may have skimped on maintenance, or just not have given a damn about it if he knew it would get repoed.

Actually, it was owned by a local exe who got “down-sized,” and voluntarily returned it.
I talked at length with the person in charge of the bank’s recovery center. She was very forthcoming. We got a CarFax on it, and the bank had it checked out to be sure there was no hidden problems. She showed me the inspection/repair check list and the invoice for it. They did a few minor repairs, replaced belts and hoses as well as the windshield. It also had a full detailing. The invoice was for just under $700.