"There ARE no stupid questions!" Well, that sounds like a challenge to me. (game)

Come up with a stupid question of your own just to prove to everybody it really can be done. :slight_smile:
"What do you mean, I can’t smoke while I’m filling up these kerosene lanterns?"

A real question asked to me in February

"When is March is Reading Month ?

Ha, that was very funny.

A dipstick at work asked me, “Are hamburgers fattening?”

He seemed incredulous when I replied that they were.


From a comedy routine I saw recently, “Do lesbians have periods?”

How do you make breadcrumbs?

Just how stupid do you think I am?

"How do blind people manage to driive cars, because it must be difficult to see to read maps?!

To my shame, from myself, in a tiring journey, with a driver too simply would not take a couple of minutes to stop, so that we coudl put the light on, so that I could actually see the map, (as it was by then to dark to see). Damn it really woudl have been faster to do it tht way. I did realise how silly it was before I said it, but figured if I do say that out loud, what the heck,w e both get a much needed laugh.

Won’t it still taste good if you scrape off the black parts?

Where are the WMDs?

From my own mouth after my then teenager had given a particularly lame excuse for something:

“What kind of idiot do you think I am?”

His response:

“Mom. Does the kind really matter?”

How can I be late? I was due yesterday! :mad: <–just one of my many brilliant customers.
Even looked just like that. :wink:

Do vegan girls swallow? (I really wonder actually)

“Do you mash the potatoes before you boil them?” – mmm yummy.

From the poster:

There are no stupid questions - -

But there are a lot of inquisitive idiots.

What time is it right now on the sun? :slight_smile:

Does a horsefly have the Buddha nature?

“Which one says ‘Shut up, Beavis’?”

“Uh, that would be Butthead.”

That was my sister, trying to figure out which one was the blond one and which was the brunette character.

How come I can not be a moderator?

My mom got a big laugh out of *her * mother when she asked “What day of the week is Easter Sunday on?”

“Are you asleep?”