Nov '04 Election Comments Thread

I’m surprised no one started a thread for this purpose yet. Might as well get things started…

I’ve got CNN in the background and things seem to be going OK so far, although they are reporting some irregularities in Florida. Sounds preliminary and inconclusive.

May the best man win!!

Damn right! All the partisan bullshit aside, hear hear for the process and may the best man win!

On Air America this morning the hosts said the state of Ohio website was accidentally webcasting returns as they came in this morning for a while.

It had since stopped, but one of the hosts said she had a printout of what was released before they stopped it.

The other host asked if the numbers were “positive.” The host with the printout (Lizz Winstead, I think) hesitated, then said “well, they’re pretty close.”

I took that to mean Bush was ahead.

But I can’t find anything about this story on the Web. Can anyone else here?

Well, drove by a couple of the voting places here in New Mexico this morning and voting seems heavier than I remember it before (I voted 2 weeks ago so didn’t have to go in). Its too early to tell whats going on. Supposedly Fox has some kind of race tracker on their web site (a friend told me about it this morning) that will track individual state races as well as the national totals. I haven’t been on their site this morning to check it out though…I’m working today unfortunately and busy as usual.

I agree with the OP…may the best man win! :slight_smile:


May the winner reflect the true voice of the American people.

Meh. I went to the polls expecting to battle fierce-eyed Democrats, painted as for battle, and all I got was a typically short line and some cookies from a cub scout/brownie bake sale.

I looked deep into my soul, and thought about who to vote for. 2.8 milliseconds later, I marked straight-ticket Republican, randomly voted on the much-sought-after Wayne State University Board of Somethinerother and assorted sundry positions, and left. Huzzah!

Electoral Vote Predictor 2004 currently has it at Kerry 262 Bush 261…with New Jersy (15 EV’s) tied up atm. These are of course VERY early results (if he’s even stated putting results in from early counts).


As far as I know, those numbers are polls through yesterday.

Brutus, I am shocked - SHOCKED - to hear that you voted Republican. Wasn’t the Batshit Insane Loony Party on the ballot in your neck of the woods. :smiley:

Were they at least fierce-eyed Cub Scouts and Brownies?

And may the losers accept him as such.

The Cub Scouts had a proper gleam in their eyes, like they were ready to pounce on the weak and unwary. The Brownies were just sort of trying to sell cookies to fund somethingerother. Though I respect the ‘cull the herd’ mentality of the Cub Scouts, the Brownies had better stuff, (giant chocolate chip cookies), so they got more of my money.

This just in from FNC: A bunch of election monitors’ car tires were slashed over in Mil-wok-eee.

i am on my lunch break from working the poll in my precinct. we had a line out the door 20 minutes before the polls opened, and it has not let up. turnout is huge!


To clarify:

A) Chocolate chunk cookies.

B) 30 cars had their tires slashed? Hrmmmm. Lots of fast and loose news being reported today, so I dunno about that…

On behalf of losers everywhere, I second that motion!!

No one has any more info regarding my post, #3 above?

The website of The Nation has a whole page of links to sites and blogs that are doing real-time monitoriing of the election:

From one of those, the Michigan Independent Media Center,

I went to the polls when they opened at 7AM, expecting to be done with it in 10 minutes–it’s not like Texas is a battleground state, or anything. Instead, I found a line 3-people wide wrapping around the church where the polling was being held, had to park in a neighborhood across the street, and left 1:45 minutes later. It’s gonna be an interesting day, hopefully in a way that doesn’t involve civil war. :slight_smile:

Fox reporting a lawsuit already filed in Ohio.

I have a bad feeling that Ohio is the new Florida…

I disagree - 'best" is a subjective judgment.
May the candidate preferred by the plurality of voters win!

Hear, hear.