To the homeless scum that walked into my home.

What the fuck makes you think you have the right to step one foot in my home without my permission or the permission of one my roommates? Why on Earth would I let you use my bathroom you dirty, disgusting piece of scum? I have noticed you about town before. You are a worthless waste. Always begging for money. Why not get a job, I think. But I never say it. I treat you with respect. I just say, “I am sorry” and walk on. But today you failed to show me the same respect. So you are scum. I hope it gets really cold, tonight.
The Story
Today, I went back to my apartment. I was taking things from my car to my apartment. After a trip to my car, I walk back inside and there is woman. She asks to use the bathroom. I ask who she is. She tells me her name. I tell her no she cannot use my bathroom and that she has to get out. She is lucky I didn’t call the cops.

Ooh boy. This outta be fun.

What’s the matter, didn’t get what you wanted for Christmas?

Just out of curiosity, and for no particular reason whatsoever:
If you were going to kick her ass to the curb anyway, why on earth did you bother asking her name? And, what makes you think she told you the truth?

Yeah, that is why I don’t want a possibly dangerous stranger in my home without my permission.

I was just so shocked by the whole thing. If I was thinking more clearly I would have called the cops and had her arrested.

Okay. Just asking.

No Onewants Ashlee Simpson anymore!!

That would have been doing her a favour. Three squares and a bed.

He didn’t ask her name because he wanted to know her name–he asked her name because he thought, reflexively, she might have been a friend of a roommate. But she didn’t give the proper response, so he kicked her out.

Like this:

Kel comes back into apartment, arms full of stuff, sees vaguely familiar female standing there in apartment, startled, blurts out, “Who the fuck are you?”

That would have been her cue to say, “I’m Roomie’s friend from Phoenix, he’s the father of my baby, can I use your bathroom?” and that would have provoked a different response.

But she didn’t, she just told him blankly, “I’m Little Orphan Annie…” so he realized, “Oh, she’s not a friend of Roomie, she’s an…intruder!!” and he booted her.

My take on the OP was immediately, “Dude, don’t you lock your effin’ door? Even if you’re just schlepping groceries in from the parking lot? You just left it hangin’ open? Oy.” :smack:

…you’re lucky she didn’t just nip in and out and take your VCR with her.

People do.

Here’s what you should’ve done…

Let her pee, then put her in your car and drive real far until you see a light, and the light comes down and lands on lands on your head, and out comes the Man from Mars and he gives you a choice: shoot the woman or let her burn to death.

I may have left out a few things.

yeah, I hate it when strange things happen like that. Your OP, I mean, not my tongue in cheek response.

The reason I didn’t lock the door was there were other people in the apartment, just not in the front room. But, I should have locked the door.

No one has any business going into your home without your permission. No two ways about that. But I don’t see that her being homeless has a damn thing to do with it one way or the other, and you’ve sure got a lot of hostility towards this person and a great big streak of what looks to me like blame-the-victim.

Still doesn’t give her any right to be going into your house, though.

You have every right to be upset. And not to have some strange person in your home. But that said…you don’t know her whole story. And how she ended up on the street. A lot of homeless people have serious mental problems. If she thought she could just wander into your apartment it doesn’t sound like she’s oriented at the moment. So maybe not so much “scum” as “screwed up”?

Or maybe she thought “Hey look, that guy just walked out and left his door open. I bet I could slip in and grab something really fast! If he catches me, I’ll just tell him I need to use the bathroom - yeah, that’s the ticket.”

Though the hostility in the OP did see to extend a little farther than this incident…

My hostility does extend beyond this. I hate the homeless. Too many mental problems to not be a waste, not enough mental problems to not realize they need money - bullshit. They are lazy and people make it easy on them by giving them money. Stop giving them money and maybe they will stop begging and go to shelter like they should.

Easy on the brush strokes there, Kel.

Oops. Sorry. I was trying to talk to you like as rational person. When you’re actually just an asshole. My mistake.

Even in a shelter, they’d still be legally considered homeless.

I’ve never given a wally before, but for this: :wally