List of online acronyms, abbreviations, etc.

Let’s try to compile as complete a list as possible of acronyms, abbreviations, etc., used on English-speaking chatrooms, blogs and message boards! :slight_smile: Just, you know, to help newbies acclimate more quickly. I’ll start, using mostly ones I’ve encountered on the SDMB:
BTW – by the way

FYI – for your information

IANA? – I am not a (L for lawyer, D for doctor, etc.)

IMHO – in my humble opinion

IMNSHO – in my not-so-humble opinion

IMO – in my opinion

IRL – in real life (as opposed to fiction; also, as opposed to online presence – e.g., “LMIRL” – let’s meet in real life (would never have seen that one if I hadn’t caught a scary commerical warning parents about the dangers to their children of sexual predators trolling online)

LMAO – laughing my ass off

OTOH – on the other hand

ROTFLMAO – rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

SO – significant other

WTF? – what the fuck?

YMMV – your mileage may vary (i.e., you may have a different opinion or impression regarding these facts than the one I have just stated)

Not to spoil the fun, but someone’s already done the work.

Ok…but what’s TMI?

Too Much Information.

Perhaps I spoke too soon: SiL/BiL didn’t appear in the link and those damn things confused me quite a bit before I asked what they meant.

Sister/Brother in law for those of you who may also be confused…

True, but few have done it better than Acronym Finder.

SDMB’s own suggested. See the Sticky in ATMB under technical FAQs

Didn’t know that but should have expected it. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Check also the first thread in GQ, which contains many references, including acronym finders.

There doesn’t seem to be an actual question here, so I’ll move this thread to MPSIMS.

moderator GQ

stfu: shut the fuck up

ufia: unsolicited finger in the anus

hftrw: hiding from the real world

omg: oh my god

oyg: oh your god

isyn: i shit you not

sfw: safe for work

nsfw: not safe for work

otr: off topic rant

gbtw: get back to work

And, of course, Acronyms (abbreviations?) in ATMB.