Fuckin A! Did I ASK to look like Carol Brady?

Since my husband and I are buying a house, we are attempting to save money. I’m improving, although saving money goes against my natural ability to spend money (I’m really good at it, too…). So, I needed a haircut. I needed a haircut badly. I have ultra-thick hair that’s half-curly and incredibly unruly. If it gets below shoulder-length, it will take over 30 minutes to fully dry with a blow dryer. My hair is so thick that I had to cut OFF four inches just to make it manageable enough to hold an updo for my wedding. Otherwise, my hair would have collapsed from it’s own weight.

And of course, for some reason, it’s been growing at the speed of light. When I want long hair, it grows slower than the pro-gay marriage bill is gonna pass through an all-Republican Congress. But when I want it to stay short, it grows fast enough to get unruly overnight.

Back to the money-saving issue. I decided to forgo my usual fifty-dollar haircut with the Russian woman I like and just go to Best Cuts. I’ve had a good haircut there once before, so I decided to take my chance with $15.99 instead of $62 (including tip). I was a bit nervous going in because well, I’m kind of protective of my hair. When it’s all long and straight and shiny and pretty, it’s one of my best features.

I went in and was immediately ignored. I should’ve taken that as a sign and walked out to go to the Russian woman (whom I can usually walk in for - she’s right around the corner from my apartment). Instead, I waited patiently. Finally, someone asked if I needed a cut, I said yes, gave him my name, then proceeded to look through a book to show him the cut I wanted. I’ve gotten this cut before - it’s a short bob with longer layers that I can flip out using my straightener. It’s a pretty cute cut, and I like it. It’s also not a difficult cut, according to my long-time stylist in VA (whom I don’t go to anymore because, well, he’s in VA and I’m in hell, I mean, Ohio).

I showed it to the guy, he said no problem. Take the usual steps, wash the hair, etc. He combs it out and starts cutting. First he cuts off the length - prbably six inches or so. Then the fun begins. He starts layering and texturizing.

I should have counted how long he layered compared to how long it took to cut off the length. Ever feel like life goes in slow motion? That’s how I felt when he kept taking the scissors to my hair to ‘texturize’ it.

Dude, you weren’t ‘texturizing’ my hair. You were having an affair with the scissors, and silly me, I thought you were ‘just going out for a drink, I swear!’. I hope you enjoyed your self-given blow job.

Then he pulls ‘pomade’ through my hair. I HATE this shit, but didn’t realize that’s what he put in there until he was done and TOLD me what it was. I don’t use shit in my hair - no hairspray, nothing. All it does is make my hair crackly.

So then I paid and left. I did like the look of the hair when I left - it seemed a little short and too-layered, but it looked cute and it made me look a little older (I’m a 30 year old who tends to look like a 21 year old).

I should’ve guessed it sucked when I walked in the door and my husband said “Oh…your hair…I…like it.”.

I woke up this morning, and now I’m horrified. I look like a curlier Carol Brady. I hope to God when I wash and style it, I’m able to make some semblance of a flippy bob, or else I am screwed.

And this fast-growing hair I have now? Twenty bucks says it slows down to growing at the pace of ants crawling because I’ll WANT it to grow out faster.

I want my hair back. NOW, dammit. I’ll suffer with drying it for 30 minutes if I have to, but I don’t want to feel like I should walk into my house calling “Greg? Marcia? Bobby and Cindy? Where are Jan and Peter and Alice?”.


Ooh. I feel your pain.

I have thick, wavy hair, too. I went to a hair school once while in college–trying to save some money.

guy fussed and did whatever–when he was done, said:“I’ve just given you the Farah Fawcett haircut!” This was 1984–Farah was DEAD re: fashion for college students then…

He seemed so proud of himself, I left and never returned.

I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh, but this is too funny.

Oh, feel free to laugh. That’s why I put it here. It’s funny in a “Holy shit, my life sucks…but I look like Carol Brady!” kind of way.

eleanorrigby, I think I would have been okay with a Farrah Fawcett cut - at least that I could smooth out and straighten. I don’t know WHAT he’s done to my head. My husband took to calling me “Mullet-head” last night (not what you do when your wife is already physically exhausted, emotionally upset over something not-related to her hair, and has just gotten a shitty haircut. Luckily, he took me to Macaroni Grill to make up for it).


I’m a guy, so this may be a naive question. When a hairdresser puts goop in your hair without your permission (like this guy did) can you make them give you a shampoo and dry to get it out?

The good thing about Carol Brady and the Brady Bunch: “It’s the story of a lovely lady.”

Seriously, sounds like a hair nightmare, or a hair-mare, or something. If only those cleanroom bunny suits would be fashionable until your hair grows out again. Or maybe a time machine to the 70’s?


I don’t know about Elza B or others, but when I go to get my hair cut, it’s exclusively to get my hair cut. I have had my hair “done” by professionals about 3 times in my life. The next time will probably be my wedding.

I hate hairdressers! (this is the pit, right?) Not one fucking one of them knows what to do with curly hair except make it 80’s. Excuse me! I know I can have big hair, I choose not to, you bastards.

I go to the cheapest place around and tell them over and over, “1 inch off, 1 inch off, 1 inch off” and then have them French-braid my hair afterwards and they still poof up my bangs so I look like an 80’s punk-rocker!. Aargh! I’m usually in and out in 20 minutes. I can and do get my hair cut in my lunch break. To have them rewash and dry afterwards would be a pain, I just leave and deal with it later at home.

Well, shit, would you rather look like *Mike *Brady?

Allen Brady maybe?

Marsha Marsha Marsha!

Frankly, some years, he had better hair than Carol. Carol’s she-mullet style was just weird.

Although Mike with the curly perm was pretty scary.

I can see how having them wash out the goop would be a hassle and an unscheduled block of time – and hardly makes up for him screwing up to start with. I was just wondering in more of a consumers rights kind of way.

Funny thread.

The last haircut my wife came back from she was complaining she looked like Carol Brady. . .and that was going to her regular guy.

She was signing her emails “Love, Carol” for about a week.

At least they didnt’ make you look like Kitty Carryall.

Sorry about your Carol Brady haircut, I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think.

As for “goop,” etc. I just tell them I don’t want anything in my hair, or tell them what I normally use. And if she started going crazy cutting, I’d say something. I’ve sat there and taken it before and ended up with a fucked up haircut. From now on, I’m in charge.

Also, women, anytime you go to Supercuts, Great Clips, et. al., you can expect to get butchered. If you happen to get a decent haircut, consider it a fluke.

Elza, are we talking about suburban soccer mom helmet hair? Like this?

BTW, I still don’t know what that style is really called. :smiley:

He is still standing? I am impressed at your restraint! hee.

Farah Fawcett’s cut on me–well, the shorter my hair gets, the curlier it gets, so I really just looked like a mop at that point. Think Beaker with Weird Al Yankovich (the 80’s style) hair.

He was a student, afterall.

At least it wasn’t a bad color job you got. And Greg did find his mother somewhat ahem-“hot”, IIRC.

<gagging here>

Absolutely! I have the same hair and it’s always a pain. I have had stylists complain that I have too much hair! WTF?

I realized early on that all haircuts are designed to make thin hair look thick.

If ya start with thick, especially wavy–ya gots trouble.

You might want to try a flat-iron. I swear by mine now–I can go from Jewbacca to sleek, controlled, adult long hair in about 30 minutes of flat-ironing. I was never one to fuss with my hair, but htis is worth it!

At least the OP doesn’t have the Jan-I-have-3-ringlets-near-my-face-and-the-rest-of-it’s-long-and-straight- hair. Never understood that one. Or poor Cindy–condemned to pigtails so that Sydney Sheldon could live out a baby sister fantasy…

I would love to psycho-analyze the Brady Bunch someday.

Oh, thank God, no - it could be worse.

That’s what I call the Glamour Shots Cut - even if your hair doesn’t look like that going in, it will look like that coming out. And they’ll do it without cutting it. Even if it’s waist-length.

No, mine’s a bit longer - it’s still below my chin, but not much. If I get brave enough, I’ll snap a pic with the digital camera and post it - even though I don’t think I’ve ever put a pic on the Dope. heheh - perhaps tonight is the night I learn to use Photoshop.

I’ve had three people tell me they like my hair at work without me saying a word, so maybe it’s not as bad as I think. I’ll have to see what the damage is when I wash it out and style it myself tonight.

And I solemnly swear never to go to a discount hair place again. Even if we are destitute, I will take our last fifty dollars to get my hair cut at a place I trust. Or my hair will just continue to grow.


Wow, I’ve been getting flukes for over two years now. All the women at the Supercuts down the street from me are great.

I always go to the beauty school, because a) it only costs $5, so if they screw up I can afford to get another cut, and 2) they usually have actual stylists there as teachers, who will “fix” your hair if the student messes it up. Just make sure that you have a good picture and at least an hour to spend there, as the students usually cut slowly while they are learning.

I have very thick, fine wavy hair, and I’ve only been disappointed twice in the four years I’ve been going to the school.

Actually, I have really weird hair - it’s very thin, even though it’s curly.

It just brings on more problems.

(note to any supernatural beings: I love my hair! don’t you dare take it away from me. but i can still complain)