Coolest movie props

Ok, here’s a thread about props used in movies and your faves for coolest props, be they large, small, past, present, future, CGI or physical.

My nomination:
The twin-engine flying wing airplane from “Raiders of the Lost Ark”

I liked the Prop Room from Top Secret!

I’ve always loved the Phantasm ball. Also a fan of the Lament Configuration.

Being a Trekkie, I’d like any of the starship models used in series/movies.

Any lightsabre, but in particular Mace Windu’s.

The Six-Fingered Sword, from The Princess Bride.

The One Ring.

The Ghostbusters’ proton packs, neutrona blasters, and ghost traps.

The Bride’s Hattori Hanzo sword from Kill Bill.

The Rocketeer’s helmet and jet pack.

I’d like to have a lightsaber.

I’d love tons of stuff from the Lord of the Rings, from the jewelry to some of the set pieces in Rivendell or in Rohan. Hey, can I include Viggo Mortenson on the list? :slight_smile:

The forest set from The Dark Crystal.

The ruby slippers from Wizard of Oz
Tia’s Starbox from Escape to Witch Mountain

The Original Maltese Falcon.

The Ark of the Covenant.


The rubber monster suit from the original Godzilla film.

It’s got to be The Tardis.

Pulse rifles from Aliens. They just look disgustingly badass.

I’m just going to treat this thread like a fantasy wish list of random crap I’m too poor to hope to ever afford or successfully bid for online…

I liked the look of the props in Hellboy, especially that huge honkin’ revolver Hellboy toted around, and also the snazzy masks that Kroenen wore–not to mention his marvelous prosthetic hand…ooh, and Hellboy’s wake-the-dead medallion, and the faked up comic book in his apartment. In fact, just throw that entire movie in a box and I’ll take it home with me. The prop guys clearly had a blast working on that stuff.

Mockup signage and the like in movies fascinates me. I wouldn’t mind having an issue of the *Daily Planet *to hang on the wall…“Caped Wonder Stuns City!” And lo, the guy with the huge S on his chest was from that day known as Caped Wonder. Good one, Lois. Also one of the papers from Day of the Dead…the ones that said simply, “The Dead Walk.” Now that’s a headline, my friends. Save us, Caped Wonder!

An edition of the Necronomicon Ex Mortis would be nice to have on the bookshelf. In fact, I already have a small portion of the book from the original Evil Dead–it was on display at an SF convention, and the guy took it out of the display case to show it off, and a big chunk of dry-rotted paper crumbled off as he opened it. “There’s a souvenir for you, no charge,” he said wryly. Someday I need to get around to smoking that.

I like Mystery Science Theater 3000 enormously, and they made a movie, so I’d like a Servo now, please.

Also, since Dr. Who has already been mentioned (and there have been a few films of dubious canonicity produced), I fancy a blue crystal from Metebilis-3, the better to hypnotize my foes. Alas, the TARDIS has already been spoken for, but not the eminently useful Sonic Screwdriver, so I’ll grab one of those off the pile…in fact, I’ll just snag the whole Tool Kit. Didn’t think about that, did we Quartz? Oh yes, you may have claim to the TARDIS, but what happens when it breaks down, as it inevitably must? Where shall you go when you require the use of a Moog Drone Clamp? Who then will have all the power…why, it will be me, won’t it? Once again, you see that there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away.

Speaking of Indiana Jones, I think it’d be sort of cool to have the Grail from Last Crusade, just to keep in the kitchen cupboard among the plastic 7-11 Slurpee mugs and Hamburglar juice glasses for when company drops by. “Would you like a Coke? Just grab a cup out of the closet there, but…er…remember to choose wisely.”

Lightsabers, blasters, an X-Wing fighter
Arwen’s Evenstar pendant, the elven brooch, Galadriel’s brooch, Arwen’s butterfly crown
The La Coer de le Mer and Rose’s butterfly haircomb from Titanic

There is a small city in southern Illinois name Metropolis.

They do indeed have a newspaper named the Planet.
And the annual Superman Festival.

Info on the Planet

The city

The statue of Superman

The wallet that says “Bad Motherfucker” on it.

If I were to buy one piece of movie memorabilia…

Time travelling DeLorean. I wouldn’t object to flying abilities and Mr. Fusion either.

HAL9000 ‘eye’ would be sweet, too.

A Matrix neck-jack would kick ass.

Can I get in on some of that Kryptonite, Bosda?

The Stargate, of course. Cool, and a plot device par excellence.

The Men in Black flashy-thing.

Hugh Jackman’s handgrip-claws from X-Men. I’d like real Wolverine claws, but the movie prop would be an acceptable substitute.