Recommend a manly product for...uh...chafing

There’s a factual answer to this, but since that real answer is a product recommendation, I’ve put it here instead of GQ.

[Quasi-TMI altert]

I have an issue, and I’ve come to realize that men must not be allowed to have this particular problem, since there seem to be no products made for it. In the warm months (which we are now entering), I get an frequent and unpleasant chafing on the insides of my thighs. This happens when I have to walk for an extended period while I might be sweating. Like mowing the lawn, golfing, hiking, etc. I don’t even need to be dripping with sweat…it will happen when it’s just warm enough to cause a little excess humidity in that area.

What I end up with after a while is a pink, raw, tender area about the size of a silver dollar on each thigh where they touch. I don’t know why my legs rub together; I’m not a fat guy. I’m about 15 lb over my “ideal” weight of 200, but that area doesn’t seem particularly flabby. I’ve got more thigh musculature than average (from genetics, cycling, or both), so that might explain it. Whatever the reason, they chafe…period.

I’ve done a few things in the past that help a little. Boxer-briefs are better at preventing it than my usual boxers, because they can keep material between the contacting patches of skin. But they’re not foolproof. And once I relized that the issue at hand is functionally the same as diaper rash, I discovered that Desitin works pretty well for prevention and post-chafe relief. But the stuff is greasy and isn’t a good idea with clothing.

I saw a new product on TV that seems like the right kind of stuff. It’s a powder-gel called Soothing Care that relives and prevents chafing. It dries to a skin-bonded, non-greasy film that would do exactly what I want. But it’s made by Monistat and has their brand name plastered all over it. And flame all you want, but I just can’t bring myself to buy, keep in my house, and apply to my body a product made by the foremost feminine “intimate care” company. Yet, somehow, I have only minimal shame when using baby butt cream.

So, what I want is the same thing, in packaging that won’t completely violate my rampant insecurities. Something with some explosions and nearly-naked chicks in the commercials. Something for GUYS (who happen to have sensitive skin in their bikini areas). Does nothing like this exist?

If anyone knows of a good product, please make your recommendations here.


Gold Bond powder. :smiley:

I second Gold Bond powder. Soldiers and Marines in Iraq swear by the stuff, so you can use it and keep your manhood safely intact.

Corn starch.

It’ll keep you cool, relieve the chaffing, and is dirt cheap.

Plus, you never know when you’ll need to thicken some gravy when you’re cutting the grass. If so, you’ll be ready.

It’s been over 10 years since I wore tighty-whiteys, so maybe I don’t remember the mechanics of them exactly. But I’m not sure how having no material around my legs is going to keep them from touching. Unless keeping my junk out of the way is the rationale.

Gold Bond/cornstarch, huh? I never would have guessed a powder was what I was after. I figured it would turn to slime. (I’m reminded of teh good that you make as a kid with cornstarch and water…I don’t want that in my crotch) But if it’s good enough for our boys in the desert, it ought to be good enough for me!

Agreed, cornstarch, like the kind made by Johnson and Johnson (although the Target brand is a lot cheaper). Makes a big difference, especially if you sweat and live somewhere humid and hot.

That was supposed to be “the goo”

Stupid no-preview piece of grumble grumble

There are specialized products for this, also - designed for athletes. One of the more popular is called “Body Glide” - see

I recommend bodyglide. Athletes swear by it.

That’s it! It just oozes testosterone! I must try it. I shall grunt in the style of Tim Allen as I apply it!

Thanks for the simul-tip!

Aye! Manly yes. But women like it too! :smiley:

I third Gold Bond.

Sounds like a joke leiu would make…cringe

I’ll toss in a vote for Gold Bond, I like the triple action medicated kind. Seems to work to heal the stuff up right quick and that warm tingly sensation is just so much fun…

That Body Glide stuff does sound uber-cool though. I think they need to start an ad campaign with the Becks commercial girls…

Antiperspirant works pretty well too - it keeps your thighs dry so you don’t get the chafing due to sweating.

I am a real man and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I use baby powder. A little baby powder with cornstarch after my shower in the morning, and everything is hunky dorey all day long. Desitin does indeed work well if you already have the chaffing, but you already figured that out. Remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

I second antipersperant. Get a good athletes brand of clear antipersperant, it works wonders.

I’m going to buck the trend and recommend Penaten Cream. It’s for diaper rash, it’s very mild and soothing, plus it keeps things … lubricated … so that they don’t chafe as much.

My WAG would be that powder would work until the area got sweaty and then it would make some kind of a yucky paste and then rub right away.

An ex - bf had a similar problem. He bought longer briefs - the boxer briefs that are everywhere these days - and used the cream too and had great success.


I get that on my bum, between the cheeks. It’s caused in a similar situation, some sweat and walking. What I found works is vasaline. In the army they recommended what others have here, diaper rash cream. I found it too thick and not as effective. With a thin coating of vasaline it provides a slick no-friction surface preventing more damage, and giving it a chance to heal. Another application before bed and I’m fine by the morning.

It may not be for you, as the location is different, but I don’t find there’s a problem with it getting on my underwear. I keep it to a thin coat to prevent that problem.


I use GB powder to keep my feet dry and scare away fungus demons. One day I had the bright idea of applying it to my crotch. Bad idea. Around 6 pm that night I took myself to the emergency room with what appeared to be a combination of elephantiasis and a major poison ivy reaction. My naughtybits were swollen, oozing and itched/burned like hell. The ER doc looked at my loins with undisguised horror. He called over some of the other younger medical-type people who, I suppose, were budding doctors going through their ER initiation. I am sure some of these young men took this moment to reconsider their career paths. I was given a steroid shot and sent limping home. Took me over a month to get back to normal.

Apparently I suffered an allergic reaction to the menthol. I asked the ER doc why this happened to the family jewels but not on my feet, where I had been using the powder for years. His guess was that the skin is so much thinner and rich with blood vessels than the thick, crusty skin on the foot.

I’m not saying that everybody will react like this, but it was so traumatic that I’ll spend the rest of my life warning people about it.

GB still works great on my feet, but the stuff will never be applied anywhere above my ankles.

The story has a happy ending - the boys made a full recovery and are working as hard as ever.