Where did Obi Wan go? (open spoilers, but I doubt it given the Geek Squad here.)

So, I was watching Star Wars IV *The Beginning, But Really The Middle *with my son last night and the scene where Obi Wan and Darth Vader are in the Lamest Sword or Light Saber Fight Evar Also known as Whatever you do, don’t break Alec Guinesses Hip. , Obi Wan does a Noble Thing and allows himself to be vanquished by the Asthmatic Helmut Head.

Obi Wan just Poofs into thin air.

Wha happened to his body?

Also, what is up with the voices on this? We they redubbed or what? Everything sounds tinny. ( This is VHS, yeah, I’m a luddite.)

A couple more brainfarts:

Chewbacca. Are there female wookies out there or what? A wookie without any nookie is bound to be surly. Is he more of a well trained pet or what?
Humans speak english, the other life forms speak whatever that is and Humans understand them but don’t speak the language. Is babelfish involved?


Han and Chewie are able to understand each other because they had been working together for so long. Those who do not have the benefit of years of experience have to rely on protocol droids.

Oh yeah, as you watch the original trilogy you’ll notice that Luke is increasingly able to understand R2D2’s beeps. Same deal.

What happens to his body? The Force [sup]TM[/sup]/cheesy effects. Don’t want the Oscar winners head rolling across the floor, at least not in 1977. YMMV.

Like Yoda, those who are strong with the Light Side of the Force go bodily into the Great Beyond and become One with the Force. :smiley:

There were female wookies shown on the (in)famous Star Wars Christmes Special.

Did they have enormous, hairy breasteses?

Well, that is pretty much how you tell the difference! :smiley:

Qui-Gon Jinn makes a special guest appearence in the Ep.III graphic novel, promising to teach Yoda (and Kenobi) the secrets of merging with the force.

So the legend of Liam Neeson grows. Not only does he have a bigus dickus, now he has learned the ability to cheat death. What a guy.

Lucas originally shot a dummy Obi Wan being cut in half, but it looked even cheesier than the empty robe gimmick that he replaced it with.


Oh, my.


Oh, my.

He was also a Nazi in Schindler’s List before becoming a Jedi. Ewan McGregor was a Junkie in Trainspotting. Samuel Jackson was a hitman, mob flunkie and a junkie too. Man, they’ll let anyone be a Jedi. No wonder they got taken out.

Wow. I never recognze anybody.

Well, I haven’t seen two of those movies. But anybody, anywhere, can recognize Sammy. :smiley:

I can’t find anything that says this. Are we even on the same page? We are talking about Life of Brian, yes?

I was joking about the hollywood rumor concerning his anatomy, the pythonism was tossed in to sound a little less crude.

Don’t forget, Liam Neeson also had prior experience overthrowing outer-space tryrants using melee weapons in the justly under-rated '80s fantasy/sci-fi flick Krull.

Trust me, you really, really don’t want to know the answer to this one.


But…there’s such a rumor about his anatomy? Still sounds good.

“I’d rather kiss a wookie.”

“I can arrange that.”

Solo, the avaricious bastid, has clearly been taking advantage of that whole “Life Debt” dealie to pimp Chewie out. I’m sure the last thing the poor chapped wookie needs is more nookie.