Where did Obi Wan go? (open spoilers, but I doubt it given the Geek Squad here.)

What makes everyone so sure that Chewie isn’t a she? :dubious:

Christmas Special notwithstanding, because there was no Christmas Special.

In Empire, C-3PO tells Lando “After all, he’s only a Wookiee.”

Something about the lack of “enormous, hairy breasteses?”

You just might see it someday, if you know somebody who has a booleg copy and a grudge against you.

Well there’s also a lack of an enormous hairy… well… you know…

According to the official Star Wars web site, the Star Wars Christmas Special is considered canon, though Lucas would love to have every bootlet copy ever made of it burned.

(FYI, you can find sites to download it from, though I must warn you it is awful… absolutely hands-down the worst TV programming in history. I mean so bad you actually would rather have your eyes ripped out than sit through it all.)

As to the original question, I also believe they are going to deal with that in the new movie, at least so I’ve heard (so not just referenced in the graphic novel).

A large percentage of the dialogue had to be re-dubbed, due to the fact that there was a lot of noise on set (special effects doo-dads, stormtrooper armor, C-3PO’s suit, shaking the set every time a “laser hit” happened, etc.)

Not to mention that most of the actors had British accents and it was cheaper to have their dialogue looped in LA than to fly American bodies over the Atlantic. :smiley:

I wish that David Prowse’, Kenny Baker’s, Peter Mayhew’s and the rest of the minor cast’s on-set dialogue was still around. It would be a scream to have a “special edition” with all the english talent’s voices intact. Many beers would be consumed, and that puppy would get played.

The Cantina really needs more of a pub vibe: “Oi! 'e doesn’t like you!”

[anal geek]I thought “Bigus Dickus” was a Mel Brooks thing. From “History of the World”, wasn’t it?[/anal geek]

Nah, Life of Brian.

Allthough it wouldn’t surprise me if Mel Brooks had picked the single most lowbrow joke in the movie to steal. coughHackcough

Yes, Young Frankenstein is an enduring classic. Thank you, Gene Wilder.

Actually, the only time Luke understands R2’s beeps is when they’re both in the X-wing fighter. Luke can read the translation on the ships computer (the scene in ESB where they fly to Dagobah to find Yoda)

Outside of the ship, they need 3PO to interpret.

God, I sound like such a geek…oh waitaminute, I am

When they are in the swamp on Dagobah R2 beeps something and Luke responds with a comment like “Yeah, I hate it too” or somehtinglike that. So to at least some extent Luke could interpret what R2 was saying.