Anyone else see Tom Cruise on "Today" this morning?

Why is he being so confrontational? I guess he really believes in Hubbardism. What’s really sad is that his celebrity is enough to convince some people that he is an authority on the merits of diet and viatmins versus psychiatric treatment of mental illness.

He’s a typical Hollywood idiot who thinks his IQ has increased with his wealth, and who, because he plays smart people in films, has actually become what he pretends to be.

If we ignore him, will he go away?

I’m on it!!

Ignore who? “Tom Cruise”? Sorry, name doesn’t ring a bell.

Well said,
Just like Bono who is a musician from Ireland who has fame and money is suddenly an expert on world politics.
Or Sean Penn who has fame and money again from acting is suddenly an expert on international affairs.
Like you said, somehow fame and wealth equates to increased IQ for these guys :confused:

I didn’t see him on Today, but I saw him on Letterman last night.

Letterman asked him about the movie, how much of it was CGI. Cruise said the spectacular effects were all CGI and ILM. Letterman asked him what was ILM, and Cruise didn’t know.

Letterman asked him if he was serious about climbing Mt. Everest someday. Cruise said he was, but he didn’t know when he’d find the time. He said “It’s a lot of work, you have to get a team, and there’s a lot of climbing.” Letterman and the audience busted a gut, and Cruise had wit enough to laugh at himself.

He pretty much laughed at himself throughout the show. I liked that he was smart enough to know he wasn’t that smart.

Letterman asked him about Katie (of course), and asked Cruise to describe their day-to-day life, what it was like. All Cruise could say about her was that she was “great”, “beautiful”, “astounding”.

I was waiting for an anecdote that would show he really knew the woman, or that they spent any time together outside of Oprah and Paris and personal appearances. Nothing. Not a single cute little story about something she said or did, or that they did together.

It’s hard for me to believe that Cruise thinks he’d need a publicity stunt for any of his movies, especially a Speilberg movie. But the whole thing sure feels wrong and contrived.

Has he always been that manic? Maybe he’s on something.

Well, you know he’s not on drugs…:slight_smile:

Not since he ditched his manager and hired his sister. Maybe he needs some more vitamins.

I have known adults who were in love and none of them (men or women) acted like a giggly schoolgirl.

Here is the clip of this morning’s insanity. Worth every second of the 13 minutes just to see him go from weird mellow Tom who “just likes to live life and hear good news” to “Matt listen… Matt listen… Matt…Matt…Matt…Matt…”. Good times.

You’ll see the link to the video on the top right of the page.

Cruise faces off with Matt Lauer on Today Show

Tom Cruise was an actor in a couple of movies in the early '80s. The ones I liked were Taps, The Outsiders (although he wasn’t very good in that one), and Risky Business. Apparently, he never got any better as an actor, because I haven’t seen anything else he might have been in since then.

Am I the only person who thought it was hysterical that the Iranians took Sean Penn’s camera away from him as he stood there screaming “I’m a journalist!” over and over? The only thing funnier would have been if one of the religious police had punched him in the face while he was taking pictures.

I wonder how many people are like me, in that I used to believe that Tom Cruise was a fairly sincere, cool guy. Now I just think he’s a complete asshole who I would not want to know in person.

I think in this case, the phrase “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” is incorrect. There is such a thing and I would not pay to see one of his movies anymore.

Here’s a transcript. Wow. Just wow.

Didn’t see it but I read the transcript. Cruise keeps saying he’s studied about psychiatry and drugs used for the treatment of mental disorders. Well, he can please show me his diploma, cause I’m still trusting my doctor more than him. I’ve read up on these subjects too and come to very different conclusions.

Cruise sounds so arrogant, at least via the transcript. Wonder if he came off as badly if you actually saw the show?

From reading the transcript, it doesn’t look like Matt Lauer was very well-prepared. I guess we shouldn’t be looking at The Today Show for high quality journalism, but he let Cruise get away with some pretty stupid statements.

I just hope his more starstruck fans don’t toss their meds after watching the show.

There’s “no such thing as chemical imbalance”? :rolleyes:

Yeah he’s an a** for saying that. He’s entitled to his own opinion but he’s really pissing folks off with his view on mental illness.

I missed the damn interview!!! It’s a trainwreck I can’t look away from. Damn - maye there’s a video clip of it somewhere.

What has happened to him? It’s almost like he did a complete 180.

And it happened so silently - it was sometime between his breakup with Penelope and now…bizarre

Worse. It was like he was trying to educate poor little unwashed, ignorant Matt in the ways of enlightened mental health care.