A workplace question for the guys

Generally speaking, I’m good at picking up on patterns. For example last month I rolled over from one project to another 3 weeks after others did, and all awhile I was on the previous project people moaned for that the computers kept doing “random” things; within 3 or 4 days of being on that project I was able to explain to everyone what caused each of the “random” problems. (then I had to write a report for my boss because people still didn’t understand why things were happening!)

Patterns with people, on the other hand, I’m not as good at picking out. I think I’ve discovered one now, but it’s not easy to believe…

Half of my job involves supervising groups of 8 to 10 people for 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the length of the contract (after that people are reassigned to new projects, usually with a different supervisor). I train them, monitor their work to make sure that they’re adhering to project standards set by various state DOEs, and answer questions that these 8 to 10 people have when they run into trouble assessing a particular writing sample – usually this involves going to them and reading the sample with them and discussing what score it ought to be.

And it’s finally occurred to me, after doing this for a few months, that the people with the most problems are always 20-something guys. Odd, isn’t it?

At first I thought well maybe it’s because younger scorers are less experienced and have less confidence. But the new scorers who are women of any age or older men seem to not have problems as often. Hmm. Maybe they’re just less mature than the 20-something girls, since they say that males mature slower anyway.

For a while I just thought it was strange, until a couple of weeks ago when it dawned on me that one of my former “problem scorers” was flirtatious once he was assigned to a new group. (I don’t pick up on flirting very well until it’s overt, unfortunately)

So eventually a strange theory occurred to me – is it remotely possible that these scorers who need so much help are just playing dumb to get my attention? That seems awfully bold to me, but it’s happened a few times already so I’m beginning to wonder…

If it were the case I don’t think it’s something to be upset about so much as surprised by. I do realize that although I consider my looks to be average, some people don’t – so I’ve learned through catty remarks from other women who complain I don’t even care that guys look at me. Truthfully, it’s more that I don’t often notice. I’ve been stared at my whole life because of my hair color, so I learned to tune it out for the most part, else I’d still be uncomfortable for feeling noticed all the time.

So guys, do you think I’m seeing a pattern where none exists, or would a guy really play dumb to get the attention of a female supervisor?

So you’re cute, eh? :stuck_out_tongue:

hell yes. I keep developing crushes on lecturers and tutors and managers. I don’t know why. But I would totally pretend to be stupid to get the attention…

Like my Psychology tutor… Ah, I’m going to marry her one day. . .

^ Which translates to a “sounds perfectly plausible”, just to be sure.

Excuse me, miss… :smiley:

I reckon you’re seeing a pattern, and yes, we do play dumb on occasion.

I’m not sure I understand the question…

:smiley: hey, baby

Um, sorry, I’m really not sure I understood the question? Can I come up to your office and get a few minutes’ explanation? :slight_smile:

in other words – yes, you are definitely seeing a pattern. A very real pattern.
… And I’m already past 40, dammit :frowning:

Hmm… that wouldn’t happen to be red, would it?

In that case, I must warn you that I have a very sexy learning disability. What do I call it, Kiff?

Kiff: sigh… sexlexia.

just in case the point wasn’t being made.

Yes, red. It runs in my family, and my brother and mother are redheads too.

I believe we have the identical job. I’m also a supervisor for a standardized testing company.

I tend to have problems with 20-something males, but it usually relates to attendance. As far as difficulties in scoring, I tend to find that retirees have the most difficult time adapting. Many don’t have the computer literacy which the younger scorers do. Also, many are very slow to change their scoring patterns and tend to take my coaching as a personal attack on them.

I’m a 30 something male who looks young, so I remind my teams I’ve been doing this for 5 years now.

One of the other sites is in TX, so it’s possible we actually do have the identical job. I’d rather not name the company, but if you too have lovely green plastic mugs with the company logo on it, I’d say it was the same place, different state.

Oh, and I’m 28 and look years younger. How people view that is a topic for another thread.

Actually, elfkin, you didn’t need to go into such detail. All you had to say was this:

“I’m a woman who works with a bunch of male 20-something computer techs.”

And we could have responded:

“The best way to break up a crowd is…”

I totally don’t understand the last three lines of your post. :confused:

And the people I work with are not computer techs, they’re assessing standardized test responses. The tech guys are too busy avoiding us and coming up with ways to claim that all computer problems are user errors for us to see them much.

Thanks teach for picking up my pencil for the fifth time…I sure am clumsy.

And there might be something to what you say. As a Gay ex-teacher/seminar trainer, I notice a lot of younger Gay guys always seemed to have questions for me after class and at first, I though all young Gay guys were kind of stupid…then I realized I was kind of stupid.

There may be another factor at work here. Not to discount the likely flirt factor [Joey] So, how you doin? [/JT]. There’s also a possibility that your 20-something males are more willing to ask for help than the others. Similar to the phenomenon observed in schools where males tend to ask more questions, get more attention than females. It could also be that they are not as good at following instructions or working independently as the females. Then again, maybe they really are just “Hot for Teacher”.