Scotland's Haggis Surrenders - Norway wins disgusting food crown

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It must be autumn: Norway feasts on sheep’s head

I think I know what we’re having for Thanksgiving this year! :stuck_out_tongue:

He discards the eye’s pupil? Sounds pretty easy to do, since the pupil is just a hole in the iris.

that comment makes the reporting a bit suspect.

Eyes? Pshaw. That’s child’s play. You can even find Tacos de ojos in the transplanted Maxwell Street Market here in Chicago. To be honest, for this adventurous eater, it’s no more disgusting than brain or tripe.

But you’re close. The repulsive food crown belongs to a Scandinavian country, although you’re one off: try Sweden for surstromming.

Let me just say, I’ve had it, I eat lots of disgusting thing, and nothing comes close to the level of repulsion this substance produces. Rotten…cough…I mean “femented” herring is the foulest smelling substance known to man. And no, despite what people say, it does not taste better than it smells. And don’t even try comparing it to lutefisk, because it’s not even in the same league. Nowhere close.

Me too! Though I’m still having trouble fava beans and nice chianti.

Eyes are muscles?

Eyes have muscles. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to move your eyes without moving your head.

Whether they’re tasty eye muscles or not I don’t know. I imagine they could taste just as nice as any other muscle group.

Sheep’s heads are not disgusting, nor are they excusively Norwegian. I’ve seen them eaten in the townships here, barbequed, for example. The smoking is just a different cooking technique, is all. Except for the actual eyeball, there’s nothing there you couldn’t get in a butcher’s ( tongue, muscles). I mean, they discard the brain, for pity’s sake.

Scandanavia alone has more disgusting foods (usually involving fermented herring, for some reason, as people have pointed out), never mind the rest of the world … Look, don’t make me come over there with the Sardinianleaping-maggot cheese !

Qadgop, I wonder if that’s just a translation glitch for iris.

I know eyes have muscles, but reading the article I was envisioning it being just the separated eyeball. I’m probably wrong about that. Wouldn’t be the first time! :smiley:

Or lens. Are the lenses in our eyes rigid or soft? If they’re rigid then I can understand discarding it before eating.

Haggis is disgusting now? :confused:

Actually, the Mexican markets–and perhaps the Arabic and/or Indian ones, too–here in Chicago often have sheep’s heads on sale.

Fermented herring can’t be much worse than hakarl. Which, I freely admit, I’ve never tried, only read about.

Being Icelandic, it’s got that Norweigan connection, so I think they’re still well ahead in the gross food department.

And yes, haggis is disgusting now. And forever.

Haggis has always been disgusting. Taking all the internal organs of a sheep, mixing them with oatmeal, stuffing the mixture in the stomach and boiling the hell out of it does not equal good eating.

Just wanted to say that haggis is a LOT better than everyone makes it out to be. The consistency is a bit surprising at first, but it’s actually really good. Maybe sheep eyes are the same way.

Most Americans cannot get past the description. My wife wants to try them next time we visit Scotland.


It’s a pudding for Og’s sake! A sausage! These dishes were invented to make the less appetising bits palatable.

Haggis is much tastier than American hot dogs, even is they are made from the same cuts of meat and similar filler.

I’d be willing to give hakarl a shot. I can’t believe it’s worse than surstromming. If anything, at least it’s dry which, I would assume, would cut down on the got awful smell and taste, although I can be wrong.

To be specific, Haggis is the heart, lungs, and liver of the sheep (although other parts may be added) boiled with oatmeal and whatever other stuffing, in the sheep’s stomach (although nowadays, most mass-produced haggis is boiled in a synthetic but edible bag). It generally looks like minced meat (not the mince pie kind, the cottage/shepherds pie kind) with grainy white parts in. And I think it’s nice - not fantastic, but it’s nice.

Having had haggis in Scotland, I must say, it’s quite inoffensive. It helps if you’re not squeamish about eating organ meat.

I mean, lookie here. I’ve got a package of Scott Petersen hot links sitting in the fridge. How’s this for a list of ingredients:

Mechanically separated chicken
Beef salivary glands, Lymph Nodes and Fat (cheek and tongue)

There’s more salivary glands and lymph nodes in this sausage than there is pork or beef!

I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say haggis is tastier than American hot dogs – I do like my natural casing hot dogs quite a lot, and I don’t recall really going out of my way to get haggis again in Scotland, but it was certainly tasty enough.