Women- if you haven't tried anal sex, why not?

I read a study (from a men’s magazine, possibly, so take it with a heap of salt) that said that 35% of American women ages 25-44 have never tried anal sex.

If you don’t, can I ask why? I think many of the reasons for these stats are obvious:

1.) Moral/conservative upbringing- which isn’t to say that Republicans and Mormons and what not don’t enjoy anal sex (‘God’ having made it possible for you in your eyes, after all), but you know what I mean

2.) Afraid it will hurt- the female anus contains nerves similar to the clitoris in terms of pleasure zones, but having a penis inserted certainly must hurt the first few times as the skin is stretched (thankfully, I don’t know from experience)

3.) Some ‘women’ (18 year olds and up) in America are still virgins altogether, and haven’t had any sex, especially not anal

4.) The woman feels like it degrades her to be made love to this way

5.) Too embarassed to ask husband/boyfriend/student, and he’s too embarassed to ask

How about you?

:smack: The women in the study were 25-44; certainly there are plenty of 25 year old virgins, but after 30 the numbers decrease.

Best analogy I can think of - I could drink a glass of milk through my nose if I wanted to, but it would probably be uncomfortable and I have a perfectly good mouth.

  1. None of the above. It’s not that I think there’s anything inherently wrong with it, it’s just that the idea doesn’t appeal to me.

Can I add another item on the list?: “I simply have no interest in it/it hasn’t ever really come up”. I am a guy and that is the choice I would check. I am not a prude at all and I have an open mind. However, anal sex just seems like a practice that is going against natural design and is more risk and trouble than it is worth. I am sure it is great for some people. I am just saying that many people won’t need some grand, underlying psychological motive for forcing a perfectly good part of their body into something it isn’t designed to handle in the best way.

Without commenting on the OP, I’d like to be the first to point out that yours is the perfect username for someone posting in this thread :smiley:

You have nerve endings on the tip of your nose, that doesn’t make it a clit.

I’m all for a gritty sex discussion or two, but forgive me if this one seems a bit puerile.

Paget Brewster had a good answer to this in the latest Esquire.

Uh, cite? Some women do enjoy anal sex a lot, but I haven’t heard any evidence that most do, or that it’s a major erogenous zone.

If you don’t mind, I’d like to add another sex-related question to this thread- I don’t mean to look like a pervert, but I think it’s to my credit that I’m not making another separate threads for this. The reason I’m not is because I don’t want to seem like a pervert just for having two sex-related polls at one time.

My question regards women who do masturbate but don’t use pornography or other pictures, but rather their own fantasies- what fantasies do you use?

This was completely unrelated to this thread, and I hope it doesn’t seem like an insulting question.

Wikipedia’s page on Anal sex (Og, I can’t believe I’m admitting to the fact that I visited it) says “Anal sex can be pleasurable for both the insertive partner and the receptive partner, as the anus contains many of the same kinds of nerves as the penis or clitoris.” That’s all I was saying- not that it’s a ‘major erogenous zone.’

OK, that one is Penthouse territory, and if this thread goes there, I’ll close it. Please confine discussion to the OP. Thanks.

God help me;
I believe Roland Deschain said it best:

So that’s another one to add to the list;
xx) Because it is dirty.

okay girls…here it is…you asked for it…and you’ve finally got it…
here are the three basic tenets of male thinking.

  1. if there’s a hole, something’s going in it.

  2. if there’s a big shiny red button, or shiny red lever, it MUST be inspected thoroughly/pushed/pulled

  3. every guy wants two girls
    there are corollaries to these and they are situational. for example, men dive at the nipple because it is the shiny red button of the breast. some guys are religious and don’t want two girls, but the pattern of thinking is “hey, i’ve got one…and it’s good…let’s go for two!” think of costanza with the tv and the pastrami sandwich in bed. why climb mount everst? cause it’s a hole we’ve gotta fill.

why do guys even CARE about anal sex? well, cause it’s a hole. and dammit, we’re like cats…we’re inquisitive by nature…and we’ve gotta know.

and yes, we’ve (some of us) have devised double standards. them’s the rules.

Don’t touch it, you fool! That’s the history eraser button!

Yeah, this would pretty much be my answer. It involves poop. I do not personally find poop sexy.

Uh, why the scare quotes? :dubious:

Mount Everest, being a pointy mountain-type thing, would be more analogous to a hole-filling thing, not a hole.

All the reasons cited seem er, reasonable to me. At any rate, what a person does or does not do with his or her own body is that person’s business.

Very true from my (male) pespective.

Do you not see the irony here?

If the idea is so unappealing to you, why should it be any more appealing to women?

There is, of course, nothing wrong with anyone (man or woman) enjoying anal penetration, but your apparent confusion over why some women may not like it is a little hard to understand, given your own obvious antipathy to having something shoved up your ass.

It’s no more or less “natural” for women to want something in their butt than it is for men. In fact, given our possession of a prostate gland and its reception to stimulation, one could probably make a better argument for the utility and pleasure of male anal penetration.