Another Round of Hamantaschen Baking For The Steinhardts

Yes, it’s that time of year again. Purim is upon us and the Steinhardts have once again baked Hamantaschen. And, once again, I’m going to bore you all with the pictures. :slight_smile:
Hamantaschen Baking
For historical perspective, here is what it looked like in previous years:






Zev Steinhardt

Cute kids! :smiley:

Can you explain for the uneducated gentiles among us (me) what Hamantaschen is…and Purim…and the meaning behind Hamantaschen making day?

My mom and Aunt make potica (nut bread) for Christmas and now Easter, but there’s nothing behind it other than family tradition. And gluttony for sweets :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Ultra short version:

About 2500 years ago, in the Persian Empire, the Jewish people were almost wiped out due to the plans of an evil advisor to the king named Haman. However, his plans were thwarted and the Jewish people were killed.

The story of Purim is told in the Book of Esther.

Hamantaschen (literally “Haman’s pockets”) are triangular shaped pastries with fruit fillings in the middle. According to tradition, Haman wore a triangular hat - and so the triangular shaped pastry has become a tradition on Purim.

Purim is a holiday that falls out in February or March each year. It is easily the happiest day of the year on the Jewish calendar. The day is usually marked by kids (and some adults) dressing up in costumes, delivering food packages to one another, listening to the story of Esther read in the synagogue and a festive meal with drinking.

Zev Steinhardt

I haven’t had hamentaschen in years. Can I come over? ;j

I had a hamentaschen from the kosher bakery today.

It was deeeelicious. I wish I’d got more than one now. Except then I’d be eating them all. And I already ate a bunch of the rugelach I bought, I probably don’t need any more sweets today.

Oy, what zisse kinder you’ve got! Let them know they’ve inspired this lapsed Catholic to hightail it over to Kosher Cajun deli (the ONLY kosher deli in the greater N’Awlins area) tomorrow and pick up some of that yummy hamentaschen goodness, if thre’s any left when I get there!

The Jewish people were killed…or weren’t?

What day is Purim this year? I’ll have to go read up on


Purim starts tomorrow night. And we weren’t killed, yay!

Just read the Book of Esther, it has the whole story, and it’s not very long.

There’s also noisemakers and lots of making fun of Haman.

And drinking.

Apparently, I’m already a bit drunk… and I haven’t drank anything stronger than Diet Sunkist!

Yes, it should be that the Jews were not killed!

Zev Steinhardt

You know, it’s also an old tradition to send the cookies to me.

Wow! The kids are getting so big. They look so cute.

Off to hunt for Hamantashen.

Ah, but which is better? Latkes or hamantasch?

Scroll down to the Editorial Reviews to get a taste of what the debates are about.

Who was it who said that every Jewish holiday has the same theme? “They tried to kill us. They failed. Let’s eat.”?

What’s up with all the references to latke and hamantaschen making you sick? Are us Jews impervious to some poison inherent in latke and hamantaschen that slays goyim like dragons?

Ah, yes. I’ve heard that one too. Doesn’t quite explain Yom Kippur, however. :slight_smile:

Zev Steinhardt

Now there’s the wrong smiley choice if I’ve ever seen it! ;j

Well, does motzei Yom Kippur count? I’m usually ready to eat a lot round then.

Any holiday that involves food, drinking, and not getting killed is all right by me!