What the fuck is Sharon Stone doing? (Daily Show, 3/13)

Though tempted to put this in the Pit, i figured that it involves a TV show and and actor, so should probably go in Cafe Society. If it ends up getting moved, i won’t be too upset.

Did anyone see Monday night’s Daily Show?

What the fuck is Sharon Stone doing over there in Israel, apart from embarrassing herself? I’ve never been one to get too excited about self-serving, publicity-whoring celebrities, but she seems to have gone batshit insane.

You can see the video here. Click on the “Access Holyland” link to view. There’s a short section on the death of Slobodan Milosevic, and the bit about Stone comes up at about 1:20.

If you haven’t seen it, i won’t give away the choice bits; suffice to say that i had trouble believing my eyes and ears.

As i said, i don’t generally worry too much about this sort of stuff, but in some previous interviews that i’ve seen Sharon Stone always seemed pretty smart and interesting. I’m not even sure what she hopes to accomplish over there.

Rather incoherent OP, i guess, but i just wanted to share. Maybe it belongs in MPSIMs?

Haven’t seen the clip, and I have no idea what she said that made you scowl, but there one point I felt I had to share.

Sharon Stone has been bat-shit crazy for a long time now.

Batshit insane is accurate. If Jon wasn’t kidding, I eagerly anticipate her scheduled Daily Show appearance next week. That’ll be one interview I’ll actually watch.

Nice language, mhendo.

Hey, she came in her faith. I, for one feel we should encourage more ladieth to work on that thkill.

Look, clearly her meds were lost on the flight over.


Embarassing not only herself, but the entire peace process.


Perhaps she thought it was the Sharon Perez Center for Piece


Maybe it really is all about whether she’s naked and we see her boobies in the new film. And if that’s the case, she cleared it right up.

Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children!?

Yeah, that absolutely cracked my up.

I thnik the most jaw-dropping moment was her description of her publicist as a “great Jewish woman.” That and the screaming.

Don’t make me watch the video (that’s frowned upon here at work). Someone spoil it for me please.

She seems batshit crazy, but I think she was invited there. I guess it’s the kind of invitation you accept.

I think her plan is to reconcile the Jews and the Arabs by helping them discover their common interest; the hots for anything blonde with a tush.

It’s actually hard to spoil, because her delivery is a key part of it. She verges on incoherent.

There is one part where she describes her publicist as “this great Jewish woman,” which is a pretty silly thing to say under any circumstances, and even more ridiculous when you’re in Israel speaking to a bunch of Jewish people.

And when asked why she came, she said “I came in my faith,” leading Jon Stweart to express the hope that she doesn’t have a lisp.

But you really have to see it to get the full picture.

I have called myself a Sharon Stone fan. Her performance in Basic Instinct is one of the great Tough Broad/Vagina Dentata performances–Of. All. Time.

But man.

I’ma hafta rethink my loyalty. That chick’s nutshit batso.

She repeats about a dozen times in a row, really fast, that the reason she is there is because people want to know “Is she naked (in her next movie)? Will we see her boobies?” Something in this gist. I was only partially paying attention while I was getting some lunch (vid won’t play here at work, dinosaur computer).

HA! Funniet Google ad reaction ever:

Study Abroad in Ireland

First you see Stone at a press conference saying “I know people don’t want to listen to what I’m saying, you just want to know if I show my boobies in the movies, yadda yadda yadda.”

Then you see her imitate her husband getting hysterical over her going to Israel.

Then a clip of her referring to her publicist as a “Great Jewish woman.”

Then a clip of her saying she “Came (to Israel) on her faith.”

Nothing about it suggests she’s insane; the clips are all carefully selected to look silly and crazy, but in context you’d just think she was, well, a Hollywood actress. If you think this proves she’s nuts, you don’t understand the concept of “Editing.”

Dude, “editing” has nothing to do with it. Editing has nothing to do with the FACT that, at an international press conference, sitting at a bank of microphones next to Nobel Peace Prize winner and former Prime Minister of Israel Shimon Peres, who invited her there to [yeah right] promote Middle East peace [/yeah right], she informs the world press that YES, you get to see my “boobies” in Basic Instinct Two.

Explain how editing made her LOOK like those words came out her mouth in that place at that time, when reality was actually something different.

She’s an actress. If you don’t know the difference between self-absorption and insanity, let me just say I’m very glad you aren’t a psychiatrist.

The History Channel’s Great Jewish women week: Queen Esther, Golda Meir…Sharon Stone’s publicist.

So . . . it was editing.