100 Hobbit / Lord of the Rings characters

I’m surprised nobody thought of this yet. Anyway, this thread shall be going by the books, not the movies. (Thus, characters not in the film trilogy can be included). You know the rules…

Smaug the dragon: “Well, thief. I may not be able to see you, but I can smell you. So you may as well admit that you’re here.”

Fredegar “Fatty” Bolger
Radagast the Brown

Tom Bombadil

Odo Proudfoot
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
Gildor Inglorion
King Brand of Dale (son of Bain, son of Bard)


Elladan and Elrohir - sons of Elrond; brothers to Arwen

Celebrian - Daughter of Galadriel & Celeborn; Elrond’s wife; Arwen, Elladan, & Elrohir’s mother

Halbarad - Dunedan, or ranger of the North; probably distant relative of Aragorn. Died at Pelennor Fields.

PS - I don’t know the rules

Shoot, if we really tried (and if Qadgop was here…) we could come up with 100 dwarves, or 100 villains, or 100 People Who Are Referred to but Don’t Appear in the Narrative.


I thought we were only suppose to supply 1 character a piece?
If not I can rattle off your 100 with ease.
I will supply **Faramir ** for now.


Farmer Maggot

As a fan of comic relief, the herb-master.

Gimli son of Gloin
‘Forty-two, Master Legolas!’ he cried. ‘Alas! My axe is notched: the forty-second had an iron collar on his neck. How is it with you?’

IMHO one character per message, and preferably with a quote
also, only one person per message, no fair using Gandalf / Mithrandir / Olorin / Tharkun / etc as separate entries!


Luthien Tenuvial

Erestor, an elf who showed up at the Council of Elrond


for the quote, an excerpt from Durin’s Song
“No harp is wrung, no hammer falls, the darkness dwells in Durin’s halls”

And I’ll supply the quote for tdn from a song sung by someone (Bilbo, maybe?) at Rivendell
Gil-galad was an elven King
of him the harpers sadly sing
the last whose realm was fair and free
between the mountains & the sea

Elenor Gamgee.


Bjorn, who doesn’t like entertaining large groups of dwarves

Belladonna Took


Sam’s Gaffer (“My Gaffer used to say…”)

Rosie, Sam’s girlfriend

Bill “waste of a good apple” Ferny

Elbereth (Varda star-kindler)

Quickbeam (an Ent)