Is there anything the SDMB could beat every other message board in existence at?

Boardo a’ Boardo is there any contest of skill or knowledge vs other boards where we would be likely to be utterly dominant?

Rock, Paper, Scissors. We would hands down own anyone and everyone out there.

Puns, clearly puns.

Good grammar and spelling (for the most part).


Also, Simpsons references and newbie whooshing.

Trivial Pursuit.

No-holds-barred fights to the death.

Damn those barred holds! If it wasn’t for them, we’d win the internet!

We’re also pretty good at fighting ignorance.

Monopoly Battle!

SDMB Would OWN you all!! Muuwwwaahhaa…

Jeez… I need some sleep.

Picking nits.

Which, upon reflection, is more straightforward as “nitpicking.”

Bitching and moaning about things that never change.

Yes, indeedy. Every other message board I read is awful.
There’s one I read that’s even the same vBulletin-style as this one (complete with the mouse-hover thread-peek thing), and the spelling and grammar are just atrocious.

And neatness. I love how nice and neat this place is, with its clean white posts and pretty blue lines in between.
I can’t stand reading MBs that allow big flashing avatars, and huge four-inch sigs (in every post!) with pictures and big animated smilies and scrolling text. It makes my head hurt.

Moderating. Which is one of the main reasons I stay here.

More straightforward than “nitpicking.”

We’re not the best on grammar and spelling. One board I used to hang out on was damned near impeccable. It was a hangout for English professors and grammar tutors.

Pile-ons, newbie whooshing, and Simpsons references? Have you been on some other Internet than the one I’ve been on? We’re way better about the first two things than many other boards; as for the third one, I guarantee there’s a Simpsons MB out there that’d make you chew your leg off to get away.

I think we’re the best messageboard at finding speedy answers to random questions. I’ve never seen another place online where you can ask folks the sort of weird questions you get around here and get an answer so quickly. My first post to this board was a question about a woman who claimed to have channelled a novel written posthumously by Mark Twain; I was curious about the copyright status of such a work, and whether Twain’s estate would have a financial interest in the work. I got great, clearly written opinions very quickly.

Nowhere else!


… AaaAaaaaand “whoooosh” achieved.

I left that out for a newbie, ya greedy bastard. :stuck_out_tongue:

What about straight-out debating? I’d like to think we’d kick the snot out of pretty much any board out there.

Simultaneous posting, obviously.

Smurf hunting.

If you think about this question seriously it’s actually a very interesting thought experiment.

I was thinking baseball. We have a number of people here who really know their baseball. I don’t think we have any genuine scholars of baseball, but as an avid baseball fan I can tell you that there are NO really good baseball discussion boards. The official team forums are a horror. Fanhome has fallen into disuse. The ESPN forums are awful. There are web sites with more baseball knowledge (Baseball Prospectus, etc.) but that’s not a message board.

But maybe there’s a terrific baseball board out there I’ve missed.

Actually I think it’s the civility which is, of course, maintained by the excellent moderating skills.
I have a friend who moderates another board, and even though it’s much smaller than the SDMB (about 6,000 active members, but only a few hundred regular posters), she has her hands full.
Trolling and flaming are the downfall of most, would be, boards and the mods. here do a good job of nipping that in the bud before it gets a foothold.
I do sometimes wish, that, some would put their egos aside and try to be more objective, but hey, it takes all kind to make the world go 'round.
All things considered, I really enjoy participating here.

Our knowledge of 1920’s Style Death Rays is nonpareil.

And we can whup the World at Naked Underwater Lacrosse. :smiley: