Rush's unfortunate boner...

Read all about it.

Oh, dear Og, if this sticks I’m going to laugh until tears run down my face.

Assuming it was intended to protect Rush’s privacy, it failed spectacularly. :smiley:

Yes, that’s what I was thinking. Oh what a tangled web we weave…

Privacy purposes? Sheesh.

Am I the only one who misses Bob Dole right about now?

…when a hard-on bulges his trouser sleave? :smiley:

The creepy part: Imaging what Rush could be doing with the Viagra. Ewwwwwww.
The annoying part: A nanny government that is regulating what consenting adults do. My dislike for Rush is right up there with my dislike for a government’s nose being in private business. I hate when I sympathize with Mephistopheles.
The other part: I wonder if he’ll still want the Rx when he’s in prison?

Rush Limbaugh takes Viagra?

There are women out there who’d actually let him fuck them? Wow. Takes all kinds.

Jay Leno, Letterman, Jon Stewart, Jimmy Kimmel… These guys are all very, very happy right now. If they themselves ever needed Viagra, they don’t anymore.

And species, perhaps. It could explain a lot.

Are you complaining because someone needs a prescription for viagra?

I really want to make some bad puns at Rush’s expense, but don’t want to be too hard on him. Because, you know, knock on wood, that could be me in 25 years. And whether I agree with the man’s politics or argumentative style, I have to respect him for, you know, standing firm for what he believes in. And hey, he isn’t your usual turgid conservative; he’s always had a sense of humor that makes him more listenable than, say, Hannity. I’m not saying the flags should be at half mast if the guy goes to jail for this but, you kow, give him a break.

(braces for tomatoes) :o

Actually, he seems more human than he ever has. Just another guy wanting to score with the ladies, and be “up” to the challenge. I pity the fool though.

Hehheh heh heh heh heh mmm yeah. Hard on. Heh heh mm hehheh heh.


It’s a multi-faceted complaint on that part. That a person needs a prescription for Viagra, that drugs are so heavily regulated, all the way down to the fact that he got busted for having a prescription drug whose Dr’s name was on the bottle. I’ll admit my opinion has utopian undertones to it where I wish consenting adults could be treated as such and that whatever one does to their own person is their own responsibility and I’m sure there are great and wonderful rationales and arguments against that stance. But I’ll stand with that preference.

We have quite lovely crack whores here in sunny Las Vegas for as cheap as 20 dollars ~

It is the stiff necks of our law enforcement agencies and their rigid guidelines that make me feel hard-pressed to put my firm support behind these penetrating intrusions into the private parts of our lives and belongings.

You’ve got me beat for density (i.e. ratio of bad puns to words), but I still got you in the sheer volume department. :slight_smile:

So yours is bigger, but his is more dense.

It’s not what you have, but how you use it?

I once made the mistake of travelling with an asprin container (the little slide box) that I had packed with some ibuprofen and Prilosec OTC as well as the asprin. I got grilled over that at security but was able to convince them that none of the pills were prescription. You’d think I had a gram of coke, which is probably about how they’d react if they had of been prescription. Kinda silly that Viagra is a prescription drug, what with all the Viagra abuse going on. Maybe they need Viagra OTC, for when you just want a little pussy.

Here’s the deal about drugs. They have side-effects. Other drugs you might be taking also have side-effects. IANAMD, but the severity of the potential hazards and side-effects of a drug seem to have something to do with whether it goes OTC or remains prescription only - the idea being that you don’t want someone happening into taking a combination of drugs that could kill them. Individual responsibility is great, up to the point where the typical individual can’t reasonably be expected to have sufficient knowledge to exercise that responsibility properly. (That should really be another thread, but WTF, I’ll say that much here.)

Much tighter rules have always applied to bringing stuff into the country, compared to carrying it around in the back seat of your car. (You really want to get into a discussion of that? That would DEFINITELY be a whole 'nother thread by itself.)

Since this is the Pit, I’ll say that, with respect to drugs at least, you’re freakin’ crazy. It would add a smidgen of risk, and a shitload of complexity (in holding the added risk down to a smidgen) to most people’s lives. There’s theory, and then there’s real life. Sometimes they even coincide, but it’s not to be relied on.