What to do with my colonoscopy pictures?

To my surprise, after the procedure they gave me a nice set of color photos of the inside of my colon.

I thought these might be nice for my next Christmas card. Any other ideas what I could do with them?

Create and decoupage an exhaust pipe sculpture?

Darn, I come in here just to suggest putting them in your Christmas cards, and its right there in the OP!

If you’ve got a scanner, you could use one of the pictures as your desktop wallpaper.

Post them!

One word: rasterbate!

I second this. I volunteer at the local hospital in the G.I. Lab and I always wondered about the procedures I type up.

Damn you Hal - you beat me to it!!!

(To the OP - I had a colposcopy a few years ago - and asked if they could email me the digital photos that they took of my “yoohoo” for my Christmas cards - I don’t think they knew if I was kidding or not … hehe)

Well, I posted pics from my operation in this thread.


I asked for some pictures, when they did the procedure. I have saved them for when somebody gets out their horendous family photos I don’t want to see. I will be subjecting them to these at that point.

Side note: I had a neighbor ask me to capture photos from video of his wife given birth. I told him that I was never goinig to set eyes on the video and I meant it. I can’t believe he asked me to do that.

Coincidentally, when I had this same procedure done a few years ago in December, and they handed me a set of lovely pictures of my colon to take home with me, the first thing I said was, “Too late to go out with the Christmas cards.” :slight_smile:

I think I still have them in an envelope here in the desk. Why keep them? Memories, I guess…

I got a lovely photo of an unexpected ulcer when I had an endoscopy last year. I drew a happy face on the ulcer and sent it on a card to my boss with ‘Thanks for the Ulcer! You owe me a payrise. Smoochies xx’ written inside. My boss loved it and still has it in his office :slight_smile:

So, did you get the raise?

(I can’t imagine doing something like that, but I’m glad he, er, appreciated it.)

KlondikeGeoff–get enlargements made, frame em, & hang them over the mantlepiece.

After all, they caught your best side! :smiley:

Excellent! I’m going for this colonoscopy next week and was wondering what to do with the results!

I didn’t get pictures of mine, but if I did, I’d take 'em to Kinkos and have wrapping paper made out of them.

Either that or I’d sell 'em on E-bay.

Basically I agree with this. Have some ready at home and work if someone else insists in showing off baby pictures. Say, “This is MY baby”.
