Ask the Recreational Drug User!

I see that many people have questions about recreational drug use, well here is the thread you can ask an actual user of drugs, and I will answer to the best of my capabilities.

Ask away!

What drugs have you done.
What drugs will you not do and why.

What I have done…

cocaine (powder and crack)

…actually, this is getting pretty long. Probably better to list the ones I haven’t done.


Which ones I won’t do, and why?

Heroin - too easily available for me and feels too good. I do not want to become an addict (I tried it as a teen and didn’t take it correctly, that’s why it’s on my list of ones I did).

From what I have heard about PCP, I probably shouldn’t do it either.

If something glaringly obvious is missing from one of these lists, ask and I will answer, I probably forgot it.

How do ** you ** define “recreational” ?

Have you ever had to do a urine specimin (for a job or otherwise) and tried any of the various methods for scamming them?

How old are you?
What kind of job do you have presently?
Do you have any kids right now?
(will come up with follow ups depending on answers)

thanks for this, by the way.

How long, do you feel personally, before thiis thread is kicked out of GD?
Also, I see no GHB, I see no 2CB. Why not.

I define recreational drugs as ones you take for non-medical reasons, to put you in an altered state that is pleasurable or more interesting.

I have had to do urine specimens twice in my life. One I had no problem with, I hadn’t done any drugs in well over a month. The other I was sure I would fail as I was regularly using pot and had smoked some 3 days before the test, but I passed anyway. I have never tried scamming them, but one of my friends regularly does by using his son’s urine.

I am 27 years old, will be 28 on the 26th.

I am a computer tech in a call center for a national ISP.

I have a 5 year old stepdaughter, and me and the wife are trying to have another.

This may linger here quite some time. All the ‘Ask the Gay Guy’ threads stayed in Great Debates.

I have not done GHB because it has never been offered to me, and because it doesn’t sound like something I would particularly like so I have not sought it out.

I do not know what 2CB is, what are some of the other names it has, if any?

You weren’t here for the proliferation of the “ask the” threads. Do a search on it in the subject line, you’ll find quite a few that were shunted off. It got quite tiresome.

As for 2cb. You can get all the info you need here.

Fair enough. now, at what point would you say that some one had gone from “recreational use” into problem use?

Re: your friend and the son’s urine. geez. The folks taking the specimins need some lessons in how to take them. We used to have folks use their kids’ pee, too. Always wondered about the wonderful life lesson going on there about personal responsibility. But I digress. Some folks DO get lucky on those, I know.

I asked the questions about age and occupation to get an idea of the relative risk - if you’re a computer tech, it’s not likely that weekend drug use will cause a melt down at your work (this would be different if you operated heavy machinery, drove, and other assorted occupations). Fair enough.

How do you intend to deal with your child and your recreational use? I would guess at this point that you’re not smoking a joint in front of her ( or maybe you are), but at some point, she will have to know, I would think, that “daddy’s funny cigarette is not a subject we discuss while the nice police officer is writing the speeding ticket” (not assuming that you speed, but the idea of not mentioning it to certain people).

no, how about if you just tell us how you deal with your recreational drug use and your daughter (do you indulge around her, is she aware of it, is she told not to tell anyone, etc.) currently.

Have you done Jet? I hear it’s the only way to fly!

And what about DXM?

What is DMT?

What about epinephrine? You know, adrenaline?

And Nitrous?

Have you ever experienced a “flash back” from the use of LSD? Back when I was young, they showed us terrible films about the evils of drug use and kept emphasising this terrible “flash back” thing.

I later experimented with LSD and never had a flash back. I’m curious about your own experience.

Badtz Maru:

What is DMT?
Have you personally experienced any legal problems?
Does crack give you a different high than powder cocaine?
( I’ve never sniffed but I have smoked it a couple times. )


Would you care to explain the “avoiding personal responsiblity” comment?
It’s not like he is blaming the kid for his drug use.

My parents smoked weed when I was growing up ( and still do ). We knew not to talk about it because they tried to hide it when we were young. When we were older ( say 12 and 13 ) they explained what the situation was. Before that we thought it was something bad that we should pretend wasn’t happening. Later, some of the neighbor kids would tease us about it ( they heard it from their parents, not from us ), but they were teasing us anyway because our family was different ( read: not rednecks ).


I did plenty of acid in the years after high school but stopped. It has now been over a decade and I have never experienced a flashback.
YMMV, unfortunately.

Is this thread going to turn into “Ask the SDMB user who got tracked and busted by the DEA because he boasted about his recreational drug use on line”?

FTR- Any and all illegal activities described by this poster are necessarily hypothetical as he is actually just a disembodied brain with internet access.

Just my 2sense
2 Chronicles 4:20

2sense - If you go back and read what I wrote, I was NOT talking about Badtz MAru when I said “avoiding personal responsability” comment, I was talking about a parent who obtained a urine specimin from their own child so that the parent could substitute that clean urine for their own in a urine test. And, yea, I think it would be an interesting situation for that parent to attempt to hold the child responsible for anything the child had done. Parent: give me some of your clean urine so I can avoid the consequences of MY behavior, but in the meantime, you’re grounded 'cause you didn’t clean your room. :rolleyes:

Your personal account about your parents smoking pot is another vein I was asking about. Since pot smoking is illegal and kids have a way of chirping up with information at inopportune times, many people who use illegal drugs end up trying to hide the behavior from their kids. Kids, of course, often know that something is going on. I am interested in that dynamic.

Perhaps it’s not something the recreational drug user thinks about. I don’t know. that’s why I’m asking. Generally, a parent tries to teach both by words and by example. We all have some areas of inconsistency I suspect, and kids are pretty good at ferreting them out.
I’m also interested in how one would then try and explain to the child at a later date about “laws we must obey” (assuming that most recreational drug users do NOT advocate wholesale breaking of other laws) and “laws we think it’s ok to break”. I found for myself personally, that when my son first could read and understand the speed limit signs and then would, of course, point out how much faster I was going, that I tended to slow down. I am curious how people deal with this issue.

I second that…I too would like to know the mindset behind parents participating in something illegal and then expecting their kids keep their mouths shut and turn a blind eye to it. Isn’t that just a little more responsibility than we need to be putting on our kids?

Regardless of how I might feel about the drug laws wouldn’t it be irresponsible of me to tell my kids that I smoke weed because the laws are bogus? It certainly doesn’t change the law. I realize that hypocracy is something else everyone likes to avoid, but how can that make a difference when it involves your child? Wouldn’t it be better to sneak around and be a hypocrite than teach your children to break the law? After all one day they will be adults and can make their own decisions then.

When you think about it the fact that anyone bothers to risk getting busted at all is stupid. People love to maintain that they don’t have a “drug problem” but isn’t the act of doing ILLEGAL drugs proof that you do? After all how many other laws would you so blithely break, even the ones you find silly? Or are you assessing risk? Is it better to safely stick with a so called “soft drug” like pot because in the event you do run into a legal problem the problem will generally not be as great? Has the relative risk even been assessed? What effect would a DUI (which you can get for being stoned) or a minor possession charge have on your work, family, financial situation, etc.? Or do you even care?


There are far worse things to be done to a child than this. I do not take kindly to strangers telling other strangers how their children learn and are affected by anything. I have some of my own opinions on the matter, but will await Baditz’s reply before I try to post opinions based on a conjecture. (That came out a little harsher than I meant, so please put a little sugar on it.) In the time being, a few personal and informative notes on LSD:

I first tried acid seven years ago, and my use reads like the curve of a book storyline. It was introduced, I got to know it better, I used it heavily, achieved a mental climax (a series of life epiphanies spanning a year), my use declined, and I’m about at the resolution, though I still dip into the stuff from time to time.

The only flashback-type phenomena I’ve experienced so far involve visual tracers and anomolies. Sometimes the visual trip will kick in after physical activities that cause the release of endorphins. Whenever I’m towards the end of mowing the lawn, the ground will appear to be breathing, with rolling waves rippling through. It is never frightening (quite entertaining, actually), as it is a controlled sort of thing. I intensify the effect by staring at one point, sort of like those Magic Eye pictures.
The other visual I encounter from time to time are tracers, where someone will move their hand suddenly and I will experience sort of a delay. Sort of a mild swish as opposed to a clean movement. The few times that this has happened, though, have been triggered by alcohol.
Point being: the occurrences are defined, and don’t just pop up at unexpected times as to endanger myself or anyone else.

I have found the stuff to be very beneficial to my health and mental well-being. It is an excellent tool for gaining a perspective on one’s life that quite probably could not be otherwise achieved. For me, I will only learn from experience and understanding things personally as opposed to instruction. So, for me, it was an invaluable tool in recognizing destructive patterns in my life and how to correct those.

It is definitely noted, however, that extended LSD use can be detrimental to persons with bipolar disorders or manic depression.

In general, I agree with most people who have experimented with this interesting substance that most everyone in the world should try it once.


How do you forsee your future with regard to your drug use? Do you see yourself continuing as you do now, or eventually stopping? What is the likelihood of your becoming addicted? Or running into problems with the law?

I think there’s kind of a presumption that anything with the word “gay” in it involves some sort of debate. But maybe drugs are the same.

well, that’s certainly reassuring. But, seeing your disclaimer later in the paragraph, I won’t hold ya too strongly to that one. But, please realize that “it’s not the worst thing you could do” is not really a recognizable defense.


I am not telling anyone anything of the sort. I am merely asking the question “gee, how do you reconcile these issues?” One of my former clients’s mothers kept assuring me that she “raised her better than to end up in prison”, however, this same mother expected the unemployed daughter to come up with expensive gifts for mother’s day. Wasn’t my business to tell that mom that her inconsistencies were astounding, but I sure thought it. Had mom asked me, I would have.

In this case, I am asking the question, partly to see the answer, also to see if the question had been thought of. I am truly interested in the answer. Hopefully, since he offered himself up as the proverbial guinea pig, he’ll be back soon.

How, exactly, did you take this heroin and why was that not the correct way? Did you not get high? Were you trying to stuff it in your ear or somethin’?

Why do you feel the need to discuss your drug use? Are you a very social drug user? Do you see any danger of excess resulting from your need to consume drugs for social reasons?