Can the President pick em or what?

Think of the worst person to head national family planning. Did a guy who thinks giving birth control to women is demeaning come to mind?

Oh wait! I get it. Bush means for us to plan for a whole lot of family! Duh!
The only thing that keeps me sane is knowing that we only have two more years with the worst President ever. That and he will no longer control congress come the new year.

We hope.

So… does a person who is put into a job by Presidential appointment report to someone other than the President? Which is another way of asking… how long do we reasonably have to wait before we can start hoping the guy gets fired?

Um, HOW?

:dubious: :rolleyes:

See, and here I was thinking it did the exazct opposite of that.

That’ll teach me for thinking in facts. We all know facts have no place in this administration.

Par for the course. Kindof like when he appointed Tom Coburn (R-Hatesville) to head The Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. You know, the man who thinks “… The gay community has infiltrated the very centers of power in every area across this country, and they wield extreme power. … That agenda is the greatest threat to our freedom that we face today. Why do you think we see the rationalization for abortion and multiple sexual partners? That’s a gay agenda.”

Yup, he sure knows how to pick 'em, alright.

But think for a moment how much duller things would’ve been had either Gore or Kerry had won. Sure, Kerry’s daughter with the transparent blouse was fun, but for consistent laffs Dubya’s the king.

“They want live babies to grow up to be dead soldiers.”
-George Carlin.

Because contraception corrupts people into being 1000 times more sexually active. Therefore, if we are to believe these condom manufacturers’ claims to ‘99.5 percent’ reliability, the effect on pregnancies, and therefore abortions, is a net increase.

It’s science, DUH!!!

Didn’t he also nominate a Senator who tried repeatedly to dismantle the Dept of Energy to head. . . the Dept of Energy?

Next up: William A. Dembski to head Education, Science and Training and the Elder Amish Plainpeople Spokeman to head the FCC.

Sooooo…contraception leads to pregnacy?

Ah, yes and war is peace, ingorance is strength…

My lord. Yes I’d like to know when we can fire him.

I’ll just quoteth myself from the MPSIMS thread :

And I’ll add to that: Fuck this guy. Seriously. Fuck him with some creative adjectives that I can’t think of.

Yeah, fuck him and HIS principals that he wants to put on my body too.

It’s obvious that the only way to be 100% sure is vasectomies for all boys at ten years old.

They can be reversed once they’ve been married and the Holy Man of their choice (ie. A Christian one, since they’re the only ones that count) notarizes their marriage license certifying that “They’re only doing it fer the babies”.

Do I win?


This is frighteningly funny but his appointment couldn’t possibily have any real world consequences…could it? I mean I can laugh without feeling guilty here, right?

A closed mind is a terrible thing to waste.

There has been a major push by the Catholic Church to claim the contraceptives don’t work. Not arguing their morality - they’re disputing their effectiveness. They’re claiming that condoms don’t prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases, so people shouldn’t trust them and should rely on “traditional” methods - which coincidentally are the same methods the church has declared are acceptable.

Every reputable physician and scientist has stated that these claims are wrong. But apparently God signed a waiver on Exodus 20:16 for this.

That’s not the worst part. That would be his hypothesis about oxytocin and relationship failure. (Link is to a blog because the original is a .doc.)

I have a hard time composing a sentence about this that doesn’t have the word “bullshit” in it.

That won’t work because then they could have sex with impunity. Nope, we’ll have to Bobbitt them, store it on ice, and reattach it when they meet the guidelines you’ve laid out, Merijeek.

Yeah, but that’ll be totally unacceptable to Georgie’s core constituencies.

We just need to come up with some sort of alternative that is “done” to women. Superglue?


This is Bush’s idea of bipartisanship. His original choice was going to be Ann Coulter.

I poke around a bit on that organization’s web site. It looks like it was put together by The Church Lady-- no exageration. The part about women’s modesty sounds eerily like what I’d expect a Muslim mullah in Iran to say.

Now, I don’t expect Bush to apoint a pro-choice person to head up this agency, but this guy is way out on the fringe. Does he have to get thru Congress? I don’t see how that could happen.