Weekly Comic Book Discussion 12/7/2006

Here 'tis.

My store’s shipment of 52 was largely damaged, so I would appreciate spoilers on that.

Justice Society of America is the book of the week - pure, 100% awesome.

JSofA - A thing of beauty. I don’t like Robin being reinserted into the second generation image, but I can ignore that. I :heart: Maxine, and Starman. I’m less fond of Damage’s new 'tude, but as long as he gets over it soon, I can live with it. Beyond that… Sweeeeeet.

All-New Atom - I love how Ryan dealt with Dwarfstar. That’s mean, but in a cool way.

I FINALLY managed to get ahold of a copy of Tales of the Unexpected 2. The Spectre story was OK, but the Dr 13 story is the real gem. It takes a pretty special kind of crazy to disbelieve in aliens, magic, and monsters in the DCU, but it’s a whole lot of fun seeing him justifying his disbelieve.

52 Week 31: [spoiler]Captain Comet and two Green Lanterns (one of them a tiny insect GL) try to hold off an invasion of an alien world (that looks awfully familiar). They drop giant cubes onto the planet, and them invade with zombies, which capture and assimilate the population.

Meanwhile, in metropolis, Nat, the new Jade, and Jake talk about one opf their creepier teammates. Nat and Jake kiss, and when nat walks out, Jake morphs into a poorly drawn Lex Luthor.

Fate and Ralph approach Cassie and the Super-memorial. Ralph gives her evidence that the Cult’s leader was a fraud, but that something real happened at the cermony. Cassie agrees, and states that Connor’s back as Supernova. Ralph leaves suddenly, and confronts Supernova. Ralph knows who he is.

“The clues were there. Once I used my head, the who made perfect sense. The powers threw me, but when I saw them from the proper angle, I sussed out the one device that could tie them all together. Superman being out of the picture was the key, One of two keys, if you want to be cute about it.”

back in space, a pale woman who looks like the love child of the Sheeda Queen and one of HR Geiger’s Aliens. She’s got the insectoid GL’s torso as an earring (giving me the Jibblies), is snacking on his ring, and has Adam Blake mounted like a deer on the front of ship (he’s preparing to jettison his conciousness, that’s one mystery in space solved).

From a distance, Lobo and the Lost in Space trio observe the wreckage.
“Ladies and gentlemen… Lady Styx” [/spoiler].

Superman Confidental #2: Wow. Just… Wow. The stuff with the volcano was probably the single best Superman scene I’ve ever read. Gives you a good sense of what it must be like to be the man of steel, and how terrifying that can be.

Detective Comics #826: Have I mentioned how much I love that the core Batman titles have abandoned “event-based” storytelling in favor of just really good stories, in the case pf 'Tec, single-issue ones? Because I do. And next issue… Scarface returns! Yay!

Jonah Hex #14: Interesting how they’re sticking to their rule of all single-issue stories, while now presenting a definite developing storyline. This issue explained a lot about how Jonah became the man he is, actually.

The All-New Atom #6: For the ultimate showdown between rationality and magic, it ended rather quickly. Still a pretty decent issue, but it lacked the oomph previous ones packed. Too much plot to tie up in too lfew pages.

Why not? It wouldn’t be a very good homage to All-Star Comics #58 if they cut him out.

#%& @$#* store sold out of JSA #1! grr.

52: Ralph’s teaser with Supernova was just annoying, and the space story just needs a little more exposition or set-up or something.

The New Atom: Still excellent, although I feel like I missed an issue.

Supergirl: Not so excellent, still harping on the same note, and I also feel like I missed an issue. Maybe I did – what happened to Power Boy?

I note in the ads for the Action Comics annual, that I might have guessed correctly about the current storyline (even though I called Action Comics, “Adventure Comics” in that other post :o )

Nothing. It’s a fill-in (it says “this takes place after issue 10” in a caption on the first page).

[QUOTE=Lightray52: Ralph’s teaser with Supernova was just annoying…[/QUOTE]
And somehow, I doubt that the resolution is going to make much sense.

Okay, then. I’ll just file this one under “annoying”, as well.

We’ve already had someone spoil 52 #31 - could someone spoil #30 for me? My shop never got them in (thanks, UPS!)

Could someone tell me about Rick Tyler? I thought he was dead and replaced by the android from DC 1,000,000. Is JSA #1 Jesse’s first appearance as Liberty Belle?

I wish they’d explain why there is a JSA and a JLA, instead of the latter being a continuation of the former. It’s like having a police department and sheriff’s department with overlapping jurisdictions. What makes one case Superman’s problem and not Alan Scott’s?

That was Lex? I assumed it was the teammate they were talking about. If it was, you’re right about poorly-drawn. :confused:

Rick was in retirement (and dying of cancer) when the android became the new Hourman, but has never been dead. The android Hourman cured him and Rick resumed being Hourman. The android ultimately sacrificed itself by switching places with the original Hourman, Rex Tyler, at the battle against Extant in Zero Hour.


REX Tyler was dead. Killed by Extant in Zero Hour. He isn’t, any longer, as Rick arranged with the Android to get an hour with Rex - who was pulled from the moment immediately before his death for that hour - then, when he was mortally wounded himself, he switched places with his father. After they repaired Rick’s injuries, the Android stepped in to be the Hourman that Extant killed.

Why are there the Teen Titans, instead of them just being part of the JLA? Why are there solo heroes instead of everyone just being brought in under the JLA banner?

The two teams have different historical contexts and internal dynamics. The JLA is the world’s biggest heroes banding together to face threats they couldn’t face individually. Period. They’re friendly by necessity, but that’s not part of the team’s reasons for being. The JSA is a continuation of the world’s first superteam, which has, through the incorporation of the children, grandchildren and other heirs to the mantles of older heroes, built into a family, and school, of sorts.

I’m pretty sure you had it right. Hannibal is bald, too, and that is exactly his power, as was indicated in the conversation they were having.

New Tales of Old Palomar - Beto goes back to the well of Palomar and begins fleshing out characters already pretty well fleshed out. Still great writing and artwork but I’ll be interested to see if he breaks any new ground with it.

New Universal - After Transmetropolitan I’ll give anything Warren Ellis writes a solid try. I’ve got no damn idea what’s going on but there’s a bundle of storylines and I’ll stick with it to see how it comes together.

I picked up the Archive edition #20 of Eisner’s The Spirit.

Complete collection, so far. :cool:

The more I read The Spirit, the more I admire Eisner’s writing.

The last story in this volume is very odd…

I felt the same way, but there is a caption in number 5 that says that the story continues in Brave New World. I dug that out, and that has the story about saving the President (kinda) and more of his fight against the tiny guys on the dog. Still a good comic though.

Yeah, that actually makes more sense.

Can anyone spoil the following for me? I get comics monthly now (or longer). I hate posting what seems like old news, but I plan on being more active when I have a chance.

  1. Why did they renumber JSA to #1?

  2. Superman Confidential #2 sounds interesting. Is #1 any good? What happened with the volcano in #2?


It’s a new series. The old series was simply “JSA.” This one is titled “Justice Society of America”–though of course, it does abbreviate to “JSA.”

So they ended the Old JSA title to start a new J.S.A. title? Odd