Gingerbread Nazis

Artist Keith McGuckin created a display depicting a Christmas themed Nazi rally, complete with a gingerbread Hitler and a crowd giving the Nazi salute.

Here’s a better picture:

Nice candles.

Is that barbed wire round the ones at each end?

That explains the strange looks my gingerbread men were giving the blintzes…

I guess it could be worse… imagine what this guy could do with model train sets, Christmas stockings, and yule logs.

For some reason that picture reminded me of the South Park episode where Cartman goes all Adolf Hitler.

Mmmmm . . . Nazilicious!

[Homer] Gingerbread Nazi’s … drool [/Homer]

Godwin’s Law of Cookies: As Christmas cookie making continues, the probability of gingerbread Nazis or a gingerbread Hitler approaches one.

I though the whole display was amusing! And as stated above, it looks like a “South Park” cartoon. It’s satire, not promotion of the bad guys. :slight_smile:

Oh, man, this is giving me all sorts of ideas . . . gingerbread men strip clubs (complete with candy-cane pole), gingerbread hookers (the fishnet stockings would be fun to draw with icing) . . . .

I feel the deep-seated urge to bake.

Heh. Now I know what “A Prussian Blue Christmas” would be like.

I do have a problem with the fire. It would be more appropriate ro have a crematorium/hearth/fireplace, with a smokestack, for them to gather in front of – maybe with a couple of legs sticking out.

Marley23 wins the thread!

Maybe next year they can do a Nazi nativity scene, presided over by gingerbread German shepherds. All set atop a german chocolate cake.

Nah. It needs to be some kind of bizarre Nazi ritual involving the Spear of Destiny.

I hate the Gingerbread Nazi Party.

“Come on, Johnny, be a smartie - why not bake the Nazi Party?”

Yes, the party sucked – but they had music with a good beat that you could march to.

Funny, where I come from they don’t call it “baking”.


This gingerbread idea puts me in mind of one of the most hilarious moments from “Shrek”. The Gingerbread man is lashed down and tells the Prince, " Eat Me !! "



I thought it was a little funny, South Park-esque humor too. Then again, I’ve got a sick sense of humor. “What is the worst thing gingerbread men could do?” Last year’s GB diorama sounds like it was similarly twisted humor.

The regular site is down right now, don’t know why, but the guy who does the Something Positive webcomic had this print for sale last year. I know it makes my pole point north. I also like the Ho^3 shirt.