Creationists Call for Debate

At the Pizza Parlor, there is a thread started at at which Mr. Anderson has called SnowFrost and myself to debate Creation Science vs. Theistic Evolution (and presumably alternative theories, including evolution without any action by God). I asked for and received the OK to request David B. and Satan to join us. Others are more than welcome as well.

God help us all…

Yer pal,
Satan - Commissioner, The Teeming Minions

Five months, three weeks, two days, 14 hours, 14 minutes and 58 seconds.
7063 cigarettes not smoked, saving $882.97.
Extra life with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 3 days, 12 hours, 35 minutes.

*“I’m a big Genesis fan.”-David B. (Amen, brother!) **

Much as I would love to join the good fight, and as active a participant as I was in previous LBMB C vs. E wars, I just don’t have the time, energy, or headache medication to jump into the middle of this one.

I’ll poke my head in occasionally, though. Good luck.

Dr. J

I also went for a look and posted (probably pointlessly).

l am with Satan on these guys.
Diety help us,

Their OP starts with a poll.

An opinion poll on creation that start out “God created the world: a, b, c, etc.” leaving no option for non “god-botherers” to express an opinion, does not indicate that they want a rational debate, just a soap-box to preach from.

I also had a look around some of their other threads, Wow, what a bunch of wierdos!!

It certainly shows that the fight against ignoance may need to get fairly ferocious.

Well, they probably say pretty much the same sort of thing about us. In fact, I know they do. :wink:


I’m sure they do say the same things about us.

I wonder if their motto is
“fighting FOR ignorance”

What the #$%@ is this thing??

Being as I’m relatively new here, I’ll plead ignorance on the Pizza Parlor thingy. It looks just like the SDMB, but with cosiderably uhhh…different slant to it.

Is it some kind of bizarro SDMB???
A mass halluciation perhaps?

The Pizza Parlor was started by some people fleeing the Left Behind Message Board (a very fundamentalist Christian MB, created for fans of the Left Behind series of books). So naturally, the crowd over there is primarily fundamentalist Christian, and don’t have quite the diversity of religious beliefs and strongly skeptical bents that you can find here.

Thank you Gaudere, I had seen references to LBMB, but did not know what it meant.

Given the contexts in which it was referred to, I had assumed it stood for Lame Brain Message Board.

Thanks for the invite, Poly, but I think I’m gonna have to pass (although you never know – I might decide to poke my head in). The thing that really killed it for me was Gaudere’s explanation of the place:

I know how it was trying to “debate” the LBMBers. Their tactics seemed to revolve around ignoring any evidence they didn’t like until it fell so far behind in the thread that nobody remembered it any more. :frowning:

Satan, they must censor their MB heavily as I could not find your post.

Could you post it here also?

I like a good laugh, I would love to see how you handled them.

I think Satan is “NYCNative” there.

Yes, I am NYCNative on that board.

When we originally (insert tongue in cheek) invaded the LBMB, I went by the name Stan A. I did not think that me choosing the name Satan would have endeared them to me, but I liked the acronym. I even signed off, “Yer pal, Stan A!”

Anyway, after the Great Board War of the millenia (so named because it happened right before Y2K was ushered in), my old user name was banned. I came back - disclosing who I really was - as NYCNative because… Well, it was the best I could come up with! :smiley:

Yer pal,
Satan - Commissioner, The Teeming Minions

Five months, three weeks, two days, 21 hours, 51 minutes and 16 seconds.
7076 cigarettes not smoked, saving $884.55.
Extra life with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 3 days, 13 hours, 40 minutes.

*“I’m a big Genesis fan.”-David B. (Amen, brother!) **

OK, I couldn’t resist – damn you, Polycarp! I had a few minutes (a rare commodity for me these days) and went over there. I stuck with the old name I had on the LBMB before. Wonder if they’ll recognize me. :slight_smile:

How could they forget, “Daniel”? :wink:

Humblest apologies Satan, I certainly should have recognised your style.
They have said that they are going to amend their poll, so now maybe we can go tell them after all.

Yeah, I see that my “cover” was blown before I even decided to register as Daniel! Now I wonder if they remember WHY I chose that handle.

(Of course, if I wanted to be secretive, I wouldn’t have referred in another thread to an article I wrote and noted that, well, I wrote it. :slight_smile: )


Damn straight! :wink:

Well, I ain’t part of this “we.” While I argued that the option should have been there to be fair and do a better job with giving an answer that fits some people, I never said that was my personal choice…

That said, I go back to this comment: “Here at The Straight Dope, we don’t take votes on the facts.” I wonder what great person said that? :slight_smile:

Yer pal,
Satan - Commissioner, The Teeming Minions

Five months, three weeks, two days, 22 hours, 43 minutes and 17 seconds.
7077 cigarettes not smoked, saving $884.73.
Extra life with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 3 days, 13 hours, 45 minutes.

*“I’m a big Genesis fan.”-David B. (Amen, brother!) **

Sorry Satan,

Apologising again, damnit, this time for being presumptuios.
Two apologies before breakfast, a new personal best.

They are a funny lot over there though!

Hilarious, one could be mistaken for thinking it a parody. best thing since sliced bread. (roughly 1939, but I could easily stand corrected)


I find it dis-enheartening hat NONE of you have learned anything since the last time you tried this stuff.

If you would like to com and voice your opinions, please do. But also pelase respect others by not posting back hare on how ignorant the ‘Christians’ are, or making fun, or asking for the ‘diety’s help’.

All I ask is the same amountof respect that I have for all of you. So far in this thread I see zero respect.

Thanks for at least reading this, even if it will do nothing.