Giant Vibrator Shaking My House!

rattle rattle rattle

So it’s a nice day outside. Birds chirping, light breeze keeping it cool, blue sky without a cloud in sight.

thud crash tinkle tinkle tinkle

There’s a downside, though. A permeating, all-encompassing rumble. Like an earthquake, except more localized.

BOOM rattle rattle BOOM

It’s the sound of a gigantic, multi-ton vibrating machine of death clanking its way up and down my block. Shaking my windows in their frames, rattling dishes in my cupboards, scaring hell out of my cats, sending books flying from the shelves… and making it hard to so much as THINK.

HRrrrmmmmm rattle Hrrrrmmmm THUD THUD THUD

They tell me the road will be done soon – say, a month, weather permitting.


Ah, ok. I’ll just clean all this up, then. Every. Freaking. Day. whimper

This reminds me of the time my dad went outside to work on my mom’s car. We heard an enormous boom, shaking the entire house. We thought the gas main had exploded outside, or the gas tank in her car! Turns out, a rock quary had just opened less than a mile from our house. We ended up in a long, drawn out, class-action law suit, which we won, but it was still a pain in the ass every time they blasted.

You know, I read the thread title and I got a much different mental image…