Ask the gal who just had total knee replacement surgery

I had my right knee replaced on 4/23/07. Today I drove for the first time since then - boy, are my driving muscles out of shape.
So, what would you like to know?

You still get to ride your bike? Or is that on temp hiatus?

Vroom vroom

I don’t ride a (motor)bike - are you thinking of someoe else? or are you referrencing “Rose Is Rose”'s alter ego?

Got my wires crossed, I guess.

What did they say about the scar? Is it gonna be a major one or will it fade?

What’s your PT schedule like? Can you do it yourself or did they want it supervised (how long)?

They’ve told me I can apply Maderma (as directed) to help it fade, but I know from my hip replacement surgery 5 ad half years ago, the scar will fade eventually.

So far, a PTist has come to my home 3 times a week (tomorrow will be the last one of those sessions); Next week, in the evening after work, I will start out patient therapy two or three times a week. I also have exercises to do at home and a recumbant bike for aerobic purposes.

Sick of your friends and family making cyborg jokes yet?

Do you mind if I ask about how old you are? IOW, is this age-related or degenerative disease (rheumatoid arthritis or something) related?

Are the joints good for more than 10 years now?

Glad to hear you’re doing ok **Rosie. Keep doing your exercises. I didn’t make it into the MMP this week, so I’ll say my congrats here.

Well, we are callin’ her BioRosie over in the MMP. :smiley:

However, since I’m here right now… Given you’re great progress with the right knee, are you giving any thought to getting the left one done anytime soon?

They (my non-cyber friends) actually stopped within a year after my double hip replacement :slight_smile:

I am 48 and have been living with osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis since late in 1995

The titanium replacement joints they’ve been making recently are good for about 40 years; they (my hips and knee(s) (because in about a year or so, I will have the left one replaced as well) will likely outlast me.

Thank you.

Which is a lot better than some other things I’ve been called thru the years :wink:

Three things have to happen first. A) I need to wait until I can take more short term disability time, b) I need for my right leg to be much much stronger, and c) I need to lose at least another 30 lbs. So, it’ll probably be next spring. Maybe earlier. It all depends on my calendar.

Thanks for the info! Best wishes on a speedy rehab!

Hope you get through rehab soon, iRosie.

Actually I’m pretty far along, and I’ll be going back to work on Monday - then it’s evening PT 2 or 3 times a week - I’ll be doing that for several months, building up strength and endurance (and hopefully that’ll help me lose weight, too)

My SO is scheduled for one of those next month. She’s getting the Minimally Invasive procedure. How was your pain, post-op? How soon were you able to switch from walker to cane? Were you able to navigate stairs (ie. move to a second floor)?

Is she getting a total replacement? or just orthoscopic surgery?
Initially post-op (first few days) my pain level was very high. But a week later, once I was in rehab, it neve got beyond moderately high, and usually stayed between that and moderate. Now, all I am dealing with is muscle stiffness and muscle soreness, but no real pain.
I was doing rehab stairs (short risers, long & wide steps, 4 steps to a platform and back down) by the 4th day in rehab (11 days after surgery). I live in a high ranch so I have to do stairs if I want to go outside. Those were tricky, because normal stairs are steeper and shorter than the rehab practice stairs. But I manage them with one railing and one crutch. Around the house, I do not use any support (cane, walker, crutch) but when I go outside, I bring one crutch, just in case (and also for any steps I may encounter, including sidewalk curbs)

It’s a total knee replacement. But, the incision is very small. We live in a two story house and of course the sleeping/bathing areas are on the second level. I’m worried about her getting up and down the stairs in the first week after surgery. Her sister lives nearby and has a ranch-style house with shower on the main level, so I can take her there if necessary.

Rosie, I just sent you a private message, but I sent it twice, sorry. :smack:

thank you - and I replied (but to only one of them ;))

the first few weeks for her will be very tough - if you have a loo on the first floor, maybe she could sleep in the living room - but I am surprised she isn’t doing in patient physical therapy for a week or so before being sent home. How will she be handling PT (which is essential after any joint surgery)?