Where's Dixie ?

Where’s Dixie. In fact where’s Apacherat, Hacksaw, Becky, Twinkle and a few dozen more ? These individuals are well know conservatives who have disappeared from the < usmilitary.about.com > forum. Actually they were banned from this left wing liberal military website forum.
The question is, why are conservatives held to a higher standard than liberals ?

:dubious: Are you sure you’re in the right forum? For that matter, the right message board?

Isn’t there some line to the south of which is Dixie?

While I actually know the answer to your questions, I am duty-bound to move this to our forum for rants, raves, and loonie-toonieness.

samclem GQ moderator, and all-around liberal facilitator, conservative quasher, and trouble maker.

You know that’s not going to stop me from punishing you for this, right?

Wow, and I didn’t even know this was a left wing liberal military website forum!

So is it a left-wing, liberal, military website forum?
Or is it a left-wing, liberal military, website forum?
Or is it a left-wing, liberal, military, website forum?
Or is it a left-wing, liberal military website forum?
Or is it…

Hey! I need the points.

I wish I were in Dixie.

Oh, wait, I am.

Woohoo! I’m American by birth, Southern by the grace of…ok, I’m Southern because I moved to the DC area after college, and figured that taxes were lower in Virginia than the District or Maryland. But that doesn’t work as well as a slogan.

I missed the part about red necks and white men.

Well, ya gotta ask her first. 'Tis only polite.

American by birth, Southern by financial expediency?

I like it. You and I should go into the bumper sticker business.

Surely you didn’t miss the followup …

Dude, it’s not nice bragging about these things on message boards. Dixie’s gonna be pissed.

I was told there was pie.

It would have to be pecan or sweet potato.

Or Moon.

(Emphasis added.)

Wonderful! We can always use another kinsman to fight the tyranny of nanny government. :slight_smile:


And by the way, Dixie’s right here. Under my ass.

A Gentleman Never Discloses Who Sucked Him Off

Doesn’t this violate the “no cross-board war encouraging” rule?

Very likely not. It sounds like the OP may very well be on the right drugs though.