Ask Q.E.D. anything!

Sometimes there are those members here you see all the time but still remain mysterious. I’ve asked him permission to start a different sort of “ask the” thread.

We’ve seen him tackle GQ questions ranging from advanced physics to complicated electronics. Now it’s time for some more low-brow questions. Please keep yourself from asking questions that dwell into the personal information.

I’ll start…

QED, do you prefer chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, or cookie dough?

What color is your stapler?

Also, what the heck is a Butterfinger bar made of? I’m not sure “crunchety” is an actual word.

Boxers or briefs?




I have no idea, but it sticks in the crevices of my teeth and annoys me.


On me, or someone else? :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you prefer kittens, puppies, or reptiles?
Where would you like to vacation if money and time were not restricted?

If you were a tree, what flavor of ice cream would you be?

**Q.E.D.- ** what is the meaning of life (in the form of a haiku [featuring any sexy actress from the 1970s])?

Do you come quickly?

what color is you hair, really?

Q.E.D. - should Sampiro’s sentence above be rewritten so that the brackets are on the outside and the parentheses within?

If you had to have sex with one of the following male guest stars on Gilligan’s Island, which would it be, and defend your answer: Vito Scotti, Don Rickles, Hans Conried, Phil Silvers, or John McGiver?

The squid or the goat?

Q.E.D., if you were elected president, what would be your first law?

Also, Coke or Pepsi?


Kittens. But, puppies can be pretty tasty when prepared well, too.

Randy Seltzer:



Yes, if I’m nearby when I’m called.


Barbara Eden says:
Life is just a total bitch
Then you will die




Why not?


Ginger. (What, you didn’t think I was going to play by your rules, did you?)


I prefer squigoaphant, which is a squid stuffed into a goat, stuffed into an elephant. Unfortunately, no one makes an oven large enough to cook one.


I would change red to mean “go” and green to mean “stop.” I think the resulting confusion could be amusing.

Always, Coke. Regular Coke, that is. Pepsi tastes like warm spit and Diet Coke tastes like ass.

So anyway, this buddy of mine in high school, who had a habit of wearing a bit too much cologne, came down to breakfast one day with a bit of a perfume stank on, prompting his father to proclaim, “Scott, you smell like a French whore!” To which his mother rejoined, “Scott, why don’t you ask your father how he knows what a French whore smells like?”

Being a mammal, I pretty much constantly have a mouth full of warm spit. And anyone who’s gone downtown on his lady friend knows what ass tastes like. :stuck_out_tongue:

you forgot this one:

If the inter-galactic federation discovered that an error in computation led to the answer of 42, what would be the real answer to the Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything?

SSG Schwartz

Methinks you might be munching the wrong bits there Q. :dubious:


I hear the rings of Saturn are nice this time of year. Or Australia. Either one.

SSG Schwartz:



What, you never missed in the dark? :wink:

Well, I’m usually looking for the pointy bits and I grant you they’re a little harder to miss. :cool: