I Pit Obama and his Kool Aid Drinking Puppets

The level of groupthink present among the Obamamessiah’s disciples is astrounding. Is Obama truly stupid enough to believe the asinine things spewing out of his mouth on a daily basis? Do they not teach economics at Harvard?

I don’t think he is that stupid. I think he simply knows the right things to say to attract the type of Kool Aid drinking drones That support him.

“OMG! Someone has more of something than me! WAH!!! WAH!!!” <crosses arms and sulks in a corner> “This is not fair!!!”

Obama knows the true extend of the utter numbskullery present in his puppets. He knows his followers aren’t even smart enough to set their own thermostats!

Well Mr Obama, unlike the mental midgets you have managed to assimilate with your “world owes me something” socialist rhetoric, I know how to adjust my own dial, and I don’t give a shit what the rest of the world, or YOU, think about it!

Clearly, that’s not true.


Well I’m convinced. I’m voting for Barr now.

Nope. Yale neither.

Wow, an OP with no cites, no real quotes, no hard fiscal statistics or analysis, and lots and lots of invective and repetitive talking points.

And he’s against Kool Aid drinking puppets!

It’s Flavor Aid, dammit - unless the Kool-Aid of the title is a reference to immaturity/youthfulness.

It’s a Pit, not a research paper. If you have any cites or statistics to prove me wrong, feel free to add them to the thread.

Can you a candidate who ran for President that did not just spit out bullshit rhetoric?

I wondered what the Raelians had been up to lately…

How is this different than most political threads around here these days? What, the OP was supposed to link to some news article and misinterpret it? Isn’t that pretty much how it works around here?

Yep I know. But most people don’t get the reference.

Dude. What the fuck are you talking about?

Perot maybe? Except when he withdrew and said Bush was out to get him and whatnot.

I think you have to make a claim first.

I like Obama. I think I’m going to vote for him.

He did make a claim: Libruls are stoopid pinko crybabies.

I’m not saying there’s an actual coherent idea in the vacuum of his blather, but there is (to be a bit generous) an assertion.

Perot? You have to be kidding me. His whole campaign was Washington insiders this and foreigners stealing our jobs that. And then there was the insanely stupid idea of the electronic town halls.

Yeah, I want my share of that swanky rich-dude stuff too.

Let me translate in to Middle Right-Wing Talking Pointese:

Obama liberal! Liberal bad! We’re scared of Obama! He’s popular! Our candidate is 145 years old and can’t tell a Sunni from a Loonie! We’re gonna LOOOOOOSE!!!

Let translate into Middle Loony Moonbat:

aaaa-HA HA HA HA HA! Yippie skippy, whoop de whoopity doo! Giggle, snerk, guffaw, har de har de har har har!